You guys really think Tina has more to offer the case than she has already given? I mean she was thorougly debriefed by investigators - likely multiple times. What else is she going to bring to the table at this point?
Here are some of the questions I would like to ask Tina that have not been asked by the FBI or others, as far as I know:
1. Who was the guy who entered the plane after the passengers left? Who made the intervention and got him to leave?
2. When exactly did you ask the passengers to move forward in the cabin? Most passengers say it was on final approach.
3. Several passengers say you did not leave the aircraft to retrieve the money. Rather, it was brought aboard by two men - one identified as a FBI agent - and you retrieved the money from them in the forward cabin. What's the true story?
4. Your ex-husband reports that the FBI followed the two of you on multiple occasions in the mid-1970s. Why? What was your experience of those occurrences?
5. Can you give us a more complete time-line of what you did and how you interacted with the skyjacker, from landing at approximately 5:30 pm to the subsequent take-off at 7:30 pm -ish. E.G.:
- 5:30, get money
- 5:45, passengers leave, fueling begins, Alice and Flo leave
- 6:00, bring parachutes onboard, 2nd fuel truck arrives
- 6:15, show DBC how to operate the aft stair release
Then what? When did you go to the cockpit? When did DBC begin to put on his parachute? When did he begin to cut up the reserve? When did he start to wrap the money bag? How long do you estimate that you spent alone with DBC? What was that like?
6. The iconic FBI agent, Ralph Himmelsbach characterizes DBC as a "sleazy, rotten crook." Why do you think he said that, since you've described the hijacker as a gentleman?
7. Where you ever afraid of DB Cooper?
8. Why do guys like me make you so angry? Can you help me understand that? Do you get similarly angry at FBI agents?
9. How have you processed your hijacking experience? Therapy? Prayer? Quiet time in the monastery?
10. Do you have any advice to give other flight attendants now to help them prepare for a similar event?
11. Did your 30-year silence prove to be beneficial? In what ways? What has changed now that allows you to appear in documentaries?