Author Topic: Suspects And Confessions  (Read 1670957 times)

Offline MEYDC

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2235 on: February 10, 2018, 04:58:05 PM »

Offline MEYDC

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2236 on: February 10, 2018, 05:01:19 PM »
at 13 minutes and 55 seconds in the clip on my previous post. BTW I am under the weather so if I misquote something take that into consideration. I am on 3 prescriptions for it.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2237 on: February 10, 2018, 05:02:02 PM »
I'm not really going to continue to respond to McCoy as a prime suspect...I fail to see anything of value pointing to McCoy being Cooper..hearsay, is nothing but, hearsay IMHO...

1) show the credit card receipt and hand writing experts opinion...
2) show proof McCoy wasn't in Utah
3) show any kind of documentation that he was in Vegas..
4) Tena bar is not proof the money was lost...could of went down with Cooper, many claim a plant (excludes losing the money) etc.etc.

The above means zero until it can be documented as fact....
« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 05:05:11 PM by Shutter »


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2238 on: February 10, 2018, 05:02:11 PM »
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I've watched this show many times..something new always pops was interesting that they got his basic description correct! 25-30 years old, even though McCoy looks a little older....

what happened to these there mental status all screwed up? McCoy had visible danger showing all the time (weapon & explosive)
I am glad that this air piracy was handled much better by the FBI. I think Cooper that caught everyone off guard. I think that the Cooper would have been solved if it the airplane had been processed better. I hope one day they can say for sure who Cooper and how he did it even if he is dead.

I don't see much difference? nobody got hurt, they gave him everything he asked for, and the crew did everything just like the crew of 305..
They caught their suspect and didn't make errors that Seattle division did. The Seattle division let a local police agency process the plane. Magazines were tossed which could have had his fingerprints on it. Losing the cigarette butts was inexcusable. It seems odd that took a hard look at Duane Weber, and LD Cooper when there wasn't much going for them. I think that they shuld have looked closer at McCoy, he had told Calame that Cooper had lost of the money. I think that he either knew who Cooper was or was Cooper.

You keep referring to "they" - who is this "they"?  Keep in mind you are referring to different 'they'(s) stretched out over very long time periods. Your "they" cant be all the same people!

I think that he either knew who Cooper was or was Cooper. ???  Ma ze ha b'Englit? (Please translate into English?)
it was Reno, not Seattle. He told Calame that Cooper lost most of the money. My thoughts are that he knew something, and they should have pressed on and tried to get more info out of him. I have read the book the real McCoy. I would give you a page where I read that but a friend is borrowing the book.

There is no documentation that shows Cooper lost any of the money during the jump.  Also, the price of Cooper's ticket was exactly $20.00 which he paid with a twenty dollar bill, the source for this information is the agent that sold the ticket to Cooper.
wa this    at 13 minutes and 55 seconds it is said that Cooper lost the money

Anyone can put anything they want to on YouTube, but is doesn't mean a damn thing as far as being credible.  Again, there is no documentation or evidence in existence that proves or even suggests that Cooper lost the money during the jump.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2239 on: February 10, 2018, 05:23:00 PM »
Poster MEYDC keeps referring to plane being trashed *by the police agency* ?  at Reno. Here's an article note -

Excerpt from Reno Evening Gazette, November 25, 1971:

The FBI said he probably bailed out of the plane before it reached Oregon.

FBI agents and Reno police swarmed around the jet airliner at Reno's airport Wednesday night, but found no trace of the hijacker, his reported bomb or his ransom. Police confined to securing the exterior of plane while the FBI entered and searched the plane with dogs.

After a search of the area around the runway, police were released by the FBI. Harold E. Campbell Jr., FBI resident agent in charge from Las Vegas, said, "There is no indication he is in Nevada or the Reno area.” Campbell said the search of the plane would be coordinated in a two part search probably wrapping up tomorrow.

Police said FBI agents got into each of four cars containing K-9 police dogs. They lined the runway when the airliner landed, but no sign of the hijacker was found.

These reports of the plane being trashed surfaced after Geof Gray first reported it after an interview with Harold E. Campbell - maybe something in his book about that? - no specification (Police vs FBI) of who did the trashing - dogs ate food? - magazines thrown around destroying evidence - evidence compromised - general malpractice by all law enforcement 'trashing' the cabin of the plane? But the second more thorough search occurred the following day.

I wasnt there so I dont know, thank God!   :rofl:

« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 05:32:48 PM by georger »

Offline MEYDC

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2240 on: February 10, 2018, 06:07:44 PM »
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Poster MEYDC keeps referring to plane being trashed *by the police agency* ?  at Reno. Here's an article note -

Excerpt from Reno Evening Gazette, November 25, 1971:

The FBI said he probably bailed out of the plane before it reached Oregon.

FBI agents and Reno police swarmed around the jet airliner at Reno's airport Wednesday night, but found no trace of the hijacker, his reported bomb or his ransom. Police confined to securing the exterior of plane while the FBI entered and searched the plane with dogs.

After a search of the area around the runway, police were released by the FBI. Harold E. Campbell Jr., FBI resident agent in charge from Las Vegas, said, "There is no indication he is in Nevada or the Reno area.” Campbell said the search of the plane would be coordinated in a two part search probably wrapping up tomorrow.

Police said FBI agents got into each of four cars containing K-9 police dogs. They lined the runway when the airliner landed, but no sign of the hijacker was found.

These reports of the plane being trashed surfaced after Geof Gray first reported it after an interview with Harold E. Campbell - maybe something in his book about that? - no specification (Police vs FBI) of who did the trashing - dogs ate food? - magazines thrown around destroying evidence - evidence compromised - general malpractice by all law enforcement 'trashing' the cabin of the plane? But the second more thorough search occurred the following day.

I wasnt there so I dont know, thank God!   :rofl:
I never said that and your post has been reported Georger.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 06:54:29 PM by MEYDC »


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2241 on: February 10, 2018, 08:03:18 PM »
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Poster MEYDC keeps referring to plane being trashed *by the police agency* ?  at Reno. Here's an article note -

Excerpt from Reno Evening Gazette, November 25, 1971:

The FBI said he probably bailed out of the plane before it reached Oregon.

FBI agents and Reno police swarmed around the jet airliner at Reno's airport Wednesday night, but found no trace of the hijacker, his reported bomb or his ransom. Police confined to securing the exterior of plane while the FBI entered and searched the plane with dogs.

After a search of the area around the runway, police were released by the FBI. Harold E. Campbell Jr., FBI resident agent in charge from Las Vegas, said, "There is no indication he is in Nevada or the Reno area.” Campbell said the search of the plane would be coordinated in a two part search probably wrapping up tomorrow.

Police said FBI agents got into each of four cars containing K-9 police dogs. They lined the runway when the airliner landed, but no sign of the hijacker was found.

These reports of the plane being trashed surfaced after Geof Gray first reported it after an interview with Harold E. Campbell - maybe something in his book about that? - no specification (Police vs FBI) of who did the trashing - dogs ate food? - magazines thrown around destroying evidence - evidence compromised - general malpractice by all law enforcement 'trashing' the cabin of the plane? But the second more thorough search occurred the following day.

I wasnt there so I dont know, thank God!   :rofl:
I never said that and your post has been reported Georger.

Reported? For what? Accuracy?

What did you say? I can go back and place your exact words in here if you want? You clearly said "police" as distinct from FBI. I will get back to this tonight if it warrants it.  ;)     but why wait!


OK, here;s you exact words;

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2225 on: Today at 01:33:46 PM »

They caught their suspect and didn't make errors that Seattle division did. The Seattle division let a local police agency process the plane. Magazines were tossed which could have had his fingerprints on it. Losing the cigarette butts was inexcusable. It seems odd that took a hard look at Duane Weber, and LD Cooper when there wasn't much going for them. I think that they shuld have looked closer at McCoy, he had told Calame that Cooper had lost of the money. I think that he either knew who Cooper was or was Cooper.

The Seattle division let a local police agency process the plane. Magazines were tossed which could have had his fingerprints on it. Losing the cigarette butts was inexcusable.  your words.

So far as I know the Seattle guys werent even in Reno, unless you know something I dont know? ?  So what exactly are you saying? And don;t jump on me because of what "you" say!

Like Bruce, You have been making quite an issue about how the FBI and Police were incompetent and fucked up. Intentionally? The least anyone can do is ask you to prove it. This is why I asked you who you were and your sources, and why we should believe anything you say? I just work here! Im a Little guy. 
« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 08:16:56 PM by georger »

Offline MEYDC

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2242 on: February 10, 2018, 08:19:28 PM »
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Poster MEYDC keeps referring to plane being trashed *by the police agency* ?  at Reno. Here's an article note -

Excerpt from Reno Evening Gazette, November 25, 1971:

The FBI said he probably bailed out of the plane before it reached Oregon.

FBI agents and Reno police swarmed around the jet airliner at Reno's airport Wednesday night, but found no trace of the hijacker, his reported bomb or his ransom. Police confined to securing the exterior of plane while the FBI entered and searched the plane with dogs.

After a search of the area around the runway, police were released by the FBI. Harold E. Campbell Jr., FBI resident agent in charge from Las Vegas, said, "There is no indication he is in Nevada or the Reno area.” Campbell said the search of the plane would be coordinated in a two part search probably wrapping up tomorrow.

Police said FBI agents got into each of four cars containing K-9 police dogs. They lined the runway when the airliner landed, but no sign of the hijacker was found.

These reports of the plane being trashed surfaced after Geof Gray first reported it after an interview with Harold E. Campbell - maybe something in his book about that? - no specification (Police vs FBI) of who did the trashing - dogs ate food? - magazines thrown around destroying evidence - evidence compromised - general malpractice by all law enforcement 'trashing' the cabin of the plane? But the second more thorough search occurred the following day.

I wasnt there so I dont know, thank God!   :rofl:
I never said that and your post has been reported Georger.

Reported? For what? Accuracy?

What did you say? I can go back and place your exact words in here if you want? You clearly said "police" as distinct from FBI. I will get back to this tonight if it warrants it.  ;)     but why wait!


OK, here;s you exact words;

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2225 on: Today at 01:33:46 PM »

They caught their suspect and didn't make errors that Seattle division did. The Seattle division let a local police agency process the plane. Magazines were tossed which could have had his fingerprints on it. Losing the cigarette butts was inexcusable. It seems odd that took a hard look at Duane Weber, and LD Cooper when there wasn't much going for them. I think that they shuld have looked closer at McCoy, he had told Calame that Cooper had lost of the money. I think that he either knew who Cooper was or was Cooper.

The Seattle division let a local police agency process the plane. Magazines were tossed which could have had his fingerprints on it. Losing the cigarette butts was inexcusable.  your words.

So far as I know the Seattle guys werent even in Reno, unless you know something I dont know? ?  So what exactly are you saying? And don;t jump on me because of what "you" say!

Like Bruce, You have been making quite an issue about how the FBI and Police were incompetent and fucked up. Intentionally? The least anyone can do is ask you to prove it. This is why I asked you who you were and your sources, and why we should believe anything you say? I just work here! Im a Little guy.

comment personal attacks will not be tolerated....
« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 10:57:16 PM by Shutter »

Offline Lynn

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2243 on: February 10, 2018, 08:21:41 PM »
One quick question - just to save my sleepy eyes from trying to sift through every past post - or worse, every Googled article about the case: does anyone know Rackstraw's height offhand?

I only ask because, as Shutter pointed out, people are asking to throw out the composites on the one hand, claiming their suspect was in disguise, while simultaneously pointing out how strongly their suspect undisguised matched the composites. It defies logic. I went to IKEA today, and they had better straws than this to grasp at.

However, if we are to dismiss parts of the witness descriptions of Cooper, shouldn't the parts we keep be those agreed upon by the most witnesses (particularly Tina, Flo, and Mitchell) and those hardest to disguise? I personally think we can go to bat on the approximate age, build, and height. Almost all of the suspects put Cooper as quite tall - 5'10" to 6'1''. House must have seen him standing as she describes him with the briefcase leaving the washroom, and as he did leave his seat, at least Tina must have seen him out of his seat at some point.

But even if NOBODY saw him leave his seat, he is described by witnesses as slouching a lot.

Okay, so let's say your favourite suspect is on the shorter side - 5'8'' or 5' 9''. To be perceived as taller, he'd have to wear lifts in his shoes. So then why slouch? He was either disguising his height or he wasn't. If he wasn't, there's no reason to think he wasn't tall. (The ONE suspect who described a shorter guy was also off the rest of the descriptions by so much, I've started to suspect he's describing some other suit on the plane.)

IMHO, we can discount anyone under 5'10''. I think the likelihood is he was on the taller side of the estimate, in fact, because he was described as taller by people WHO MOSTLY SAW HIM SLOUCHING.

This all occurred to me as I was dropping off to sleep last night. Feel free to shoot it down!
« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 08:27:15 PM by Lynn »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2244 on: February 10, 2018, 09:49:55 PM »
Tina stood next to him on several occasions. She is 5' 8” could she look at him and not be able to tell he's taller than herself? It's pretty simple boyz & girlz....

If the composite consists of someone wearing make-up, then all the suspects are look a likes, or copycatz.. you can't match a person to the sketch...the whole idea is to cover the appearance.

How can Rackstraw look like the sketch when he used putty makeup?
How can McCoy look like the sketch when he used makeup?

You shouldn't be able to put a photo next to the sketch if they covered there appearance, or they would of said Cooper was trying to hide his appearance...”yes, it's Rackstraw in makeup” “yes, it was McCoy trying to cover his appearance” it seems to be yet another way to get around factual evidence...

It would be so much easier to grow a stash & beard, wear a hat a glasses...done. That's how you do it IMHO. Why the need for Hollywood special effects?

McCoy boarded the plane as himself...he purposely put on a noticeable cover to hide his original appearance....

Now, after reading the 302's, it's pretty obvious that the FBI checked every lead...dozens of letters sent to the FBI, or phone calls speaking of someone who looks like the, when McCoy did his hijacking, you can bet the FBI checked him with a fine tooth comb. The FBI is far from perfect, but I would tend to believe they know what they are doing...explaining it to us is not is not going to happen..

evidence does get lost, it's not uncommon. I've pointed out several times that they almost threw away the original transcripts from the gunfight at the OK corral..40 plus years is a longtime to hold onto anything. It's possible if they applied the manpower that they could be found..they just don't care's no longer valuable to them..


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2245 on: February 10, 2018, 11:30:14 PM »
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Tina stood next to him on several occasions. She is 5' 8” could she look at him and not be able to tell he's taller than herself? It's pretty simple boyz & girlz....

If the composite consists of someone wearing make-up, then all the suspects are look a likes, or copycatz.. you can't match a person to the sketch...the whole idea is to cover the appearance.

How can Rackstraw look like the sketch when he used putty makeup?
How can McCoy look like the sketch when he used makeup?

You shouldn't be able to put a photo next to the sketch if they covered there appearance, or they would of said Cooper was trying to hide his appearance...”yes, it's Rackstraw in makeup” “yes, it was McCoy trying to cover his appearance” it seems to be yet another way to get around factual evidence...

It would be so much easier to grow a stash & beard, wear a hat a glasses...done. That's how you do it IMHO. Why the need for Hollywood special effects?

McCoy boarded the plane as himself...he purposely put on a noticeable cover to hide his original appearance....

Now, after reading the 302's, it's pretty obvious that the FBI checked every lead...dozens of letters sent to the FBI, or phone calls speaking of someone who looks like the, when McCoy did his hijacking, you can bet the FBI checked him with a fine tooth comb. The FBI is far from perfect, but I would tend to believe they know what they are doing...explaining it to us is not is not going to happen..

evidence does get lost, it's not uncommon. I've pointed out several times that they almost threw away the original transcripts from the gunfight at the OK corral..40 plus years is a longtime to hold onto anything. It's possible if they applied the manpower that they could be found..they just don't care's no longer valuable to them..

About five years ago, a lot of the original material on the OK corral gunfight was found.  I don't remember exactly what it was, but it was found during a move from an older building to a new building.  It was found in a small file room that none of the present day employees were familiar with.

That material is now in the state archives in Phoenix.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2246 on: February 10, 2018, 11:37:05 PM »
OK Corral inquest transcript found in Arizona jailhouse store room...dated April 2010...

It was the original transcripts from the trial...they made photocopies in the 60's but went missing after they copied them..basically, forgot where they were..
« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 11:41:09 PM by Shutter »


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2247 on: February 10, 2018, 11:41:42 PM »
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OK Corral inquest transcript found in Arizona jailhouse store room...dated April 2010...

It was the original transcripts from the trial...they made photocopies in the 60's but went missing after they copied them..basically, forgot where they were..

That's it!


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2248 on: February 10, 2018, 11:46:05 PM »
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Poster MEYDC keeps referring to plane being trashed *by the police agency* ?  at Reno. Here's an article note -

Excerpt from Reno Evening Gazette, November 25, 1971:

The FBI said he probably bailed out of the plane before it reached Oregon.

FBI agents and Reno police swarmed around the jet airliner at Reno's airport Wednesday night, but found no trace of the hijacker, his reported bomb or his ransom. Police confined to securing the exterior of plane while the FBI entered and searched the plane with dogs.

After a search of the area around the runway, police were released by the FBI. Harold E. Campbell Jr., FBI resident agent in charge from Las Vegas, said, "There is no indication he is in Nevada or the Reno area.” Campbell said the search of the plane would be coordinated in a two part search probably wrapping up tomorrow.

Police said FBI agents got into each of four cars containing K-9 police dogs. They lined the runway when the airliner landed, but no sign of the hijacker was found.

These reports of the plane being trashed surfaced after Geof Gray first reported it after an interview with Harold E. Campbell - maybe something in his book about that? - no specification (Police vs FBI) of who did the trashing - dogs ate food? - magazines thrown around destroying evidence - evidence compromised - general malpractice by all law enforcement 'trashing' the cabin of the plane? But the second more thorough search occurred the following day.

I wasnt there so I dont know, thank God!   :rofl:
I never said that and your post has been reported Georger.

Reported? For what? Accuracy?

What did you say? I can go back and place your exact words in here if you want? You clearly said "police" as distinct from FBI. I will get back to this tonight if it warrants it.  ;)     but why wait!


OK, here;s you exact words;

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2225 on: Today at 01:33:46 PM »

They caught their suspect and didn't make errors that Seattle division did. The Seattle division let a local police agency process the plane. Magazines were tossed which could have had his fingerprints on it. Losing the cigarette butts was inexcusable. It seems odd that took a hard look at Duane Weber, and LD Cooper when there wasn't much going for them. I think that they shuld have looked closer at McCoy, he had told Calame that Cooper had lost of the money. I think that he either knew who Cooper was or was Cooper.

The Seattle division let a local police agency process the plane. Magazines were tossed which could have had his fingerprints on it. Losing the cigarette butts was inexcusable.  your words.

So far as I know the Seattle guys werent even in Reno, unless you know something I dont know? ?  So what exactly are you saying? And don;t jump on me because of what "you" say!

Like Bruce, You have been making quite an issue about how the FBI and Police were incompetent and fucked up. Intentionally? The least anyone can do is ask you to prove it. This is why I asked you who you were and your sources, and why we should believe anything you say? I just work here! Im a Little guy.

comment personal attacks will not be tolerated....

Thanks Shutter - have no idea what he said - I wasnt here - 


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #2249 on: February 11, 2018, 12:19:54 AM »
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Tina stood next to him on several occasions. She is 5' 8” could she look at him and not be able to tell he's taller than herself? It's pretty simple boyz & girlz....

If the composite consists of someone wearing make-up, then all the suspects are look a likes, or copycatz.. you can't match a person to the sketch...the whole idea is to cover the appearance.

How can Rackstraw look like the sketch when he used putty makeup?
How can McCoy look like the sketch when he used makeup?

You shouldn't be able to put a photo next to the sketch if they covered there appearance, or they would of said Cooper was trying to hide his appearance...”yes, it's Rackstraw in makeup” “yes, it was McCoy trying to cover his appearance” it seems to be yet another way to get around factual evidence...

It would be so much easier to grow a stash & beard, wear a hat a glasses...done. That's how you do it IMHO. Why the need for Hollywood special effects?

McCoy boarded the plane as himself...he purposely put on a noticeable cover to hide his original appearance....

Now, after reading the 302's, it's pretty obvious that the FBI checked every lead...dozens of letters sent to the FBI, or phone calls speaking of someone who looks like the, when McCoy did his hijacking, you can bet the FBI checked him with a fine tooth comb. The FBI is far from perfect, but I would tend to believe they know what they are doing...explaining it to us is not is not going to happen..

evidence does get lost, it's not uncommon. I've pointed out several times that they almost threw away the original transcripts from the gunfight at the OK corral..40 plus years is a longtime to hold onto anything. It's possible if they applied the manpower that they could be found..they just don't care's no longer valuable to them..

My fear is sooner or later Cooper forums will be forced to use a facial recognition metric of the Cooper sketches, or a composite of those original sketches. That would have immediate impact on all people proposing anyone as a DB Cooper match. It's the technological world we live in - a proposed suspect would either fit the metric or they wouldn't.

So far we've been lucky. Nobody so far has proposed, for example, that they 'see' Cherokee or Eskimo features in any of the Cooper sketches! Or Japanese. ............ the list is long. Think about it!  :rofl:

If and when dna and finger prints were ever released, facial recognition data on the original FBI sketches would not be far behind. Its not totally out of the realm of possibility that sooner or later somebody is going to surface with claimed hard evidence from FBI files. Im almost surprised it hasn't already happened given events of the last several years with no apparent boundaries on human enterprise.

Maybe DB Cooper had Quechua genes? You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
« Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 12:34:00 AM by georger »