Author Topic: Suspects And Confessions  (Read 1667766 times)


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #285 on: July 04, 2014, 04:36:44 PM »
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You think Sheridan was not as clever as McCoy but everything Sheridan did was for a reason. He was actually much more clever than McCoy and. that is why the Cooper case is still unsolved.
Bob Sailshaw

My point here is not to pick on suspects as much as it picks on the obvious differences between Cooper & McCoy. McCoy landed i think 5 miles from his house. this was due to his directions from the back of the plane. his timing was calculated to allow him the proper timing to achieve his plan. he was a pilot, and an expert jumper. the two combinations allowed for this to happen in my opinion. it could have been the perfect crime had he not left the note on the plane, and the shooting off of his mouth.

Since we don't know Coopers background, it only leaves speculation about him. some clues can be seen, but nothing is written in stone. can we say without a doubt he had knowledge of chutes? can we say he had all the information about the stairs? can we conclude that he wanted to jump in the area believed? could we assume Cooper lives somewhere around Amboy, or Merwin lake? or even around KPDX? or SEA. since he wanted the stairs down at takeoff?

what clues were given out allowing McCoy to complete his mission with no known issues during the jump. how did McCoy learn how to operate the stairs. did they also lower them for him? I don't recall anything said about the stairs that I can remember.

Carr used McCoy as the prototype for what an experienced skydiver-hijacker with good planning would do. Carr thought Cooper did not compare favorably - was an amateur. I'm still not sure what Cooper criteria Carr was using to compare with McCoy. Fact is, Cooper was not found. Except for the money at Tina Bar, for all we know Cooper succeeded whereas it was McCoy who got caught. Moreover the plans were significantly different over totally different geography requiring different skill sets. We may even know more about what McCoy said and did than we know about what Cooper actually said and did on board each plane! McCoy was far more open as a person - Cooper held everything very close to his vest, as it were. I believe McCoy was far more vulnerable to being caught even without his big mouth. Cooper (it appears) got away and has never been caught! I think the chance Cooper died in his jump is less than 10% knowing everything we know today from all of the experts who have given opinions. Even Cossey said: 'if he got it open he survived'. Carr comparison may be wishful bravado. I think sheer 'luck' was far more on Cooper's side than on McCoy's side. Cooper may very well have lost some or all of his money (bag) along the way, but I believe Cooper landed alive and may have escaped with his life.  I think Carr's comparison is for public consumption and not reality.

I am even suspicious, based on several things Cooper supposedly said to Tina,  that the money was most important to Cooper, as Carr contends it was. What Cooper himself defined as his "reason" was a "grudge" he was carrying. That suggests something social-political to me, vs. financial. Yes, he did take pains to repack and tie the money to himself to take it with him. But, for all we know once he was on the ground he may have thrown the money bag away! He probably would have known that NWA was insured, but his stated reason is social-political (against someone or some thing. Institutional crime?). What exactly was he trying to prove and how does that satisfy his personal "grudge" - that is central in this crime ? McCoy's purpose is strictly financial and egotistical.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2014, 04:56:40 PM by georger »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #286 on: July 06, 2014, 07:03:12 PM »
Ok, unfortunately we have to go back to KC. Blevins makes this statement Oct. 26, 2013.

6) April 1972: Mr and Mrs Geestman have had house guests for a few months now, Mr Geestman's sister Dawn Andrusko and her kids. They had recently come out from Minnesota after Dawn divorced her husband there. She asks Bernie to approach Kenny Christiansen for a loan so she can buy her own place. Bernie ends up delivering the money, and his sister pays back the $5,000 over a two-year period, although KC had actually given her three years to pay.

According to this statement. how well did Dawn know Kenny? she had only been there a couple months, and was from Minnesota after her divorce. how did she land the big paying job so quickly? he never says she transferred? how did she see the tie clip prior to 1971?

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #287 on: July 06, 2014, 10:09:51 PM »
That makes it difficult.  Since it appears Dawn was married to Richard Androsko when he died in 1984, her name when she came out in 1972 was probably different.  If we can find property records of a house she bought in 1972 (and I'm going to try to go sleuthing in a couple of weeks), we can probably track that down.

Problem with the KC story being much of it was "too good to check".  Dawn had a good job?  What kind of work did she do?  Who did she work for?  Evidentally, that was not checked.

Really...when Robert talked about Marla's story having more holes than swiss cheese, I'm not sure I can find the cheese on his story.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #288 on: July 06, 2014, 10:18:55 PM »
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That makes it difficult.  Since it appears Dawn was married to Richard Androsko when he died in 1984, her name when she came out in 1972 was probably different.  If we can find property records of a house she bought in 1972 (and I'm going to try to go sleuthing in a couple of weeks), we can probably track that down.

Problem with the KC story being much of it was "too good to check".  Dawn had a good job?  What kind of work did she do?  Who did she work for?  Evidentally, that was not checked.

Really...when Robert talked about Marla's story having more holes than swiss cheese, I'm not sure I can find the cheese on his story.

Yes, I told him he shares the block of cheese with Marla. he is now stating Dawn was living there prior to 1972. how is she jumping around like this? there roots are in Minnesota. her job, like you say has not even been confirmed as a good paying job to support the allegations. If she did in fact live in Washington during this period. why was this not noted? all of the sudden she has roots going way back?

The whole thing is hard to confirm with only Robert talking with these people....

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #289 on: July 08, 2014, 12:44:15 AM »
The public library has a library version of and I went to see if I could research something about Bernie Geestman and Dawn Androsko.  Both show up in the 1930 and 1940 census living in Minnesota.  Their father (also Bernie Geestman) died in Minnesota in 1945.  Their mother (Alva Geestman) died in Tacoma in 1988.  I wasn't able to discover what the surname of Dawn between the time when it was Geestman and Androsko, but I will.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #290 on: July 08, 2014, 06:11:41 PM »
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The public library has a library version of and I went to see if I could research something about Bernie Geestman and Dawn Androsko.  Both show up in the 1930 and 1940 census living in Minnesota.  Their father (also Bernie Geestman) died in Minnesota in 1945.  Their mother (Alva Geestman) died in Tacoma in 1988.  I wasn't able to discover what the surname of Dawn between the time when it was Geestman and Androsko, but I will.

Yes, and Dawn was the power of attorney for Mom it appears. this is dated 1988 in the records. obviously after her death. I think we will find that mom was the only one living in Bonney lake if you ask me. that's a hunch. I can't say for sure since the records don't go that far back online.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #291 on: July 12, 2014, 03:35:45 PM »
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The public library has a library version of and I went to see if I could research something about Bernie Geestman and Dawn Androsko.  Both show up in the 1930 and 1940 census living in Minnesota.  Their father (also Bernie Geestman) died in Minnesota in 1945.  Their mother (Alva Geestman) died in Tacoma in 1988.  I wasn't able to discover what the surname of Dawn between the time when it was Geestman and Androsko, but I will.

Yes, and Dawn was the power of attorney for Mom it appears. this is dated 1988 in the records. obviously after her death. I think we will find that mom was the only one living in Bonney lake if you ask me. that's a hunch. I can't say for sure since the records don't go that far back online.

Not much happening, on the surface at least. RMB has apparently gone underground, or has given up his Cooper stand at the local carnival - depending on which of his versions you buy. Another lunatic is over at DZ taking about "loonatics!". Everyone and everything else apparently, stone cold inactive. Maybe it dies with a whimper and not a Blast? So many what ifs and unresolved-unanswered questions. About this same time of year in 1972, locals were out searching for Cooper and found nothing - nada! But of course they were all looking in the area the government said Cooper had bailed; not south below magical "12 mile line" Himmelsbach was yet to announce (in 1976?). Some thought Cooper's bones might be melting in Lake Merwin and one guy was proposing scuba divers and even a submarine search?

Today, I wonder even more 'why' Gray took the slant he did in his vaunted Cooper book, as opposed to doing something clear and more decisive, like a solid historical essay filled with the 'new info' everyone has been seeking for years? This kind of running anecdotal mish-mash which has people being born in the wrong States with the wrong names and 'discussing the Cooper case every Thanksgiving?' solidly grounds Gray's book as something other than fact-based, looking to create an effect and a sensation only, perhaps? How could Gray be so in the dark and removed from reality after years in the FBI archives rubbing shoulders with Tom and Carol, free to go wherever whenever he liked on a healthy budget, looking for Cooper facts?

Why didn't Gray or Kaye delve into the so-called 'partial dna profile'  Carr and the FBI says it has, or thinks it has, on D.B. Cooper? Here's why! You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login Slip into bed some night with a hot cup of coco and start reading this! If your eyes aren't glazed over and you aren't fast asleep within thirty minutes then possibly you won't get any sleep at all and at 8:00am the next morning you will be up pacing the floor asking: "why doesn't Gray's book explain all of this as it pertains to the DB Cooper case, for the layman"?  Cooper For Dummies ?

What bothers me most, quite frankly, is reporters (good reporters) penetrate the veil of secrecy every single day on other subjects in human affairs - why not the DB Cooper case, in over 40 (forty) years!? John Walsh won't even touch the DB Cooper case! No Warren Commissions on D.B. Cooper! The 'deer in the headlights' response seems to have gripped the whole nation now for over forty years, so celebrations erupt at Ariel in denial, sleuths come and go with a repertoire of claims and questions with nothing resolved, book writers sneak in and sneak out in search of fame, and the bacteria of this case refuse to give up any secrets! We don't know any more now than when this started! It's Cooper 100 - the rest of us 0.

Oh well. Most of the deeper secrets of the Universe are beyond human grasp too! Perhaps Cooper was from another Universe. I don't think so ... ! (smile)           
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 03:46:37 PM by georger »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #292 on: July 12, 2014, 08:27:04 PM »
Well we have uncovered some facts. more research is still on going. since Blevy doesn't want to post anything. the same will happen on this side until it's complete.

It would be real nice for a respected reporter to dive into the case, and dive into all of the suspects floating around. I've read many jumpers saying they could do it, but I've not seen anyone really duplicate the jump. would that even be fair? nobody knows for sure if he had any experience with jumps?


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #293 on: July 15, 2014, 04:55:41 PM »
I'm not actively pushing any suspect at this writing, primarily because I'm too busy working in my profession as an attorney.  Everyone seems to have an opinion on the most likely suspect, and that's a good thing, as it helps flesh out facts that may have been overlooked.  I have examined Kenneth Christianson more closely over the past several months and I have this to report:  He does not fit the physical description as described by eyewitnesses, he did not have a criminal background or a predisposition to fit a criminal profile for such a crime, he had no apparent motive to undertake such a risk, he worked for the very airline that was hijacked (which means he would have certainly faced the fellow crew members that he threatened at a later point in time), and, it is highly questionable that he possessed the ability to exit a plane traveling nearly 200 mph without a static line from which he was trained.  Christianson had a paratrooper qualification in the WW2 era, but no records indicate he ever jumped in combat, or ever jumped after his military training (as a civilian).  In otherwords, it is most likely that Christianson made his last parachute jump in the 1940's (two and a half decades prior to 1971).  Christianson probably never did a free-fall jump, and certainly, 25 years without any jump would have made it very unlikely that he was the 1971 hijacker.  In addition, I have this to report:  Ken Christianson was ruled-out as a suspect by both Curtis Eng and Larry Carr.  Eng and Carr were/are case managers for NORJAK.  Each has told me personally that Christianson was not DB Cooper, and therefore will not be examined further by the FBI.  Only the NOJAK case managers make that determination, not other agents or FBI media representatives who are not assigned to the case.  William Mitchell and I met several years ago and I showed him several photos of various suspects.  I showed Mitchell a photo of Ken Christianson.  Mitchell said that Christianson was not DB Cooper.  Skipp Porteous and I have talked on the phone many times over the past seven years and he told me that Christianson's past was colored because he was a gay man who liked and entertained young men.  This was probably his "secret" that he could not reveal to brother Lyle Christianson.  Lyle Christianson was interviewed by KXLY AM970 radio host, Mike Fitzsimmons, in November 2007.  I debated Lyle during the live call-in show.  Lyle admitted that he had no evidence of any kind to advance his fantasy that Ken Christianson was DB Cooper.  Lyle stated that his brother lived near Seattle, worked for Northwest Airlines, and was a former paratrooper.  That was all the evidence Lyle gave.  What Lyle really wanted was a Hollywood movie depicting Ken Christianson as DB Cooper so that Lyle would become famous and make money.  It seems that there is only one person remaining who is trying desperately to push Ken Christianson as DB Cooper.  That person is Robert Blevins, a co-author of a very poorly researched, and factually incorrect, version of the 1971 hijacking.  It seems Mr. Blevins is desperate, when all other former supporters of the Ken Christianson theory have long-ago packed their bags and departed.  Maybe Mr. Blevins is seeking fame and riches.  One thing for sure:  Mr. Blevins has produced no evidence that is either probative or supports his theory.  His sole source of support is that a "probable co-conspirator named Geestman is lying about his involvement with Ken Christianson."  This is a flimsy way to construct a case, and the reason why Mr. Blevins gets no attention from the FBI, from bonafide DB Cooper researchers, or from credible media sources.  Ken Christianson was not DB Cooper, not matter how much Mr. Blevins keeps fantacizing.  And those are the facts.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #294 on: July 15, 2014, 05:24:34 PM »
that about sums it up. I would add that I find it extremely strange that Lyle had no clue of this for decades. the brothers were obviously close, and I am positive Lyle was aware of the crime, and the sketch that he just so happened to see decades later? some of the witnesses Robert claims to have are falling under fire for the simple reason they didn't really know Kenny that well. the purchase of the house was a huge deal before it was found to be incorrect. the large sum of money in his account prior to his death can easily be explained. actually a large portion of it is missing if you wish to split hairs. Kenny sold a large lot consisting of approx, 18 acres I believe selling at $17,000 an acre. the lot was purchased in the early 60's. Robert likes to toss things in to make it look like it was connected to the crime. I ask this, what was a poor guy who slaved for Northwest Orient, with very little pay, purchasing real estate? you can't have one way in my opinion. I think Kenny was good with money, and knew exactly what he was doing, and it paid off for him. I don't see any mystery here.....

The wood in the attic is nothing but that. the house went through a lot of changes, including the removal of the kitchen, and the ever so popular countertop with the same formica on it.

I think Kenny was an average guy who worked just like everyone else does, and bitched about work, just as everyone does. the worse hurdle for Kenny to get over is Tina stating she had to look up at Cooper. she would be at eye level with Kenny. I'm sure Kenny knew exactly how to open the stairs. he would have to know the plane inside and out for emergencies.

The story has now taken a turn with all kinds of people coming forward? this is a Bob Knoss tactic if you ask me. the word "smoke & mirrors" comes to mind!
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 05:32:39 PM by shutter »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #295 on: July 15, 2014, 05:49:12 PM »
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I'm not actively pushing any suspect at this writing, primarily because I'm too busy working in my profession as an attorney.  Everyone seems to have an opinion on the most likely suspect, and that's a good thing, as it helps flesh out facts that may have been overlooked.  I have examined Kenneth Christianson more closely over the past several months and I have this to report:  He does not fit the physical description as described by eyewitnesses, he did not have a criminal background or a predisposition to fit a criminal profile for such a crime, he had no apparent motive to undertake such a risk, he worked for the very airline that was hijacked (which means he would have certainly faced the fellow crew members that he threatened at a later point in time), and, it is highly questionable that he possessed the ability to exit a plane traveling nearly 200 mph without a static line from which he was trained.  Christianson had a paratrooper qualification in the WW2 era, but no records indicate he ever jumped in combat, or ever jumped after his military training (as a civilian).  In otherwords, it is most likely that Christianson made his last parachute jump in the 1940's (two and a half decades prior to 1971).  Christianson probably never did a free-fall jump, and certainly, 25 years without any jump would have made it very unlikely that he was the 1971 hijacker.  In addition, I have this to report:  Ken Christianson was ruled-out as a suspect by both Curtis Eng and Larry Carr.  Eng and Carr were/are case managers for NORJAK.  Each has told me personally that Christianson was not DB Cooper, and therefore will not be examined further by the FBI.  Only the NOJAK case managers make that determination, not other agents or FBI media representatives who are not assigned to the case.  William Mitchell and I met several years ago and I showed him several photos of various suspects.  I showed Mitchell a photo of Ken Christianson.  Mitchell said that Christianson was not DB Cooper.  Skipp Porteous and I have talked on the phone many times over the past seven years and he told me that Christianson's past was colored because he was a gay man who liked and entertained young men.  This was probably his "secret" that he could not reveal to brother Lyle Christianson.  Lyle Christianson was interviewed by KXLY AM970 radio host, Mike Fitzsimmons, in November 2007.  I debated Lyle during the live call-in show.  Lyle admitted that he had no evidence of any kind to advance his fantasy that Ken Christianson was DB Cooper.  Lyle stated that his brother lived near Seattle, worked for Northwest Airlines, and was a former paratrooper.  That was all the evidence Lyle gave.  What Lyle really wanted was a Hollywood movie depicting Ken Christianson as DB Cooper so that Lyle would become famous and make money.  It seems that there is only one person remaining who is trying desperately to push Ken Christianson as DB Cooper.  That person is Robert Blevins, a co-author of a very poorly researched, and factually incorrect, version of the 1971 hijacking.  It seems Mr. Blevins is desperate, when all other former supporters of the Ken Christianson theory have long-ago packed their bags and departed.  Maybe Mr. Blevins is seeking fame and riches.  One thing for sure:  Mr. Blevins has produced no evidence that is either probative or supports his theory.  His sole source of support is that a "probable co-conspirator named Geestman is lying about his involvement with Ken Christianson."  This is a flimsy way to construct a case, and the reason why Mr. Blevins gets no attention from the FBI, from bonafide DB Cooper researchers, or from credible media sources.  Ken Christianson was not DB Cooper, not matter how much Mr. Blevins keeps fantacizing.  And those are the facts.

Welcome back, Snooper. Very concise report on KC.  Thank you.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #296 on: July 15, 2014, 11:39:46 PM »
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I'm not actively pushing any suspect at this writing, primarily because I'm too busy working in my profession as an attorney.  Everyone seems to have an opinion on the most likely suspect, and that's a good thing, as it helps flesh out facts that may have been overlooked.  I have examined Kenneth Christianson more closely over the past several months and I have this to report:  He does not fit the physical description as described by eyewitnesses, he did not have a criminal background or a predisposition to fit a criminal profile for such a crime, he had no apparent motive to undertake such a risk, he worked for the very airline that was hijacked (which means he would have certainly faced the fellow crew members that he threatened at a later point in time), and, it is highly questionable that he possessed the ability to exit a plane traveling nearly 200 mph without a static line from which he was trained.  Christianson had a paratrooper qualification in the WW2 era, but no records indicate he ever jumped in combat, or ever jumped after his military training (as a civilian).  In otherwords, it is most likely that Christianson made his last parachute jump in the 1940's (two and a half decades prior to 1971).  Christianson probably never did a free-fall jump, and certainly, 25 years without any jump would have made it very unlikely that he was the 1971 hijacker.  In addition, I have this to report:  Ken Christianson was ruled-out as a suspect by both Curtis Eng and Larry Carr.  Eng and Carr were/are case managers for NORJAK.  Each has told me personally that Christianson was not DB Cooper, and therefore will not be examined further by the FBI.  Only the NOJAK case managers make that determination, not other agents or FBI media representatives who are not assigned to the case.  William Mitchell and I met several years ago and I showed him several photos of various suspects.  I showed Mitchell a photo of Ken Christianson.  Mitchell said that Christianson was not DB Cooper.  Skipp Porteous and I have talked on the phone many times over the past seven years and he told me that Christianson's past was colored because he was a gay man who liked and entertained young men.  This was probably his "secret" that he could not reveal to brother Lyle Christianson.  Lyle Christianson was interviewed by KXLY AM970 radio host, Mike Fitzsimmons, in November 2007.  I debated Lyle during the live call-in show.  Lyle admitted that he had no evidence of any kind to advance his fantasy that Ken Christianson was DB Cooper.  Lyle stated that his brother lived near Seattle, worked for Northwest Airlines, and was a former paratrooper.  That was all the evidence Lyle gave.  What Lyle really wanted was a Hollywood movie depicting Ken Christianson as DB Cooper so that Lyle would become famous and make money.  It seems that there is only one person remaining who is trying desperately to push Ken Christianson as DB Cooper.  That person is Robert Blevins, a co-author of a very poorly researched, and factually incorrect, version of the 1971 hijacking.  It seems Mr. Blevins is desperate, when all other former supporters of the Ken Christianson theory have long-ago packed their bags and departed.  Maybe Mr. Blevins is seeking fame and riches.  One thing for sure:  Mr. Blevins has produced no evidence that is either probative or supports his theory.  His sole source of support is that a "probable co-conspirator named Geestman is lying about his involvement with Ken Christianson."  This is a flimsy way to construct a case, and the reason why Mr. Blevins gets no attention from the FBI, from bonafide DB Cooper researchers, or from credible media sources.  Ken Christianson was not DB Cooper, not matter how much Mr. Blevins keeps fantacizing.  And those are the facts.

Excellent, well written statement. Excellent!


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #297 on: July 16, 2014, 12:00:16 AM »
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that about sums it up. I would add that I find it extremely strange that Lyle had no clue of this for decades. the brothers were obviously close, and I am positive Lyle was aware of the crime, and the sketch that he just so happened to see decades later? some of the witnesses Robert claims to have are falling under fire for the simple reason they didn't really know Kenny that well. the purchase of the house was a huge deal before it was found to be incorrect. the large sum of money in his account prior to his death can easily be explained. actually a large portion of it is missing if you wish to split hairs. Kenny sold a large lot consisting of approx, 18 acres I believe selling at $17,000 an acre. the lot was purchased in the early 60's. Robert likes to toss things in to make it look like it was connected to the crime. I ask this, what was a poor guy who slaved for Northwest Orient, with very little pay, purchasing real estate? you can't have one way in my opinion. I think Kenny was good with money, and knew exactly what he was doing, and it paid off for him. I don't see any mystery here.....

The wood in the attic is nothing but that. the house went through a lot of changes, including the removal of the kitchen, and the ever so popular countertop with the same formica on it.

I think Kenny was an average guy who worked just like everyone else does, and bitched about work, just as everyone does. the worse hurdle for Kenny to get over is Tina stating she had to look up at Cooper. she would be at eye level with Kenny. I'm sure Kenny knew exactly how to open the stairs. he would have to know the plane inside and out for emergencies.

The story has now taken a turn with all kinds of people coming forward? this is a Bob Knoss tactic if you ask me. the word "smoke & mirrors" comes to mind!

Bruce Kitt told me it was pretty obvious the whole Decoded-Kagin/Blevins 'production' was nothing more than a staged media creation trying to produce a preconceived result. They took people's statements out of context, or only parts of people's statements which they claimed fit a certain interpretation. They ignored people's other comments and statements wholesale, which disagreed with their contention KC could be DB Cooper. And Bruce made it perfectly clear neither he nor the NWA History Center endorses anything Blevins has said or claimed ...and it is apparent that Blevins has never made any attempt to correct the record with respect to Mr. Kitt. Had not I intervened and called and talked to Mr. Kitt, very likely Mr. Blevins would have continued to peddle his version of what Kitt was filmed saying, Blevins would have continued to bypass the whole issue of what Kitt's actual views and information are,  and Mr. Blevins would never have made Kitt's "actual views" he expressed to Meltzer and Kagin known ! It's a textbook example of simple fraud on Blevins’ part!

When I presented this material on DZ several nights ago the only ‘hook’ Blevins could find to use was an accusation that ‘I had betrayed  confidence in revealing Kitt’s feelings and the true story of what happened during the production of Decoded, Kitt conveyed to me in a private conversation’!?  In fact there was no such confidence implied or expressed between Kitt and myself.  Then last night RMB reprises what I posted Kitt saying during OUR conversation … almost as if Blevins had conducted the interview himself!  He gives me no credit whatever.  It’s just one more example of distortion and fraud. Mr. Blevins didn’t interview Kitt. I did!     
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 12:09:51 AM by georger »

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #298 on: July 16, 2014, 12:44:59 AM »
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that about sums it up. I would add that I find it extremely strange that Lyle had no clue of this for decades. the brothers were obviously close, and I am positive Lyle was aware of the crime, and the sketch that he just so happened to see decades later? some of the witnesses Robert claims to have are falling under fire for the simple reason they didn't really know Kenny that well. the purchase of the house was a huge deal before it was found to be incorrect. the large sum of money in his account prior to his death can easily be explained. actually a large portion of it is missing if you wish to split hairs. Kenny sold a large lot consisting of approx, 18 acres I believe selling at $17,000 an acre. the lot was purchased in the early 60's. Robert likes to toss things in to make it look like it was connected to the crime. I ask this, what was a poor guy who slaved for Northwest Orient, with very little pay, purchasing real estate? you can't have one way in my opinion. I think Kenny was good with money, and knew exactly what he was doing, and it paid off for him. I don't see any mystery here.....

The wood in the attic is nothing but that. the house went through a lot of changes, including the removal of the kitchen, and the ever so popular countertop with the same formica on it.

I think Kenny was an average guy who worked just like everyone else does, and bitched about work, just as everyone does. the worse hurdle for Kenny to get over is Tina stating she had to look up at Cooper. she would be at eye level with Kenny. I'm sure Kenny knew exactly how to open the stairs. he would have to know the plane inside and out for emergencies.

The story has now taken a turn with all kinds of people coming forward? this is a Bob Knoss tactic if you ask me. the word "smoke & mirrors" comes to mind!

Bruce Kitt told me it was pretty obvious the whole Decoded-Kagin/Blevins 'production' was nothing more than a staged media creation trying to produce a preconceived result. They took people's statements out of context, or only parts of people's statements which they claimed fit a certain interpretation. They ignored people's other comments and statements wholesale, which disagreed with their contention KC could be DB Cooper. And Bruce made it perfectly clear neither he nor the NWA History Center endorses anything Blevins has said or claimed ...and it is apparent that Blevins has never made any attempt to correct the record with respect to Mr. Kitt. Had not I intervened and called and talked to Mr. Kitt, very likely Mr. Blevins would have continued to peddle his version of what Kitt was filmed saying, Blevins would have continued to bypass the whole issue of what Kitt's actual views and information are,  and Mr. Blevins would never have made Kitt's "actual views" he expressed to Meltzer and Kagin known ! It's a textbook example of simple fraud on Blevins’ part!

When I presented this material on DZ several nights ago the only ‘hook’ Blevins could find to use was an accusation that ‘I had betrayed  confidence in revealing Kitt’s feelings and the true story of what happened during the production of Decoded, Kitt conveyed to me in a private conversation’!?  In fact there was no such confidence implied or expressed between Kitt and myself.  Then last night RMB reprises what I posted Kitt saying during OUR conversation … almost as if Blevins had conducted the interview himself!  He gives me no credit whatever.  It’s just one more example of distortion and fraud. Mr. Blevins didn’t interview Kitt. I did!     

I don't think Robert could have misrepresented Kitt forever.

See this article Vicki found:

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In it Kitt says this on page 10, talking about the opening of the Cooper exhibit in Tacoma.

"Tom Kaye, a forensic scientist with Citizens Sleuths, gave an update on independent analysis of items from the FBI’s evidence of the hijacking. I
thought his talk did much to dismiss the theory of Kenny Christensen being Dan Cooper and provide information on the buried $20 dollar bills
found along the bank of the Columbia River in 1980. This should definitely be a destination for anyone in the Puget Sound area. COOPER ends
on January 5, 2014. BK "


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #299 on: July 16, 2014, 12:58:45 AM »
It's been pretty obvious that Mr. Blevins is a "peddler," not a valid researcher, or writer of facts.  His book, Blast, has done poorly.  It has many errors and mistakes in it, even after multiple revisions.  If Mr. Blevins truly had something constructive to add to the case, things would be different for him.  Instead, he spends his many hours per day posting defensive comments and discussing personal things about himself that are irrelevant and not interesting to anyone else.  But most telling is the lack of support by others who initially bought into the Ken Christianson story.  Geoff Gray.  I talked with Geoff Gray for several hours and he had nothing positive to say about Mr. Blevins when I broached questions about RMB.  Geoff Gray is not a proponent of Ken Christianson as the suspect.  Skipp Porteous.  I knew and compared some investigative facts with Skipp Porteous in 2008-2010.  Skipp is Mr. Blevin's co-author.  But Skipp has NEVER come out to Blevin's defense.  That is very telling.  Even more telling is that Skipp has never met Blevins face-to-face.  This is not the normal stuff of co-authorship of a great mystery.  Skipp has bowed out.  Mr. Blevins would say otherwise, but let him prove it by showing the viewers a true copy of an e-mail from Skipp Porteous to Blevins with a recent posting date.  I have dozens of e-mails from Skipp Porteous.   Mr. Blevins is a strange man indeed, with all of his incessant ramblings.  But it all adds up to one very discernable attribute:  he is in dire need of attention (like a teenager using twitter), for the purpose of showing that he has accomplished something in his life.  I hope he can articulate what that accomplishment is, because none of us can figure it out, and, .......he hasn't come close to solving the DB Cooper case.