Now there is a show on called Astonishing Legends. 2 or 3 part story. Part 2 released last night. Two guys talking about it but much nonsense in between. So does anyone here believe Richard McCoy's daughter should be subjected to a lie detector test based on her allegations? I certainly do.
Refresh my memory, how old was Chante when her dad was killed? We didn't really hear much from her in Dan's video about why she thought her dad was Cooper. It seems that it's mostly second hand info, which if she believes it, means she would probably pass the polygraph (see Marla Cooper), which would mean absolutely nothing.
Well it was about protecting the mother from prosecution and once she passed away, then it opened the flood gates for the son and daughter and Dan Gryder was there to use the info. The best piece of evidence and only one so far that would make me think twice about Richard McCoy being Cooper is that stuff the other guy on YouTube put out about the "Turkey Neck". Heard of this? How bout you Bruce? But once again, if you are going to shoot down Richard's daughter I am going to shoot down this punk that was 21 that had a seat on the plane, had the hots for Tina and Flo, and was just wondering why this older man was getting all the attention. Well fella, the guy that EU begged to come to Cooper Con and finally got him, your testimony of the Turkey neck ( which you cant remember now by the way), is something they are hanging their hats on to discount Richard Floyd McCoy. An ex green beret for Gods sake to boot. I still would like to see Chante take the lie detector .She says her father did it and I guess I will watch Dan Gryder's show again at some point but he has really put Richard back on the map. I will admit that EU's boy, Sheridan, does also have a good resemblance to the composite sketch, but i think McCoy is still my pick.
Richard McCoy looks absolutely nothing like ANY of the sketches. The sketches don't meant the world, typically, but to me, they kind of do. Let's get one thing straight:
Sheridan Peterson looks absolutely nothing like ANY of the sketches. McCoy doesn't, either.
Why do "suspect people" (people who have a commonly debated suspect as the hijacker) pick and choose what facts to pay attention to, and which to utterly ignore? Honest question, I'm not being rude.
For the billionth time, McCoy was immediately rejected by all on the flight who assisted in compiling the sketches. Not only that,
Do you think LDS Utah, pale white skin blue-eyed, balding (or completely bald in Peterson's case) Rich McCoy would EVER be confused for being LATIN American? Would anyone ever see a Utah Mormon with white skin, sandy blond hair and blue/green eyes and wonder "Gee, I wonder what Latin American country he comes from?"
So. He was unequivocally rejected by everyone who saw Cooper, including Mucklow, who was sharp as a tack and chatted the man up for four freaking hours, was thoroughly investigated by the FBI and of course, dismissed as being Cooper by them, his crime and general demeanor is absurdly different, *and* he looks absolutely nothing like any sketch?
How much more air tight could it possibly be that Richard McCoy is simply hijacker Richard McCoy and nobody else (James Johnson I guess). How much would it take to finally put this to bed? The FBI thoroughly investigating him and saying decisively, "hey, it's not him." Would that change anything? Because they did that already, 50 years ago and then about ten years ago. Maybe a third time would get it to sink, perhaps not.
I think what frustrates me the most with these things, people stuck on easily dismissed, thoroughly investigated and rules out suspects is the level of inherent arrogance it takes to keep bringing them up and saying things like "I doubt the eyewitnesses," or bending whatever narrative to fit whatever you need it to in order for your suspect to be the guy.
How unabashedly arrogant to just dismiss the years of work everyone else has done, including dozens of old FBI agents AND the people on the plane with the guy!!
Are you kidding me? So they're ALL wrong, right? All of the FBI agents, all the people alive who ever saw this guy Cooper, are all wrong and you, you are right?
On what grounds? What evidence do you have? The burden of proof is on the one making the assertion, not the person refuting the claim. Proving it does NOT mean hatting with some random people 50+ years later and talking about "what ole uncle Gherkins did by the barn back in nun-tain sebbendy wun." Gimme a break, man. I don't care what the guys family says unless they've got some of those twenty dollar bills handy or maybe the toupe he would have had to have worn on 24 Nov 71.