Author Topic: Suspects And Confessions  (Read 1667796 times)

Offline DBfan57

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4890 on: December 23, 2021, 01:14:12 PM »
I believe the argument presented by Ulis is not very strong to blow Gryder out of the water.  The tie and the money find?  OK.  Pretty sketchy .Maybe the tie was not purchased by Cooper or McCoy whether they are the same or not? The copy right stuff is what it is.  Its got nothing to do with the case.  Gryder has put on a very strong case for McCoy IMO.  Its not sealed and finished, but its compelling.  There is no solid forensic evidence and the Cooper world will likely hang their hats on that. 

Mr Ulis makes a big deal about the eye witness account of Coopers age.  Hell, Gryder is correct.  McCoy looks far older than 28 back then. He looks in his 40.  He looks like someone out of Dillinger's gang.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2021, 02:55:41 PM by DBfan57 »

Offline MEYDC

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4891 on: December 23, 2021, 05:42:45 PM »
I like McCoy as a suspect. He had the skills to do it.  The big problem is that no one recognized him. To overcome that you would need physical evidence to support the case for McCoy being Cooper. The big thing would be some money, or a parachute. Calaame and Rhodes were able to put him in Vegas with receipts which would be a good place to launder money.

Offline georger

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4892 on: December 23, 2021, 11:30:36 PM »
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I like McCoy as a suspect. He had the skills to do it.  The big problem is that no one recognized him. To overcome that you would need physical evidence to support the case for McCoy being Cooper. The big thing would be some money, or a parachute. Calaame and Rhodes were able to put him in Vegas with receipts which would be a good place to launder money.

Vegas is also a good place to buy whores, cars, and camels! So what! Has nothing to do with the Cooper case.

McCoy was a talker. Prior to being arrested he basically bragged to a friend about his escapade, and the friend immediately called law enforcement. McCoy bragged to others about his adventures. In none of his bragging did he say anything that connected to the Cooper hijacking. Its likely that had he done the Cooper hijacking he would have bragged about that also ... why not! He hadnt been arrested for anything yet ...
« Last Edit: December 23, 2021, 11:31:11 PM by georger »

Offline Parrotheadvol

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4893 on: December 24, 2021, 12:45:45 AM »
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I like McCoy as a suspect. He had the skills to do it.  The big problem is that no one recognized him. To overcome that you would need physical evidence to support the case for McCoy being Cooper. The big thing would be some money, or a parachute. Calaame and Rhodes were able to put him in Vegas with receipts which would be a good place to launder money.

Vegas is also a good place to buy whores, cars, and camels! So what! Has nothing to do with the Cooper case.

McCoy was a talker. Prior to being arrested he basically bragged to a friend about his escapade, and the friend immediately called law enforcement. McCoy bragged to others about his adventures. In none of his bragging did he say anything that connected to the Cooper hijacking. Its likely that had he done the Cooper hijacking he would have bragged about that also ... why not! He hadnt been arrested for anything yet ...

Didn't he actually brag before he did his hijacking? Basically told a friend how he would have went about doing the Cooper hijacking?

Offline JAG

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4894 on: December 24, 2021, 06:50:01 AM »
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I like McCoy as a suspect. He had the skills to do it.  The big problem is that no one recognized him. To overcome that you would need physical evidence to support the case for McCoy being Cooper. The big thing would be some money, or a parachute. Calaame and Rhodes were able to put him in Vegas with receipts which would be a good place to launder money.

Vegas is also a good place to buy whores, cars, and camels! So what! Has nothing to do with the Cooper case.

McCoy was a talker. Prior to being arrested he basically bragged to a friend about his escapade, and the friend immediately called law enforcement. McCoy bragged to others about his adventures. In none of his bragging did he say anything that connected to the Cooper hijacking. Its likely that had he done the Cooper hijacking he would have bragged about that also ... why not! He hadnt been arrested for anything yet ...

Didn't he actually brag before he did his hijacking? Basically told a friend how he would have went about doing the Cooper hijacking?

Yes, from the FBI web site: (You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login)

Within a few hours, though, area residents woke up to news of the hijacking. The Salt Lake City Office of the FBI received a telephone call before noon from a concerned citizen who said an acquaintance had outlined a “foolproof” plan for hijacking an airplane. The acquaintance, Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr., was a Vietnam veteran, a helicopter pilot, and an avid and capable skydiver. McCoy, 29, was reportedly a member of the Utah Air National Guard and a Police Science Major at Brigham Young University. In addition, McCoy was generally known to be having serious financial problems.

It is these types of things that make it hard to swallow McCoy as Cooper.  At the risk of repeating myself and what others have been stating, Gryder made an entertaining video, but it failed to provide any evidence to overcome these obvious problems. 

In addition, Gryder isn't helping himself by lashing out at the skeptics or Darren for the logo thing.  Why not try to address their challenges/questions in an adult manner--don't be so darn thin skinned, this isn't life or death...for me it's basically entertainment.

If he or the McCoy kids follow up with some more details or address the questions about the video, then great...but until then it's closed in my mind.
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Offline DBfan57

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4895 on: December 24, 2021, 08:34:57 AM »
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I like McCoy as a suspect. He had the skills to do it.  The big problem is that no one recognized him. To overcome that you would need physical evidence to support the case for McCoy being Cooper. The big thing would be some money, or a parachute. Calaame and Rhodes were able to put him in Vegas with receipts which would be a good place to launder money.

Dan told me that "just wait for part two"!!  And I loved part 1 as I told him.  Look at McCoy's picture when he was 28.  He not only looked like the composite sketch, but he looked far far older than his age.  He looked like a cross between Dillinger and "Pretty Boy" Floyd.  Gee, good middle name for old Richard.  I am pretty confident after seeing Dan's video, documentary, that McCoy was very likely DB Cooper.  Getting any hard forensic evidence in ones hand now is going to be next to impossible.  Unless, Dan is saving something for part two?  Maybe his children are making damn sure a frustrated FBI can not come after them?  Dan was right on the money about the FBI in this case. They did a horrible job and "who loses evidence"?  Maybe they did get rid of the cigarettes later on deliberately tp make sure McCoy was never proven to be Cooper.   But Dan and his kids are doing a bang up job to prove he indeed was. Forget about the guy being in his 40' crap.  MCCOY LOOKED FAR OLDER THAN HE WAS!!!!!  Are you going to dispute that Mr Ulis?  It kills me the knee jerk reaction video's he has put out.  It just horrifies him that he may not be the one to hit pay dirt with that shovel.  And titanium on the tie does not disprove that Richard could not have done it.   He could have gotten that tie from someone that was around it or even just grabbed it somewhere.  There is no way to know.  Lets wait for part two before throwing the kitchen sink at Mr Gryder, ok Erik?  Unless you want to grab a bag with $200,000, and make the jump into the Columbia yourself?

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4896 on: December 24, 2021, 08:42:21 AM »
“ Interesting that Bill Dause was connected to McCoy. Dause has had an "interesting' career in skydiving, and has for many years owned and operated the Lodi dropzone in central/northern California.”

I first met Bill Dause at his legendary DZ in Pope Valley CA nearly half a century ago. When the Cooper skyjack hit the news skydivers in CA started calling each other speculating about which one of us did the job. Bill Dause was considered a prime suspect by skydivers until the witness descriptions definitely ruled him out on height. A few years ago (2017?) Bill’s DZ at Lodi CA was raided by a large team of federal agents armed with a search warrant who seized nearly all his files and records. No prosecution followed.



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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4897 on: December 24, 2021, 08:53:46 AM »
“ In addition, Gryder isn't helping himself by lashing out at the skeptics or Darren for the logo thing.  Why not try to address their challenges/questions in an adult manner--don't be so darn thin skinned, this isn't life or death...for me it's basically entertainment.”

Dan Gryder’s venom towards those who challenge his conclusion about McCoy being Cooper is surprising to me. He was so cordial and engaging at CC 2021. Dan should engage in a civilized debate rather than summarily labeling his critics as idiots. He can do better and really should. The goal should be truth. Truth isn’t personal.

Dan’s CHT way over redline. Richen the mixture Dan before you burn through your pistons.



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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4898 on: December 24, 2021, 10:05:49 AM »
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I like McCoy as a suspect. He had the skills to do it.  The big problem is that no one recognized him. To overcome that you would need physical evidence to support the case for McCoy being Cooper. The big thing would be some money, or a parachute. Calaame and Rhodes were able to put him in Vegas with receipts which would be a good place to launder money.

Dan told me that "just wait for part two"!!  And I loved part 1 as I told him.  Look at McCoy's picture when he was 28.  He not only looked like the composite sketch, but he looked far far older than his age.  He looked like a cross between Dillinger and "Pretty Boy" Floyd.  Gee, good middle name for old Richard.  I am pretty confident after seeing Dan's video, documentary, that McCoy was very likely DB Cooper.  Getting any hard forensic evidence in ones hand now is going to be next to impossible.  Unless, Dan is saving something for part two?  Maybe his children are making damn sure a frustrated FBI can not come after them?  Dan was right on the money about the FBI in this case. They did a horrible job and "who loses evidence"?  Maybe they did get rid of the cigarettes later on deliberately tp make sure McCoy was never proven to be Cooper.   But Dan and his kids are doing a bang up job to prove he indeed was. Forget about the guy being in his 40' crap.  MCCOY LOOKED FAR OLDER THAN HE WAS!!!!!  Are you going to dispute that Mr Ulis?  It kills me the knee jerk reaction video's he has put out.  It just horrifies him that he may not be the one to hit pay dirt with that shovel.  And titanium on the tie does not disprove that Richard could not have done it.   He could have gotten that tie from someone that was around it or even just grabbed it somewhere.  There is no way to know.  Lets wait for part two before throwing the kitchen sink at Mr Gryder, ok Erik?  Unless you want to grab a bag with $200,000, and make the jump into the Columbia yourself?

- I have to agree about the age issue here.  For me, McCoy passes pretty easily for looking 10 or so years older than he was.

- I don't think the FBI intentionally destroyed the cigarettes to hide or cover up McCoy as being Cooper.  I attached a picture to this post from the 302s from December of 1971 which captures a note to the FBI lab asking them to examine the cigarettes.  At the end of the note, it says that the above "enclosed", ( I take this to be the evidence i.e. cigarettes), can be destroyed when the lab is done.  So this is 4 months BEFORE McCOY hijacked UAL 855.  I am sure that other folks on the forum have additional notes and information about how and when the butts were lost/destroyed...but this snippet is hanging out right there in part 65.

- I have a totally open mind, so if Dan puts out part 2, and he should do it to address the holes if he is so confident and wants to convince people, I will definitely watch it and be open to change my mind.  It's a little interesting that he never indicated a part 2 prior, he said that this would be definitive and then he would walk away and not address anything, seems to have had a change of heart.

Anyway, cheers DBFAN....Happy and Merry to you and all on the forum !

Offline DBfan57

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4899 on: December 24, 2021, 10:46:23 AM »
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I like McCoy as a suspect. He had the skills to do it.  The big problem is that no one recognized him. To overcome that you would need physical evidence to support the case for McCoy being Cooper. The big thing would be some money, or a parachute. Calaame and Rhodes were able to put him in Vegas with receipts which would be a good place to launder money.

Dan told me that "just wait for part two"!!  And I loved part 1 as I told him.  Look at McCoy's picture when he was 28.  He not only looked like the composite sketch, but he looked far far older than his age.  He looked like a cross between Dillinger and "Pretty Boy" Floyd.  Gee, good middle name for old Richard.  I am pretty confident after seeing Dan's video, documentary, that McCoy was very likely DB Cooper.  Getting any hard forensic evidence in ones hand now is going to be next to impossible.  Unless, Dan is saving something for part two?  Maybe his children are making damn sure a frustrated FBI can not come after them?  Dan was right on the money about the FBI in this case. They did a horrible job and "who loses evidence"?  Maybe they did get rid of the cigarettes later on deliberately tp make sure McCoy was never proven to be Cooper.   But Dan and his kids are doing a bang up job to prove he indeed was. Forget about the guy being in his 40' crap.  MCCOY LOOKED FAR OLDER THAN HE WAS!!!!!  Are you going to dispute that Mr Ulis?  It kills me the knee jerk reaction video's he has put out.  It just horrifies him that he may not be the one to hit pay dirt with that shovel.  And titanium on the tie does not disprove that Richard could not have done it.   He could have gotten that tie from someone that was around it or even just grabbed it somewhere.  There is no way to know.  Lets wait for part two before throwing the kitchen sink at Mr Gryder, ok Erik?  Unless you want to grab a bag with $200,000, and make the jump into the Columbia yourself?

- I have to agree about the age issue here.  For me, McCoy passes pretty easily for looking 10 or so years older than he was.

- I don't think the FBI intentionally destroyed the cigarettes to hide or cover up McCoy as being Cooper.  I attached a picture to this post from the 302s from December of 1971 which captures a note to the FBI lab asking them to examine the cigarettes.  At the end of the note, it says that the above "enclosed", ( I take this to be the evidence i.e. cigarettes), can be destroyed when the lab is done.  So this is 4 months BEFORE McCOY hijacked UAL 855.  I am sure that other folks on the forum have additional notes and information about how and when the butts were lost/destroyed...but this snippet is hanging out right there in part 65.

- I have a totally open mind, so if Dan puts out part 2, and he should do it to address the holes if he is so confident and wants to convince people, I will definitely watch it and be open to change my mind.  It's a little interesting that he never indicated a part 2 prior, he said that this would be definitive and then he would walk away and not address anything, seems to have had a change of heart.

Anyway, cheers DBFAN....Happy and Merry to you and all on the forum !

Same to you !  Merry Christmas.  I must simply say, Dan was attacked after his presentation and everyone here knows by who.  Just go on YouTube, and find the scathing rebuttal with no merit.  This is far from over and Dan and the McCoys know that for sure.  I think the other parties here that have attacked his video should wait for part two. 
I am opening a bottle of Cabernet from Napa  Valley tonight and celebrating Christmas Eve at my youngest daughters.  My oldest is in NJ.  New baby girl at my youngest daughters house.   Then I go to mass in the morning,.  I would have preferred to attend on Xmas eve.  Back to wearing masks. Oh, and since I heve mentioned that, we cannot forget Richard did disguise himself during the, well lets just call it the "botched LA to SF skyjacking, 5 months after the famous one".  Perhaps he wore makeup in the first one if indeed he is the infamous DB Cooper.  I await part 2  I credit Dan for a fabulous presentation.  And nobody here should rush to judgement and deem Richard's children of lying,

Offline georger

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4900 on: December 24, 2021, 03:27:07 PM »
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I like McCoy as a suspect. He had the skills to do it.  The big problem is that no one recognized him. To overcome that you would need physical evidence to support the case for McCoy being Cooper. The big thing would be some money, or a parachute. Calaame and Rhodes were able to put him in Vegas with receipts which would be a good place to launder money.

Dan told me that "just wait for part two"!!  And I loved part 1 as I told him.  Look at McCoy's picture when he was 28.  He not only looked like the composite sketch, but he looked far far older than his age.  He looked like a cross between Dillinger and "Pretty Boy" Floyd.  Gee, good middle name for old Richard.  I am pretty confident after seeing Dan's video, documentary, that McCoy was very likely DB Cooper.  Getting any hard forensic evidence in ones hand now is going to be next to impossible.  Unless, Dan is saving something for part two?  Maybe his children are making damn sure a frustrated FBI can not come after them?  Dan was right on the money about the FBI in this case. They did a horrible job and "who loses evidence"?  Maybe they did get rid of the cigarettes later on deliberately tp make sure McCoy was never proven to be Cooper.   But Dan and his kids are doing a bang up job to prove he indeed was. Forget about the guy being in his 40' crap.  MCCOY LOOKED FAR OLDER THAN HE WAS!!!!!  Are you going to dispute that Mr Ulis?  It kills me the knee jerk reaction video's he has put out.  It just horrifies him that he may not be the one to hit pay dirt with that shovel.  And titanium on the tie does not disprove that Richard could not have done it.   He could have gotten that tie from someone that was around it or even just grabbed it somewhere.  There is no way to know.  Lets wait for part two before throwing the kitchen sink at Mr Gryder, ok Erik?  Unless you want to grab a bag with $200,000, and make the jump into the Columbia yourself?

- I have to agree about the age issue here.  For me, McCoy passes pretty easily for looking 10 or so years older than he was.

- I don't think the FBI intentionally destroyed the cigarettes to hide or cover up McCoy as being Cooper.  I attached a picture to this post from the 302s from December of 1971 which captures a note to the FBI lab asking them to examine the cigarettes.  At the end of the note, it says that the above "enclosed", ( I take this to be the evidence i.e. cigarettes), can be destroyed when the lab is done.  So this is 4 months BEFORE McCOY hijacked UAL 855.  I am sure that other folks on the forum have additional notes and information about how and when the butts were lost/destroyed...but this snippet is hanging out right there in part 65.

- I have a totally open mind, so if Dan puts out part 2, and he should do it to address the holes if he is so confident and wants to convince people, I will definitely watch it and be open to change my mind.  It's a little interesting that he never indicated a part 2 prior, he said that this would be definitive and then he would walk away and not address anything, seems to have had a change of heart.

Anyway, cheers DBFAN....Happy and Merry to you and all on the forum !

Same to you !  Merry Christmas.  I must simply say, Dan was attacked after his presentation and everyone here knows by who.  Just go on YouTube, and find the scathing rebuttal with no merit.  This is far from over and Dan and the McCoys know that for sure.  I think the other parties here that have attacked his video should wait for part two. 
I am opening a bottle of Cabernet from Napa  Valley tonight and celebrating Christmas Eve at my youngest daughters.  My oldest is in NJ.  New baby girl at my youngest daughters house.   Then I go to mass in the morning,.  I would have preferred to attend on Xmas eve.  Back to wearing masks. Oh, and since I heve mentioned that, we cannot forget Richard did disguise himself during the, well lets just call it the "botched LA to SF skyjacking, 5 months after the famous one".  Perhaps he wore makeup in the first one if indeed he is the infamous DB Cooper.  I await part 2  I credit Dan for a fabulous presentation.  And nobody here should rush to judgement and deem Richard's children of lying,

Give us some dna to work with !

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4901 on: December 26, 2021, 10:47:41 PM »
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And nobody here should rush to judgement and deem Richard's children of lying,

<slow pause then>


Offline DBfan57

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4902 on: December 27, 2021, 04:45:42 AM »
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I like McCoy as a suspect. He had the skills to do it.  The big problem is that no one recognized him. To overcome that you would need physical evidence to support the case for McCoy being Cooper. The big thing would be some money, or a parachute. Calaame and Rhodes were able to put him in Vegas with receipts which would be a good place to launder money.

Dan told me that "just wait for part two"!!  And I loved part 1 as I told him.  Look at McCoy's picture when he was 28.  He not only looked like the composite sketch, but he looked far far older than his age.  He looked like a cross between Dillinger and "Pretty Boy" Floyd.  Gee, good middle name for old Richard.  I am pretty confident after seeing Dan's video, documentary, that McCoy was very likely DB Cooper.  Getting any hard forensic evidence in ones hand now is going to be next to impossible.  Unless, Dan is saving something for part two?  Maybe his children are making damn sure a frustrated FBI can not come after them?  Dan was right on the money about the FBI in this case. They did a horrible job and "who loses evidence"?  Maybe they did get rid of the cigarettes later on deliberately tp make sure McCoy was never proven to be Cooper.   But Dan and his kids are doing a bang up job to prove he indeed was. Forget about the guy being in his 40' crap.  MCCOY LOOKED FAR OLDER THAN HE WAS!!!!!  Are you going to dispute that Mr Ulis?  It kills me the knee jerk reaction video's he has put out.  It just horrifies him that he may not be the one to hit pay dirt with that shovel.  And titanium on the tie does not disprove that Richard could not have done it.   He could have gotten that tie from someone that was around it or even just grabbed it somewhere.  There is no way to know.  Lets wait for part two before throwing the kitchen sink at Mr Gryder, ok Erik?  Unless you want to grab a bag with $200,000, and make the jump into the Columbia yourself?

- I have to agree about the age issue here.  For me, McCoy passes pretty easily for looking 10 or so years older than he was.

- I don't think the FBI intentionally destroyed the cigarettes to hide or cover up McCoy as being Cooper.  I attached a picture to this post from the 302s from December of 1971 which captures a note to the FBI lab asking them to examine the cigarettes.  At the end of the note, it says that the above "enclosed", ( I take this to be the evidence i.e. cigarettes), can be destroyed when the lab is done.  So this is 4 months BEFORE McCOY hijacked UAL 855.  I am sure that other folks on the forum have additional notes and information about how and when the butts were lost/destroyed...but this snippet is hanging out right there in part 65.

- I have a totally open mind, so if Dan puts out part 2, and he should do it to address the holes if he is so confident and wants to convince people, I will definitely watch it and be open to change my mind.  It's a little interesting that he never indicated a part 2 prior, he said that this would be definitive and then he would walk away and not address anything, seems to have had a change of heart.

Anyway, cheers DBFAN....Happy and Merry to you and all on the forum !

Same to you !  Merry Christmas.  I must simply say, Dan was attacked after his presentation and everyone here knows by who.  Just go on YouTube, and find the scathing rebuttal with no merit.  This is far from over and Dan and the McCoys know that for sure.  I think the other parties here that have attacked his video should wait for part two. 
I am opening a bottle of Cabernet from Napa  Valley tonight and celebrating Christmas Eve at my youngest daughters.  My oldest is in NJ.  New baby girl at my youngest daughters house.   Then I go to mass in the morning,.  I would have preferred to attend on Xmas eve.  Back to wearing masks. Oh, and since I heve mentioned that, we cannot forget Richard did disguise himself during the, well lets just call it the "botched LA to SF skyjacking, 5 months after the famous one".  Perhaps he wore makeup in the first one if indeed he is the infamous DB Cooper.  I await part 2  I credit Dan for a fabulous presentation.  And nobody here should rush to judgement and deem Richard's children of lying,

Give us some dna to work with !

The FBI lost it

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4903 on: December 29, 2021, 05:09:06 AM »
We have to stay tuned for part two Bruce.  I mean, Gryder has put on one hell of a presentation, like it or not.  He has put Richard Floyd McCoy back at the top IMO.  He has admitted this case is not going to be proved forensically.  The cigarette butts did that.  And his claim that they did it purposely to avoid embarrassment has merit.  Lets see what else Dan has up his sleeve.  He has said there will be a part two.  He seems to be a very credible man to me.  He is likely going to try and further tie those comic books to Richard.  Just a guess.  Maybe more testimony to the tie belonging to Richard.  For those of you that are hell bent on not accepting Richard ever, you can always hang your hat on the forensics or lack thereof.  To me Tom Kaye's theory holds water if McCoy was indeed the bird.  The only thing Kaye got wrong is Dan Cooper lived.  Look, when I was younger I swam half the St Lawrence River at the American channel.  So yes, I believe even if Dan Cooper, no matter who he was, landed in water, and thats no given, he could have swam to shore with the adrenaline he had pumping for survival.  The St Lawrence is far wider than even the Columbia.  Piece of cake for a younger man. And we know that if it was Richard we are talking about a green beret !!!!!!!!  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Offline Parrotheadvol

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4904 on: December 29, 2021, 09:25:39 AM »
I don't recall Kaye ever saying that he thought Cooper died.