Georger wrote: “Gregory plays vital role for FBI and Geoff Gray but ........ they dont know where he sat on the plane!
If remote viewing was involved, then where the viewer was seated is irrelevant Georger.
Found this by Bruce Smith:
"Russet-colored suit, marcelled hair, Geoffrey Gray and Robert Gregory:
I think a bit more thought needs to go into assessing the primary source of the russet suit and marcelled hair bit. Specifically, who is Robert Gregory and what did he actually see?
Robert Gregory is deceased, but his nephew came to the 2013 Symposium in Tacoma. He said "Uncle Bob" loved to talk about the skyjacking and told lots of stories. However, I asked the nephew if Uncle Bob ever told the family where he was sitting on 305, and the guy said "Not to my knowledge."
As far as I know, Robert Gregory was sitting in the forward part of the aircraft and never was close to DB Cooper. Yes, he would have walked passed Cooper while entering the plane since all the passengers came up the stairway and then sat in open sitting. Bill Mitchell said he came on early and DB Cooper was an early arrival as well, and took the seat nearest the stairs - Row 18.
But Gregory sat further forward in the early stages of the flight, and certainly was far forward of Cooper when the FA had everyone move up. Hence, Gregory's view of DB Cooper was modest, at best. Also, the widespread feeling was that no one knew they were being hijacked, so there was no particular reason to memorize the appearances of the other passengers.
It is my further understanding that Robert Gregory was not one of the five passengers who talked with the FBI immediately after deplaning in Seattle when the Bureau asked for volunteers to tell them who had a good look at the guy in Row 18. I forget who told me who the five were (Farflung?), but Bill Mitchell was one and I think Labissoniere was another.As a result, Robert Gregory and his memories are late to the party.
Also, Gregory's additional comments are askew. Gregory says Cooper was 5'8" and mid-30s. No one else describes as such, and Gregory must be consider an outlier, even if he is correct.
Regarding Geoffrey Gray, he is certainly a big fan of Robert Gregory. The compelling question is why.
One reason may be that GG found a tasty tidbit in the FBI's files about Gregory's claims, except that the agent doing the documenting mixed-up Robert Gregory with Bill Mitchell, and had Gregory sitting in Row 18, seat B.
Why GG didn't see this glaring discrepancy is up for discussion, but I find it very troubling. Particularly since GG is running so hard with the Robert Gregory scenarios, especially the marcelled hair and russet-colored suit.
It's goofs like this that lead me to wonder if GG is be part of the FBI's Norjak obfuscation campaign.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 12:33:13 AM by Bruce A. Smith » "
I still want to how how it is that Gregory presumably works with the Las Vegas FBI to turn out the INITIAL sketch, if that is true! I mean Gregory got off the plane in Seattle! He didn't even talk to the FBI. Las Vegas FBI are in Las Vegas. How did Gregory get selected and who selected him and when, and why? Did the two communicate by ESP in between two states? And why doesn't Tom Kaye explain the genesis of the Initial sketch on his website! Once again Geoffrey Gray is totally useless in matters he himself sets in motion! Gray just likes tormenting people.