Hi guys,
I came across the above comments which were made when I was banned from the site and would like to address them. First is the description of Cooper's age. Remember, the main source of the estimation of Coopers age is the opinions of a 22 year old woman and a 23 year old woman. A middle aged man described the Cooper suspect as in his thirties.
The estimation of someones age is a subjective thing, at best. One example that comes to mind for me is many people mistake my older brother as my younger brother. He weighs about a hundred pounds less than me, is very fit, and has a whole head of thick hair (unlike me, who got genetically screwed

). My brother is seven years older than I am. People age differently. Most people's age can be reasonably estimated, but there are a few outliers out there who appear older, or younger, than they really are.
Another example that pops in my head concerns a conversation I had last year with my then 23 year old daughter. She was telling me and my wife about a "creepy old guy" at the bar that was hitting on her and trying to buy her a drink.
"How old was this creepy old guy?" I asked.
"29" she responded.
Women in their early twenties aren't always the best people to ask to estimate age, but they're pretty good at details like hair, teeth, eye color, etc.
When I look at the last known photo of Dick Lepsy (below), I don't see your typical 33 year old. He looks more like he's 43 to me. Years of smoking, stress, sun exposure and drinking are also factors which could prematurely age someone. And then there's mannerisms. Dick Lepsy managed a large grocery store at age 30. That's quite an accomplishment. He would have had to carry himself with confidence and an air of authority to gain respect from his employees, many who were older than him. To those who knew him, he probably did seem much older than he was.