Ok, after talking with Robert on DZ I was able to confirm my feelings about the "testimony" of Carolyn Powell being deceptive at the points I have presented in the past. I also watched the ending of Decoded again with the part of Bernie Geestman. it appears that he thinks Robert is lying, he thinks it's possible Kenny was Cooper based on the sketch. the panel seems to have believed his story. Buddy went further stating he wasn't the accomplice. If you take Bernie out of the equation, it's another surgical strike against the story.
Bernie Geestman........nothing seems to point to him being an accomplice.
Margaret Geestman.....(now Miller) can no longer state anything if her ex-husband is not the accomplice.
Carolyn Powell............Has been found not credible in anything said.
Robin Powell...............A heavy drinker with a violent background can not be credible in any statement.
Dawn J Androsko.......It's real hard to believe she borrowed $5,000 paying it back in two years. this is in 1972, a very large sum to loan out to someone you have barely known.
How do we know whether or not Bernie & Margaret are not trying to get each other into trouble? we have no idea of there past together, what caused the separation.
The "Evidence"
The House.............what seemed to be an important part of the story has fell apart due to the lack of research showing the house was not purchased in cash as stated almost anywhere this story has been, be it books, websites, letters to the FBI etc.
Property...............documents appear to be labeled incorrectly by either the wrong address, to stating they were purchased for $10.
The Bank Account...Kenny had large sums of money in his accounts. some try to show the reason from land deals after the crime. this is also incorrect. Kenny was involved with land dating back into the early 60's. he sold a plot containing over a dozen acres at $17,000 a piece. actually there is close to a hundred grand missing if you wish to go that route.
The wood In The Attic.. This can have many other options to it, first it's claimed to be a hiding spot for the money. I fail to connect this for the simple fact of when you put Formica on a surface you don't take the original wood off unless the surface is damaged. why would Kenny put Formica on a piece of wood he is placing in the attic? the kitchen was removed when it was turned into a commercial status. the inside was changed. that piece could of found it's way up there for many reasons. I noticed repairs done, new insulation. this means it never had it, or the old was removed. it could have been used to stand on, who knows, but I seriously doubt it's been there since 1971. the kitchen being destroyed shows why the countertop has jagged edges on parts of it because it was ripped out with no care given for it's appearance.
The Airstream Trailer This can convince many perhaps, but this is basing everything on Cooper wanting to jump where they think he did. evidence seems to point at Cooper wanting out of the plane early, so why is everyone gathering around a possible location that might not have been in the plan?
The Description Kenny Christiansen doesn't match the FBI's description of Cooper. Robert Blevins is trying by using the passengers statements, this is not a good idea because they didn't have a reason to remember him, that's why they differ. Tina stated she had to look up at Cooper. this is extremely hard to get around since Tina, and Kenny are the same height. his skin tone is off, he was bald on the top.
The Te Clip according to reports Dawn J Androsko identified the tie clip, not the tie, being the same Kenny had. I thought Dawn barely knew Kenny after the crime? how could barely know someone, get $5k, and recognize the clip?
The Toupee According to Roberts report Dawn also knew Kenny wore a toupee prior to the crime, but stopped wearing it. again, how could she know all of this if she barely knew him? this is familiar with the now exposed statement from Carolyn Powell who also didn't know much about Kenny, and was proven to have false statements.
The Stamp/Coin Collection..To date, nobody has seen one piece of evidence supporting any valuable collection. prices from $400k, $300k, to $30k have been mentioned. even at 10 grand you would think some sort of documentation would be present. once again, the word speculation comes up.
Please explain where anyone can say this is the best set of circumstances in history?