Will post this here since the other thread has been locked - in reply to previous post to Mark in the locked thread. re SLA in 1974. Mark its up to you what you want to say or not say. But the whole nightmare around Mizmoon and the SLA was just one more event in a whole string of social events (hijackings, bombings daily, civil disturbances) that marked the 70s. Its why a lot of us still believe Cooper's hijacking had political dimensions - his grudge. It's not a frivolous thought. I sort of assumed when I earmarked the SLA and Mizmoon in my post, you of all people would know exactly what I was talking about, and why.
Yes! - "Did any of Cooper's 200k find its way into ... political activities" ?
Are there any Cooper twenties sitting in evidence files for extinct political groups?
The rest is up to you ... thanks for the email!
I can say for certain that there was no link, funding or otherwise, between DBC and the SLA. There was stolen SN recorded bank currency found in the FBI raids of SLA safe houses, but the source was CA banks that they had robbed with Patty Hearst, not SeaFirst Bank.
There was a considerable amount of military talent in the SLA. Joseph Remiro, who was convicted of assassinating Marcus Foster, the Oakland Unified School Dist Supervisor, was a former Army Ranger who fought in Vietnam. Bill Harris, who pled guilty to second degree murder in the killing of customer Myrna Opsahl during the robbery of a Sacramento area bank, was an ex-Marine who fought in Vietnam. Russel Little, also convicted in the Marcus Foster murder but later released on a successful appeal, and acquitted in a retrial, was an Army vet who met Remiro in VVAW activities, (VVAW=Vietnam Veterans Against the War). They all had grudges.
The manhunt was intense for the SLA. They retreated from Northern CA to a house in Los Angeles that became the site of an inferno when literally hundreds of law enforcement officers converged and got into a firefight with the six SLA members inside. Neighbors interviewed confidentially said they knew who was living there but nobody tipped the cops, despite the lure of substantial rewards. The neighbors were mostly poor African Americans and may have felt some sympathy with the SLA whose ransom demands to the Hearst family included feeding the poor. The police only found the house because of an unpaid parking ticket with that address found in an abandoned getaway vehicle.
I've always wondered if some people might have known who DBC was but didn't turn him in as they felt sympathy for him and disliked the FBI. Just speculation. I think the SLA benefitted from that kind of sympathy at times.