Agreed. I pledge to do my best to avoid that topic.
Getting back to Gossett as Geoff Gray's book there is one part where Carr is trying to locate the cigarette butts to do a DNA test for a suspect from Utah. I don't think he'd say who it was, but it seemed likely that he was referring to Gossett or McCoy. So, I don't think talking about Gossett as a suspect is out there.
One point made, and it was made by the person we aren't mentioning, but it seems like a good point. I never checked it out, though. That is that the photo of Gossett that bears such a good resemblance to the drawing was from well before the hijacking and a photo closer to the hijacking (early 1973 I believe) showed Gossett much older looking and fatter. Again, I can't confirm.
Of course, the drawing is a drawing and if they ever do find Cooper, he might not look exactly like it, either. So, who knows?