Found evidence that my "foreign suspect" spent time in the Seattle area around 1966, that timeframe matches the evidence for the tie. The two labels on the tie put a date of manufacture around 1965 +/- 6 months.. The Penny's tie was not available outside the US at that time..
For the hijacker to be a foreigner they would have had to have been in the US to obtain the Penny's tie around 1965/66. (there are some minor exceptions)
foreigner from where?
I knew he was travelling in western Canada in 1966, but now have evidence that he went down to Seattle, not uncommon for people to do, add a US leg..
The timing is critical as it lines up with the manufacture/sale date for the Penny's tie.
Penny's didn't sell that tie in Canada and expanded out of US many years later. For the hijacker to be a foreigner and obtain the tie around 1965/66 he had to have been in the US.. (unless it was a gift or something) Generally, the US only Penny's tie has always been a hurdle for the foreigner theory and now that we have established the tie manufacture date around 1965 it makes it even tougher. A foreigner would have had to have been in the US around 1965/66 to obtain the tie and again in 1971 for the hijacking.
I just received a suspect photo in the mail purporting to be from late 1960's, might be mid sixties but a dead ringer for the suspect sketch even the clothes are an exact match and I just realized that in the stuff sent to me, I have a recording of his voice, deep, smooth pleasant/polite.. but in French. I also found evidence that he knew at least 3 languages.. pic of him in parachute, WW2, 95% of tie particles match and much more..
If we could ever get a witness to look at the pic and listen to the voice and they recognize it, the FBI would be convinced to do a DNA comp from the book sample I obtained from Quebec.
Only way to get a solve is put a suspect on the plane. Only way to put him on the plane is DNA/prints..