Okay my theory on the spookiness of that Blogger link Sheridan created right when I bought his book.
Notice he had 3 blogger links ...only one had an entry. The one for Frightful Laughter.
I think he was trying to contact a literary agent named Brown. I think at the time I found him trying to contact Brown elsewhere.
So he was actively trying to get his book published outside of Lulu, when I purchased his book.
His book may have only been up on Lulu for a short amount of time.
Did people check this website ..Sheridan was using Blogger here in 2008, whether on purpose or accidently.
I think I found the text he used here, back then at the site of a literary agent named Brown.
Heck, I'll just pretend he submitted in 2008 it to me for publication. This is the evidence.
I'll argue my identity was known to him as "Brown" then, not snowmman.
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