here are some notes I posted to Feb 11, 2010
I mention a family case law thing in 2003 in Bakersfield. I have to find that
Not sure why I thought 3 kids with 1st wife.
I believe the 2002/2003 tip that led to the MJ interview, may have come from the Bakersfield wife around that time period. I forget why I thought that. I think there's a court case about support?
Bruce said "Mary Jean said further that Petey "had a child in the Bay Area, either a son or a daughter."
Married twice. That may refer to daughter from 2nd marriage.
First time in Montana. Divorced after move to WA. (divorce in '62, married in '56 I believe)
believe 3 kids with first wife, (son at least, confirmed)
2nd wife was Filipina. She apparently died while visiting relatives in Phillipines in late '70s. 2 kids
(edit) Bruce said "Mary Jean said the interview was conducted in 2002 or 2003, she couldn't recall exactly. "It was a long time ago."
If it was done when Petey was ~77, then 2002/2003 sounds about right for a date.
I wonder if the tip came from the ex-wife. I think there may have been a family law case between the two in 2003 in Bakersfield. Maybe support payments?