Braden is still a top-notch suspect, even if he is 5'8". He's got the Cooper smirk in spades, plus the skills. However, I don't think he's the guy, but I think that somebody like him is most likely Dan Cooper.
I find lots of flaws with all of the favorite suspects - Barb, Duane, McCoy, Peterson, Burnworth, Uncle LD, KC, and even List, who was touted here a few days ago. I'm not a big fan of Gossett, either, even though he is reportedly still on the suspect list at Seattle FO.
I think Dan Cooper is more from the shadows. If I had to make a bet I'd say someone from really secret ops in Vietnam - a super-trooper, elite commando guy - well trained, smart, fearless and able to keep his mouth shut. Plus, he's got family and friends that don't need to blab about him.
In general, I feel that any suspect that has a cheering section or a family that wants him to be a skyjacker simply ain't Dan Cooper. That then begs the question of why so many folks want their brother, husband, uncle, etc to be Dan Cooper. People like Lyle C want it bad, too. That's a second mystery. After all, 922 people confessed to being DB Cooper? Whew! What gives, America?