Derek has been busy touting James E. Klansnic as DB Cooper, and he is really digging into this guy. His youthful exuberance is sometimes problematic, as well. I've had to admonish him over at the Mountain News. But I've spoken with Derek on the phone because he is so dogged, and Klansnic does have some compelling aspect to his candidacy:
1. One, he knew the 727 fairly well, and held patents for the hydraulics, according to Derek. Also worked on the aft stairs. I keep meaning to ask Sailshaw if he knew Klansnic, but I know how Sail can get pretty cranky whenever the conversation drifts away from Petey.
2. Klansnic was stationed at Fort Lewis. Flew a B-17 in WWII. Jumped out at 26,000 feet through his bomb-bay door. Evaded the Wehrmacht for a night.
3. Had a grudge: got laid off from the SST project.
4. When he died a few years back, his family asked for donations in lieu of flowers, and requested that the moolah to be donated to the Carmelites in Eugene. Sound familiar?

Derek has another aspect to his personality that I find compelling. He fell into his investigation while reading an old issue of "Hydraulics Today" or some such tech mag. He read about Klansnic, became fascinated, and then when he felt he had found DBC he started to weep. That's my kind of guy!
Like with John Rollins and his investigation. Something at the gut level is going on. Perhaps something deeper. Something psychic, something spiritual.
Now, please know that if I had to witness Jo Weber crying over Duane, I'd just figure that she needed adjust her meds or something.
Speaking of the psychic, most of you poo-poo-ed the inclusion of my remote viewing exercises in my DBC book, but I got a very heartfelt email from a reader who was very grateful that I had written it. It confirmed and affirmed for him the value of that kind of communicative process, which has been an important part of his life and in his family's interactions. Apparently he received a very important message from a loved one in the Ukraine.
Bottom Line: If it gets ya through the night, it's alright.