I'm going to call the FBI and see if I can get the following changed.
1) Cooper was between 4'9" & 6' 4"
2) Cooper was bald on top, but could of used Ron Popeil's spray on hair.
3) Cooper was between the ages of 29-60
4) Cooper worked in the airlines. probably a Purser.
5) Cooper was known to be the same height as Tina Mucklow (outside the aircraft)
6) Cooper weighed 130-190
7) Cooper had a light skin tone (outside the cabin)
This will be a one time deal. I can't keep sending them false information all the time. this will be sent in a PDF format. not all of the changes will be made public. I have a trust issue in Cooperville. you know how it is, right? 
You nailed this one when you posted a Larry Carr quote as your tag line. Some people are just so sure that their guy is Cooper that any contradictory information has to be wrong and must be discounted some how. You can't reason with these people or present any alternate argument. They already "know" who Cooper is.
Robert has to discount what are pretty consistent descriptions between the two people (Flo and Tina) who had reason to take note of his description while still in his presence. Discounting that description might be reasonable if there were other compelling evidence for Kenny, but........haven't we talked about this already? 
We have been over this so any times; it has become nauseating!
Blevins whole statement on this issue is falsehoods and propaganda. It's absurd on it's face! It's is so absurd there is no excuse for it other than as intentional propaganda seeking to sow doubt and disruption, in weak minds who know no better. He has been repeating this mantra of falsehoods since 8-2010 on a website run by skydivers who supposedly pride themselves in technical accuracy. Who can explain this contradiction in terms!?
Let's look at Blevins restatement of this B>S> from last night, quote:
I wasn't 'claiming' anything. It was just a subjective experience I related from a flight I took on another 727The point was plain and simple. Boone looked taller than he really was. And I think being inside an airliner cabin had something to do with it. This is because once he was out in the open, it was easy to see he was shorter than I was. Not scientific, just a personal observation.
Maybe this is the reason even the stewardesses couldn't agree on how tall Cooper was exactly, and the same thing goes for the other witnesses. No matter how you cut the mustard, descriptions by witnesses on Cooper ran anywhere from 'No taller than five-nine' (Robert Gregory) 'Six feet, no shorter' (Flo Schaffner) 'Between five ten and six feet' (Tina Mucklow) So who is right?"
[1] Of course Bevins is
claiming something! He is claiming all of the descriptions of Cooper were "all over the map (his words)" and so inconsistent and unreliable as to allow his candidate Christiansen who was 5feet 8inches to be seen as being taller - 6 feet or more! The FBI and others say the descriptions were quite consistent or even 'remarkably consistent'. So who is right? Blevins, the FBI, others... ? Blevins claims is is right and everyone else is wrong on this point.
[2] Blevins claims an actual instance as the basis of his argument, he himself experienced on an airplane. A person appeared to him taller inside an airplane than on the ground in the open. From this Blevins wants to alter physical optics seen by all humans inside airplanes! Again, Blevins' premise is that he saw what he claims he saw and is not lying or was not mistaken, and his claimed experience is 'universal' and the standard by which everyone else should be judged , and that 'he' is the perfect detector and everyone else is an imperfect detector! Blevins is claiming he is the 'gold standard' against which everyone and everything else should be judged! And, he says all of this after just saying: "
It was just a subjective experience I had! Blevins is contradicting himself!
[3] In #2 above Blevins has established a straw man - an unproved fallacy. Now Blevins does what Blevins always does, he uses his straw man fallacy and draws a sweeping untrue conclusion from that, namely:
"Maybe this is the reason even the stewardesses couldn't agree on how tall Cooper was exactly, and the same thing goes for the other witnesses." Blevins' argument is plainly circular. He is assuming the truth of the proposition he is trying to prove!
The whole thing is a gimmick Blevins always employs, when the true facts do not support his claims.
Blevins has been engaging in his straw man fallacies since the day he appeared at Dropzone. I am convinced he literally doesn't know the difference! Blevins is just profoundly unscrupulous and deluded, and he doesn't know the difference. And time after time since 2010, when these problems with his thinking are pointed out, his habit is to turn tail and run saying: "
I never said that!, and what he does is slink back to try another reformulation of what he has just said and he posts that also ... endlessly. And he will do it again because he is up against the wall and ran out of real options clear back about 2012!
It is now 2015! Maybe this whole charade is as simple as Blevins needing his eyes checked!