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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2310 on: February 25, 2018, 09:04:21 PM »
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1000's of people had motive
1000's of people had the skills
1000's of people fit the profile
1000's of people can fit the general description

1 person wore the tie for the 4-5 years prior to the hijacking, that is the best piece of physical evidence to lead to the hijacker..

I know Fly that you don't want to tell us who your suspect is, but can you tell us why you won't tell us?

I really would like some help investigating this line, but don't want to publicly name people still alive without proof. Realistically, it is still circumstantial and theoretical at this point. How do "WE" publicly investigate/share information that may not necessarily pan out.

Some of you know these jumpers/pilots.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2311 on: February 25, 2018, 10:23:48 PM »
Discussing the "Suspect-hood" of living people is a bit tricky, in my view. Here is my prevailing perspective:

If we discuss individuals by a first name, last initial is one way to go.

Discussing people by their accomplishments or credentials, such as being a member of SOG or a certain dental lab, and drawing conclusions, such as - such-and-such a person has the "skill set," etc. to be DBC - which is how we talk about Petey and Airborne Bob - is another way to go.

Perhaps you (or someone else... hint, hint...) might need to contact your suspect and discuss the salient issues in a direct manner. Why not be up-front about it with your suspect? EG:

"Hi, my name is Fly and I'm an Internet sleuth investigating the DB Cooper case. I've come to realize that you have many of the qualities that make you a suspect in the case. Whaddya think? Do you have a few minutes to chat?"

Here's the reality: Your guy is gonna get investigated one way or another and it's fair to let him know. The question is how and for how long. You've been dancing around this issue for what - a year? Time to get going, I say. As with Klansnic, his son is now teaming up with the Young Bucks of Cooper World (Derek, et. al.) to prove his father wasn't DBC to clear the family name.

What I do caution folks is not to say the dreaded words: "So-and-so is DB Cooper." I don't think it is fair - or legal - to make such a statement. As a journalist we never say stuff like that. Rather, we say thing like: So-and-so was dragged into Superior Court today kicking and screaming to answer charges filed by the District Attorney last week that he is the guy the "Despicable Me" movies are based upon, etc...

As an investigator my rule of thumb has been: when in doubt, stir the pot. Second rule of investigation: keep 'em talking.

Lastly, you say some of us know your guy. Why not have them make contact and see what happens? Of course, 377 is a prime candidate since EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD LOVES HIM, whereas we all know what tends to happen when I ring a doorbell....

Remember, your suspect either is DBC or he isn't. If you pop the question and he disappears off the face of the earth, then we have ANOTHER clue and the basis of a good HBO special. If he laughs, we might have another voice here at the Forum and I might get another book sale...

Lastly, if you want to talk about these strategies you can call me. PM is okay, but better is direct contact. All my details are posted at the Mountain
« Last Edit: February 25, 2018, 10:37:42 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

Offline Parrotheadvol

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2312 on: February 26, 2018, 09:31:46 AM »
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Yeah, I thought that GG had claimed the house was paid for in cash, and inferred that it came from the skyjacking. Oh, well. Thanks for refreshing my memory.

And thanks, Shut, for the financial update on KC.

I don't know if this is the final answer on the subject, but it looks like Gray's "Skyjack" was released in August of 2011. Again, it's been a while so I don't recall what it says exactly about the house purchase. But a year earlier, in August of 2010, Blevins said the following on DZ:

"Skipp Porteous sent me a message today about Kenny Christiansen's purchase of the house in Bonney Lake for cash. Until now, the only verification we had on this was the word of a couple of people who knew Kenny. Porteous says he now has hard proof. I have asked him to forward this to me, and as I soon as I hear back from him, I will post the information".

So, unless there is something from Gray, previous to "Skyjack" that makes this claim, then it appears that RMB was the first to make the house purchase by cash claim. Maybe there's something I missed? Interesting though, is that while he's very quick now to point out that it was Gray who originally made the claim, in 2010 he's says he's getting this info from people who knew Kenny. Calling into question of course, the reliability of such people.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 09:34:34 AM by Parrotheadvol »

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2313 on: February 26, 2018, 12:22:24 PM »
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Yeah, I thought that GG had claimed the house was paid for in cash, and inferred that it came from the skyjacking. Oh, well. Thanks for refreshing my memory.

And thanks, Shut, for the financial update on KC.

I don't know if this is the final answer on the subject, but it looks like Gray's "Skyjack" was released in August of 2011. Again, it's been a while so I don't recall what it says exactly about the house purchase. But a year earlier, in August of 2010, Blevins said the following on DZ:

"Skipp Porteous sent me a message today about Kenny Christiansen's purchase of the house in Bonney Lake for cash. Until now, the only verification we had on this was the word of a couple of people who knew Kenny. Porteous says he now has hard proof. I have asked him to forward this to me, and as I soon as I hear back from him, I will post the information".

So, unless there is something from Gray, previous to "Skyjack" that makes this claim, then it appears that RMB was the first to make the house purchase by cash claim. Maybe there's something I missed? Interesting though, is that while he's very quick now to point out that it was Gray who originally made the claim, in 2010 he's says he's getting this info from people who knew Kenny. Calling into question of course, the reliability of such people.

I'm not sure why there was ever such confusion.  Kenny assumed a mortgage for half the value of the house and paid it off around 1991.  That was easily verifiable by searching Pierce County records. 

It also appears people researching the records didn't really understand.  Robert Blevins said Kenny bought the adjacent piece of land for $10.  The recorded document says "Ten dollars and other valuable consideration".  I just bought a house and it says that too. 

The wooded property Kenny sold in the early 1990s he bought in 1961, so investing in property wasn't new to him. 


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2314 on: February 26, 2018, 02:31:44 PM »
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Yeah, I thought that GG had claimed the house was paid for in cash, and inferred that it came from the skyjacking. Oh, well. Thanks for refreshing my memory.

And thanks, Shut, for the financial update on KC.

I don't know if this is the final answer on the subject, but it looks like Gray's "Skyjack" was released in August of 2011. Again, it's been a while so I don't recall what it says exactly about the house purchase. But a year earlier, in August of 2010, Blevins said the following on DZ:

"Skipp Porteous sent me a message today about Kenny Christiansen's purchase of the house in Bonney Lake for cash. Until now, the only verification we had on this was the word of a couple of people who knew Kenny. Porteous says he now has hard proof. I have asked him to forward this to me, and as I soon as I hear back from him, I will post the information".

So, unless there is something from Gray, previous to "Skyjack" that makes this claim, then it appears that RMB was the first to make the house purchase by cash claim. Maybe there's something I missed? Interesting though, is that while he's very quick now to point out that it was Gray who originally made the claim, in 2010 he's says he's getting this info from people who knew Kenny. Calling into question of course, the reliability of such people.

I'm not sure why there was ever such confusion.  Kenny assumed a mortgage for half the value of the house and paid it off around 1991.  That was easily verifiable by searching Pierce County records. 

It also appears people researching the records didn't really understand.  Robert Blevins said Kenny bought the adjacent piece of land for $10.  The recorded document says "Ten dollars and other valuable consideration".  I just bought a house and it says that too. 

The wooded property Kenny sold in the early 1990s he bought in 1961, so investing in property wasn't new to him.

Owning property and "speculating in land" is a fundamental value in Kenny's rural Minnesota family-cultural heritage. His brother Lyle and Lyle's son took it to a new level and are well known 'speculators' investing in property, patents, movies and ideas for movies, and even people's careers - Lyle and his son have a long history of promoting patents and even a number of young women to various agencies including to Hollywood and to modeling agencies in New York City. One member of Kenny's family wanted to speculate in bail bonds! It can be easy money when risk is minimized.

It was during one of those missions that Lyle ventured to NYCity to promote the idea of a movie based on the fact his brother had worked for NWO, had been DBCooper! Lyle promoted this as a "good idea for a movie" and he hired Porteous to find him a movie producer and a script writer! That is how Blevins entered the picture. Geoffrey Gray knows the whole story but has never written about it or stated publicly what the true facts are. It was not in Gray's interest to do so because he was also promoting his own writing and a book with Crown Publishing! Crown and Gray were trying to protect their own "investment"!  .....  This whole thing is about "Investments"!  So even Gray's involvement with Kenny also traces back to Porteous and Lyle Christiansen! 

The whole thing is purloined BS traced back to its originator: Lyle Christiansen. Lyle has a long history of similar "promotions". It is due to Lyle Christiansen that Porteous, Geoff Gray, and RobertMBlevins ever became aware of Kenneth Christiansen and this "good idea for a movie" surfaced at all.

On the other hand, Jo Weber has her own history of "speculation" out of which she began promoting her husband Duane, as DBC.

These "speculators" are so transparent it hardly deserves any attention in the real DBC case history! It's all part of the DB Cooper Lottery.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 03:53:32 PM by georger »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2315 on: February 26, 2018, 05:20:39 PM »
While asking Robert where he got the idea the house was paid in cash he quoted Grey's book "Kenny purchased a house in bonney lake" that's how I remember the answer....this was after realizing a mortgage verifies not paid in full, or in cash...if you don't wish to publicly show amounts paid you put one dollar or ten's a myth or fabrication if anyone said different.....

Keeny was single and appears to have no debt, so I don't believe he had it rough at all...
« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 05:23:37 PM by Shutter »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2316 on: February 26, 2018, 07:40:20 PM »
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Lastly, you say some of us know your guy. Why not have them make contact and see what happens? Of course, 377 is a prime candidate since EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD LOVES HIM, whereas we all know what tends to happen when I ring a doorbell....

Bruce, just for the record, if you're ever up north again, you, unsurelock, 377, georger, shutter, DavidV, - in fact any Cooperite who has been nice to me, which is all who have addressed me thus far, are more than welcome to stop in for tea/beer/coffee/drinks any time, just make sure you let me know beforehand as my place is always a pit. Cooper might even be in here somewhere.  8)

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2317 on: February 26, 2018, 08:37:06 PM »
Thanks, Lynn. I'll put a star on The Minnie Apple in my Rand McNally. Usually when I've been passing through MN I stay with a storytelling buddy by the name of Michael Cotter - he's a corn farmer on the I-90 near Austin.

I also have a buddy in Fairfax. He built the beachcleaners I used in my biz in NY during the 1980s. They're modified potato pickers, sifting the sand to remove garbage.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2318 on: February 26, 2018, 08:39:28 PM »
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Thanks, Lynn. I'll put a star on The Minnie Apple in my Rand McNally. Usually when I've been passing through MN I stay with a storytelling buddy by the name of Michael Cotter - he's a corn farmer on the I-90 near Austin.

I also have a buddy in Fairfax. He built the beachcleaners I used in my biz in NY during the 1980s. They're modified potato pickers, sifting the sand to remove garbage.
Your business was cleaning beaches? (BTW, distantly related - when you were up here, did you ever see an old TV series called The Beachcombers, set in Gibson's, B.C.?)

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2319 on: February 26, 2018, 08:45:28 PM »
I first arrived in Minneapolis in 1981, where I saw the Cherrington Beachcleaner at a national gathering of recreation therapists and other rec professionals.

I ran Sandsifter Beachcleaning Co. from 1982 until 1989, selling it to my employees so I could go off and join the Ramtha School in Yelm, WA. I also used these machines to sift rocks from horse tracks - half my money was made that way.

Never did see the TV show, "The Beachcombers." Where is Gibson, BC? I was married to a gal in Lund, BC - 1999-2000.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2320 on: February 26, 2018, 08:49:20 PM »
The following post should sum up a lot of the KC saga...I have to put things in order..just spending a little time on the DZ shows how easy one can forget what they say while posting over the years....

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2321 on: February 26, 2018, 08:55:01 PM »
May 11, 2014
Lyle Christiansen recently reported to me that the coin and stamp collection was officially appraised at $40,000. Most was sold at auction, but Lyle also says they received less than the appraised amount, due to fees and the fact that at auctions items don't usually go for retail prices. Lyle says that a great deal of the money that was left behind in Kenny's estate came from the sales of land he hadpurchased years earlier. But no one in the family can explain how Kenny went from having nothing to obtaining a house, loaning out thousands to Dawn Androsko, etc.

Robert claims he seen the receipt in a earlier post? Auctions can exceed retail easily..other posts claim $400k, $300k, and $30k

Carolyn Powell has stated Kenny purchased the house for cash! You know, the one who has a cop as a husband for credibility? Total fabrication...if the house wasn't purchased for cash, then it's a lie, plain and simple...story had to come from somewhere? only ONE person telling the story...

Nov, 3, 2014
Not spoofed...just mistaken. Upon checking with Lyle tonight via email, he told me that he's also heard that story about the FBI paying him a visit and taking his DNA. They have NOT done this. It was just another dead end, rumor, whatever.

Only one person was stating this to begin with, rumor? More like fabrication!

Oct, 2, 2013
DNA: Lyle gave a DNA sample to agents from the Minneapolis office of the FBI. No investigation on Kenny has ever been done by the FBI, and as far as I know, theDNA has never been compared to the sample from the tie. 

Nov. 17, 2014
I guess I have to learn to be more specific with Lyle. I asked him previously if the FBI had visited him and taken a DNA sample. He said no.

june 20, 2011
Lyle contacted the FBI first, and gave them a sample of his DNA for possible testing later.

Nov. 18, 2012
 KC's prints and DNA have NEVER been checked against what limited physical evidence they have in the case. (partial profile, some prints) A DNA sample was submitted some time ago by Lyle Christiansen, taken by agents from the Minneapolis office

June 31, 2011 very specific
Porteous says this:
"Originally, I contacted Special Agent Cynthia Deitle in New York. I told her the things about Kenneth Christiansen and D.B. Cooper that matched. She said she was meeting in Washington DC with a Special Agent from Seattle. After the meeting, she said to send a DNA sample (that Lyle supplied of his spittle, and an envelope/stamp that Kenny licked) right thumb fingerprint (from the Army discharge papers) and a copy of the discharge papers themselves.

why wouldn't he contact Seattle directly?

Yet, Lyle knows nothing about this?

My guess would be they were told he doesn't fit the description just as they have been stating for years...that's why nothing was sent, or even attempted. it appears to have all been made up IMHO...also, I believe the agents in New York would only be a communicator to Seattle since the case was still open...they would refer them to Seattle and not take anything from them...

« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 09:17:30 PM by Shutter »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2322 on: February 26, 2018, 08:55:19 PM »
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I first arrived in Minneapolis in 1981, where I saw the Cherrington Beachcleaner at a national gathering of recreation therapists and other rec professionals.

I ran Sandsifter Beachcleaning Co. from 1982 until 1989, selling it to my employees so I could go off and join the Ramtha School in Yelm, WA. I also used these machines to sift rocks from horse tracks - half my money was made that way.

Never did see the TV show, "The Beachcombers." Where is Gibson, BC? I was married to a gal in Lund, BC - 1999-2000.
Gibson's is on the Sunshine Coast, near Sechelt. Gorgeous part of the world.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2323 on: February 26, 2018, 08:59:41 PM »
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Lastly, you say some of us know your guy. Why not have them make contact and see what happens? Of course, 377 is a prime candidate since EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD LOVES HIM, whereas we all know what tends to happen when I ring a doorbell....

Bruce, just for the record, if you're ever up north again, you, unsurelock, 377, georger, shutter, DavidV, - in fact any Cooperite who has been nice to me, which is all who have addressed me thus far, are more than welcome to stop in for tea/beer/coffee/drinks any time, just make sure you let me know beforehand as my place is always a pit. Cooper might even be in here somewhere.  8)

Thanks for the offer, don't know if I'll make it up there, but I would surely let ya know....
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Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2324 on: February 26, 2018, 09:14:37 PM »
Update on Suspects

2018 Update on Suspects and Sleuths-Advocates

1. Kenny Christiansen     - RMB, circa 2007
2. Joe Lakich              - Bill Rollins, 2015
3. James Klansnic           - Derek, and some of the Dominoes
4. Duane Weber              - Jo Weber, 1995
5. LD Cooper              - Marla “Twisty Butt” Cooper, 2010
6. Barb Dayton              - Ron and Pat Forman, 1996/2002/2008
7. Sheridan Peterson      - Bob Sailshaw, 1961/1971/2010
8. Ted Braden              - Half of the 5th Special Forces, Billy Waugh, 1971/present
9. Airborne Bob              - Tom Colbert and 40 retired LE guys, 2012-ish
10. Jumping Jack Cash   - Bradley Cooper (son of Jack Collins)
11. Mr. Sonnen              - Chael Sonnen (his son)
12. Wolfie Gossett           - Galen Cook, Clyde Lewis (Ground Zero Radio, Portland), Wolf's sons
13. Don Burnworth        - Captain Gray Goose
14. Richard McCoy           - SAC Russ Calame, Lars Larson – host of KXL Radio, Portland
15. Richard Lepsy      - Nimi Wrecks, aka Ross Richardson, Lisa Lepsy
16. Mel Wilson              - Jerry Thomas, Vicki Wilson (maybe)

Did I miss anyone?
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