I would agree. they are not going to spend any resources on the case anymore. if a lead comes in, I'm guessing it will have to be a very good one. it's the last thing on there minds IMO.
If someone walked into the F.B.I. building with the missing $194,200 in their hands they'd probably still be asked to come back when things were less busy 
18, you really think the FBI isn't talking to me because they're too busy?
Or they can't find the cigarette butts because they're too busy?
Or find the written report on the saliva-based DNA profile because they're too busy?
Or Jeremy Blauser has vanished and remains unfound because the Bureau is too busy?
Or the reports from Calame and Rhodes go unchecked because the FBI is too busy?
Or no feds were on the ground search on T-Day weekend because they were too busy?
Or the feds refuse to attend any DB Cooper Symposia because they're too busy?
So, the question really is Eighteen-C, how do you feel about the FBI and law enforcement in general? Heroes? First responders who keep us safe? Hired guns who protect the 1% A bunch of guys and gals who try to do the right thing put have to deal with a lot of politicians who muck things up?
Do you think the FBI is telling you the truth?
Have you ever met a cop who lied to you?
How about a cop who broke the law to enforce his version of justice?
Let's go to Ferguson the next time you're in the States......