Author Topic: Suspects And Confessions  (Read 1649741 times)

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4530 on: November 14, 2020, 06:37:03 PM »
It helps to have a promoter, too. AKA, RMB and Lyle Christiansen....

Some folks just like knowing who DBC is. Ron and Pat Forman have been adopted by the LGBTQ folks as being cultural heroes. I think they even rode in a Caddie as an Honored Guest at a recent Seattle Gay Pride Day March.

Darren and I both think there is something so cool about Barb Dayton being DB Cooper. Smile....

As for Reca, Principia Publishing just asked me if I was interested in writing a full investigatory story on Walter. That's a tough lift, and would require a LOT of research support. SO, I'm doubtful. Besides, I still got a lot of writing to do for the 3rd Edition.

But someone should do it.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2020, 06:41:19 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

Offline grapesofwrath

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4531 on: November 14, 2020, 07:23:25 PM »
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Fame, MKULTRA, psychosis, loneliness, wanting to impress a spouse?

There are a lot of reasons why someone might give a deathbed confession, I say.


Kenny Christianson and Walter Reca.   Here are two examples of guys that were Cooper wanna be's.  Both of them cannot be DB Cooper.  Both have convinced many people that they are.  And many more names to add to theirs in  this case.

I would not say Christiansen himself was a Cooper wannabe. He never claimed anything during his lifetime. It was his brother pushing the myth after Kenny died.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4532 on: November 14, 2020, 08:06:09 PM »
It appears Lyle is as much of a liar as Blevins. he didn't tell anyone (Skipp) about the letters to the FBI spanning over several years. never told Robert about the letters or contacting the FBI. someone was interviewed. it's in a file 91A.

They attempted to pull any records about his employment, including where he was during the hijacking.

Lyle even admitted on a radio program his brother "probably wasn't Cooper" Blevins has been down playing that for years. after the failure with the FBI, Lyle decides the movie route.

Robert claimed for years, with Lyle reading along that Kenny was never investigated. even Lyle's family had the sense to strike down Kenny being Cooper. the 302's even states Lyle had zip against throwing his brother under the bus. he had to LIE and give a phony name. it's amazing how similar Robert and Lyle really are..also, he was 5' 8" and not "about 5' 10". sounds like Lyle tried to get him more qualified for the position.

This should be good for at least a half page on the DZ. 95% having nothing to do with the topic itself..should take him a while to see this since he "hardly goes there " lmao..

Added, well, close to a half page. he got so wound up he failed to understand what was written. I never once said Lyle was in it for the money. I said Lyle contacted the FBI multiple times even hiding it from his family. once that failed he tried the movie angle. sorry, Robert but I'm not the only one who can clearly see things. it has nothing to do with hate or jealousy. that's just another diversion from the truth. this is nothing different with what you say about other suspects. only took a short period showing again how he lies about removing shortcuts, hardly "stopping by" etc. he watches like a HAWK. Robert has admitted to being in this for the money. I doubt he will even try to find out who they interviewed.

Whether Robert likes it or not. everyone has a right to an opinion about any given suspect. he's the only one who gets butt hurt or will shutdown when confronted and try and divert to change the subject.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2020, 09:40:02 AM by Shutter »
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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4533 on: November 15, 2020, 05:34:02 AM »
I have another question, hope it does not piss anyone off?  The FBI sketch artist that did the famous DB Cooper sketch', were those done with both Tina Mucklow and Florence Shaffner present and working together?  Or was it mostly Tina?  The composite sketch's?  And wasn't Florence the only one to see him without the sun glass's?
« Last Edit: November 15, 2020, 05:35:19 AM by DBfan57 »

Offline grapesofwrath

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4534 on: November 15, 2020, 09:17:05 AM »
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I have another question, hope it does not piss anyone off?  The FBI sketch artist that did the famous DB Cooper sketch', were those done with both Tina Mucklow and Florence Shaffner present and working together?  Or was it mostly Tina?  The composite sketch's?  And wasn't Florence the only one to see him without the sun glass's?

There are two composites. The first one, the "Bing Crosby" sketch, was done right after the hijacking with only the input of the flight attendants. The second sketch, the "Cary Grant" composite, was done months later with the input of both flight attendants and passengers.

Both Florence and the NWO ticket agent saw Cooper without sunglasses.
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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4535 on: November 15, 2020, 11:37:17 AM »
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I have another question, hope it does not piss anyone off?  The FBI sketch artist that did the famous DB Cooper sketch', were those done with both Tina Mucklow and Florence Shaffner present and working together?  Or was it mostly Tina?  The composite sketch's?  And wasn't Florence the only one to see him without the sun glass's?

There are two composites. The first one, the "Bing Crosby" sketch, was done right after the hijacking with only the input of the flight attendants. The second sketch, the "Cary Grant" composite, was done months later with the input of both flight attendants and passengers.

Both Florence and the NWO ticket agent saw Cooper without sunglasses.

Thanks.  Great info.  I have seen both and very similar. So not enough difference to make a difference I would think?  Great comparisons, Bing and Grant.  What a crazy case

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4536 on: November 20, 2020, 10:58:31 AM »
How extensive has the investigation in Canada been? I mean, have they looked for him in Quebec over the years?  Since the comic book was only available there?

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4537 on: November 20, 2020, 05:26:29 PM »
The comic book connection is modest. Hence, there is not too much investigation into that angle, whether it is in Canada, Belgium, France or Switzerland.

What has attracted a fair amount of attention in Canada are the letters from Vancouver, BC and the Gossett claim that the ransom money is in a bank in BC as well. Galen Cook has done a lot of investigation along those lines.

Also, there are many who feel that DBC might be Canadian based upon his lack of an "accent," and Tom Kaye and other, like Flyjack, have weighed-in on that angle from time-to-time as I recall.

Of course, as usual, I have an ex-wife in British Columbia, so I have extra incentives to keep an eye on what is happening north of da border. Which we can't cross at the moment, btw.

Lastly, for the record, Canada has denied me immigrant status as a Landed Immigrant TWICE! The first time was back in the 60s and the Immigration Officer said, basically, we don't need any more long-haired hippies without any job skills, thank you very much. The second episode occurred 30 years later and centered around the above mentioned ex, as she refused to file the paperwork. The Immigration Officer at THAT time said to me, "Mr. Smith, it is the distinct preference of the Canadian Government that all applications for entry to our country be filed by the Canadian spouse... Um, er... good luck, sir..."

There's always a woman involved isn't there? Can I get an AMEN on that?!
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 05:29:02 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4538 on: November 20, 2020, 05:44:45 PM »
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The comic book connection is modest. Hence, there is not too much investigation into that angle, whether it is in Canada, Belgium, France or Switzerland.

What has attracted a fair amount of attention in Canada are the letters from Vancouver, BC and the Gossett claim that the ransom money is in a bank in BC as well. Galen Cook has done a lot of investigation along those lines.

Also, there are many who feel that DBC might be Canadian based upon his lack of an "accent," and Tom Kaye and other, like Flyjack, have weighed-in on that angle from time-to-time as I recall.

Of course, as usual, I have an ex-wife in British Columbia, so I have extra incentives to keep an eye on what is happening north of da border. Which we can't cross at the moment, btw.

Lastly, for the record, Canada has denied me immigrant status as a Landed Immigrant TWICE! The first time was back in the 60s and the Immigration Officer said, basically, we don't need any more long-haired hippies without any job skills, thank you very much. The second episode occurred 30 years later and centered around the above mentioned ex, as she refused to file the paperwork. The Immigration Officer at THAT time said to me, "Mr. Smith, it is the distinct preference of the Canadian Government that all applications for entry to our country be filed by the Canadian spouse... Um, er... good luck, sir..."

There's always a woman involved isn't there? Can I get an AMEN on that?!

I can totally relate to this Bruce as I have been run through by them also.  I wont go into detail here.  It was many years ago but they have only gotten tougher.  I have relatives in Canada I have not seen in years.  My cousin there was best man at my first wedding, a 17 year marriage from hell.  Your not alone. One thing about the accent from the East coast Canadians, they alway say "eh?"  Drives me nuts.  No way to know if DB is Canadian based on the limited conversation I guess.  Too bad they did not tape the talk back and forth from the cockpit?  Or did they?
For the record I am remarried now, 14 years.  Crossing the border now is impossible.  Go to the border and tell them you have a "tremendous interest in DB Cooper!!  Love the guy and you want directions to the nearest airport!"  LOL.  That will get you in.  Their nearest jail
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 06:00:25 PM by DBfan57 »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4539 on: November 20, 2020, 07:02:17 PM »
I have NEVER been "run through" by a wife, or any woman, actually, although I did come close on one occasion when I was covering the Sarah Palin debate in 2008 for the Dispatch newspaper. But a by-stander on my side of the buffet table came to my rescue. Imagine being saved by a Republican! Whew. I didn't even have to wear any Swedish meatballs! Total blessing.

As for my wives, I bless them all and thank them endlessly for going on the journey with me.

Regarding Canadian accents, besides the "Eh" thing, I often hear the Scottish "O," which to me sounds like "ooh." Hence, "about" sounds to me like "abooht." Reca had it, so it is a sound that penetrates into the upper tier of the USA, too.

Lastly, let's hear it for Loonies and Toonies! And cops in red uniforms. Gotta love those RCMPs.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 07:07:35 PM by Bruce A. Smith »
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Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4540 on: November 20, 2020, 07:09:27 PM »
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...  I wont go into detail here....

No, please do.


Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4541 on: November 20, 2020, 07:12:54 PM »
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...  Crossing the border now is impossible.  Go to the border and tell them you have a "tremendous interest in DB Cooper!!  Love the guy and you want directions to the nearest airport!"  LOL.  That will get you in.  Their nearest jail

I might meet my ex along the way. Now, THOSE details will only be shared at Cooper Con 2021, at Don and Louis' Oyster Bar... Kermit, you in on this???

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4542 on: November 21, 2020, 06:40:15 AM »
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I have NEVER been "run through" by a wife, or any woman, actually, although I did come close on one occasion when I was covering the Sarah Palin debate in 2008 for the Dispatch newspaper. But a by-stander on my side of the buffet table came to my rescue. Imagine being saved by a Republican! Whew. I didn't even have to wear any Swedish meatballs! Total blessing.

As for my wives, I bless them all and thank them endlessly for going on the journey with me.

Regarding Canadian accents, besides the "Eh" thing, I often hear the Scottish "O," which to me sounds like "ooh." Hence, "about" sounds to me like "abooht." Reca had it, so it is a sound that penetrates into the upper tier of the USA, too.

Lastly, let's hear it for Loonies and Toonies! And cops in red uniforms. Gotta love those RCMPs.

You are right!!  I forgot about the way they say about.   Its a dead giveaway.  Not sure if the Western Canadians are different from the Eastern? As the Eastern ones all have that accent.  Like in the USA if you  are from upstate NY you sure do not sound like a NY city born and raised.  Or the deep South have their well known accents.  As for ex wives, mine turned out to be a lying cheating blood sucker. And that is being kind.  My daughters are fine, one is in NJ, married with two young kids and a Syracuse grad.  Actually was a manager at a leading publishing company.  My youngest is a nurse, deals with Covid daily, and had it.  She said it only eliminated her smell and taste.  She got through it no problem.  I do not want any part of it because I am type 2.  For 3 years or so.  My second and current wife is great.  Ill pm you with the details of my run ins with the Canadians.  Not sure I want to announce to the Cooper world my past endeavors. I would not rule DB out of being a Canadian.  After all, in 1971 you could go through the border with no problem.  Not so in a post 911 world.  Never will be again.  And now we have a Covid world to boot.  Horrible. They just closed the schools in NY City again.  I hope this Phizer vaccine works.   

On the subject of the second composite drawing.  Its been proven in psychological studies that women have far better short term memory detail than men.  So I would not be so quick to dismiss the sketch they seem to have done away with? 
« Last Edit: November 21, 2020, 07:17:46 AM by DBfan57 »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4543 on: November 25, 2020, 10:37:22 AM »
One of the frustrations in responding to you is so many things you say are easily refutable.  If you look at the scene with Tina in the history channel, they DID show her other suspects.  You can easily pick out a photo of LD Cooper.  Can't identify the other photos, but it's pretty clear it wasn't just Rackstraw she saw photos of.

It's not just the fact of other suspects on the table. Tina likely watched the show she was part of and would have seen the small segment on Kenny. who know's what they asked her off screen. Kenny has had a fair share of exposure television wise and none of the passengers or crew have said anything. Decoded has repeated multiple times as well as the History channel programs. convincing producers is one thing. getting actual evidence from these shows is another. the silence speaks for itself in most cases. lets not forget about law enforcement watching as well.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2020, 10:38:29 AM by Shutter »

Offline grapesofwrath

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #4544 on: November 25, 2020, 03:02:28 PM »
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One of the frustrations in responding to you is so many things you say are easily refutable.  If you look at the scene with Tina in the history channel, they DID show her other suspects.  You can easily pick out a photo of LD Cooper.  Can't identify the other photos, but it's pretty clear it wasn't just Rackstraw she saw photos of.

It's not just the fact of other suspects on the table. Tina likely watched the show she was part of and would have seen the small segment on Kenny. who know's what they asked her off screen. Kenny has had a fair share of exposure television wise and none of the passengers or crew have said anything. Decoded has repeated multiple times as well as the History channel programs. convincing producers is one thing. getting actual evidence from these shows is another. the silence speaks for itself in most cases. lets not forget about law enforcement watching as well.

I may be incorrect here, but didn't Schaffner at one point remark on Kenny's similarity to DB?