I'll arrange for it, Bruce. Blevins is not going to visit Skipp, I already know that. Blevins is just a windbag with no game. It's easy to call others "liars," while not being able to produce anything of value in the case. Blevins has produced zilch. He borrows a few lines from others and throws up a re-printed version as if it was his own. Old story. If Skipp was honored to have a guy like Blevins as a co-author, you would have heard from Skipp. But dead silence. No one has heard from Skipp. The two have never even met after five years, and untold re-writes and corrections to the original book. This is a classic case of one co-author telling the other co-author to "get lost." Same goes for Blevin's promises to interview Bill Rataczak and William Mitchell. Nada. Blevins can't even find Mitchell. That tells me that Blevins isn't much of an investigator. He couldn't find Tina Mucklow either. Of course, the folks at the WA State History Museum didn't want Blevins anywhere near their symposium. Clyde Lewis thinks Blevins is a dimwit. Oregon Kickass History don't want Blevins around either. Why all this anti-Blevins sentiment? Because no one believes him or trusts him. He's a fool who posts endless messages about himself. Meglamaniac without any credentials. It's actually sick and pathetic. Fortunately, folks like Georger, Bruce, Shutter, Vicki, Robt99, etc., have Blevins number. Blevins is a fraud without a party to crash. He's spent. He might be good for some light house cleaning, as Georger so eloquently reminds us of. If there's trash and scrum on the floor, it's "time to call Bob." Hope you had fun reading this resume I produced for you, Bob.
We know that everything RMB says and does is factually empty , except for its emotional prurient content. His appeal, or lack of appeal, is therefore nonfactual, except that it might jar loose facts that are not known; about an individual or situation. I guess some people call that "muckraking"? This is why Ive always classified much of what RMB posts as "smut" and RMB has made it painfully clear he doesn't care who he hurts, what people think, or the consequences of his words. RMB is the kind of guy who could come on to a forum and call some innocuous person a "baby killer" and get away with it, and RMB has done this countless times on DZ and gotten away with it, and several on DZ even praise him for it! That indicates to me there is a huge unfilled vacuum at DZ which 2 or 3 people are filling
and just imagine, if you will, what would have happened if SA Carr and RMB had both been on DZ at the same time! There would have been chaos and explosion after explosion with the Moderator coming down on who - SA Carr! And this is precisely what happened between Weber and Carr on DZ. Carr was put down hard by the Moderator! Weber was allowed to spin out all the venom she wanted! And at length Weber even tried to get Carr fired and she sent out emails to a number of people including me announcing that "Carr has been fired!". (of course we all called Carr immediately to find out what in hell was going on).
DZ has firmly established itself as the Conspiracy Theory School of DB Cooper geo-economics! Factual content and discussion/debate died after 2008 and Carr left, and the content since 2010 has been strictly ideological and personal. And what can partly turn that around? A new viable theory can.
Sailshaw's recently announced theory is interesting and could have substance on several grounds: Sail contends that Cossey and Peterson knew each other on a far deeper personal level, than has been explored to date. That they might have been co-conspirators in the Cooper hijacking and were in positions to do this. We already know that they knew each other and had rather intense feelings for each other, for some reason. Both were conceivably in positions to be able to plan and perform a hijacking - in stark contrast to Mssrs Christiansen and Geestman who RMB contends were conspirators and did the Cooper hijacking! The contrast between Sail's hypothesis and Blevins' knee-jerk concoction is huge and substantive!
I just want to suggest this might be worth exploring if for no other reason than to begin to get out of the rut RMB and others at Dropzone have dug, for the whole Cooper community? It's a thought and Sailshaw's theory is the best theory Ive heard in a _very_long_while! There is no question that Peterson and Cossey had a relationship but the nature of that relationship is unexplored? We know the FBI looked at Peterson and apparently dismissed Peterson on 'genetic' grounds, or did they? Perhaps Sail could give us further direction in this whole matter -
It seems to me we know people in the skydiving community who knew both Cossey and Peterson who should be able to give us direction on precisely what Cossey's and Peterson's relationship was with each other - that might be a place to start?