Yeah, DB Cooper may still be "at-large," as they say in LE. As if I didn't have enough to worry about with Q Anon crazies driving up and down the street....
Thanks DB Fan for your kind words. So far, those of us in Cooper Country are living a blessed life. Only a couple of days of smoke, as most of it is blowing YOUR WAY! Smile...
Fires are another story, as quick-moving shrub fires are just as deadly as the typical "forest" fire that one sees on the news. This is a new danger for those of us who live in the ex-urban areas outside of the suburbs and cities. Places like Amboy - a mix of pastures, tree lots, and small plots of wildlands. If these areas get a few sparks and have a strong wind, they can become a fierce fire storm. Kind of like a grass fire on the Great Plains. The flames and sparks are driven far downwind and can ignite lots of mobile homes, propane tanks, cars and vehicles, and quickly the whole neighborhood can become an inferno. Graham, WA, the next town over from me in Eatonville, WA, experienced a quick scrub fire last summer where ten homes burned in 15 minutes and the FD had to abandon them and set up a defensive perimeter a quarter-mile downwind to save the rest of town.