Author Topic: Suspects And Confessions  (Read 1667765 times)


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1515 on: October 28, 2016, 05:02:56 PM »

Sure, will send you link.  Using Google docs.  Appreciate your feedback.  If you don't mind putting your email address in message we can work this offline.

Offline George21226

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1516 on: October 29, 2016, 09:41:00 AM »
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Sure, will send you link.  Using Google docs.  Appreciate your feedback.  If you don't mind putting your email address in message we can work this offline.

Good work on the crime-partner chart, Aeronaught, I got some more bad guys for you. Meanwhile, our vet sounds promising


Offline JustJulz

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1517 on: October 29, 2016, 08:36:02 PM »
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I think we should start with some general categories of associates. Maybe family & lovers, military, drug ring, coworkers, corrupt cops. Any others?

I found about a dozen names of crime-partners/collaborators from the HC weekend rerun, and Colbert’s book: So far I’ve located: one of trafficker Briggs’ partners in the ‘80 money-plant; a Frisco co-worker that twice hid him, and his bank-fraud money, from police and FBI; and a 70’s radical bomber, now professor (!), who Rackstraw sold some dynamite.

Then I got an unsolicited approach, regarding a military connection of Rackstraw.  I was an AF Intel Officer for 42 years and was contacted by a former AF colleague that had been contacted by this Rackstraw military connection.  Need to verify identity and story. If legit, could be very interesting. This is the reason I started this thread.  I was contacted about 3 weeks ago.  Still checking it out.

George I am pretty sure I know who you are talking about in regards to the military connection and I already spoke with him... it is a legit source that backs up that our good friend Airborne Bob conspired with other vets on norjak as a special mission. As far as briggs things did not go as planed on t-bar and RWR still has questions for him....

Uh Nicky, I don't think Rackstraw's going to get any questions answered from Briggs. In Colbert's book, it says he told Rackstaw in their sit-down meeting in 2013 that the trafficker died decades ago. When I saw your entry, I checked... just found this Oregon grave registry....FYI. You should really get the book...😉
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 08:43:57 PM by JustJulz »

Offline George21226

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1518 on: October 30, 2016, 04:38:48 PM »
Let's just call him GB1 for now, he still needs some coaxing. This is all according to my AF colleague: In 1968-71, this guy was stationed in Vietnam's War Zone C, mostly at "Bu Dop," the Special Forces camp. The first time his unit saw "Rack" was at Tay Ninh, a mountain refueling point.  GB1 thinks he was riding with another guy, in what looked like a commander's jeep -- the "stolen jeep" in the book? Our candidate may be ailing, but his minds sharp. Damn, like this a lot!

Offline George21226

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1519 on: October 30, 2016, 04:43:31 PM »
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I think we should start with some general categories of associates. Maybe family & lovers, military, drug ring, coworkers, corrupt cops. Any others?

I found about a dozen names of crime-partners/collaborators from the HC weekend rerun, and Colbert’s book: So far I’ve located: one of trafficker Briggs’ partners in the ‘80 money-plant; a Frisco co-worker that twice hid him, and his bank-fraud money, from police and FBI; and a 70’s radical bomber, now professor (!), who Rackstraw sold some dynamite.

Then I got an unsolicited approach, regarding a military connection of Rackstraw.  I was an AF Intel Officer for 42 years and was contacted by a former AF colleague that had been contacted by this Rackstraw military connection.  Need to verify identity and story. If legit, could be very interesting. This is the reason I started this thread.  I was contacted about 3 weeks ago.  Still checking it out.

George I am pretty sure I know who you are talking about in regards to the military connection and I already spoke with him... it is a legit source that backs up that our good friend Airborne Bob conspired with other vets on norjak as a special mission. As far as briggs things did not go as planed on t-bar and RWR still has questions for him....

Nicky, my AF brother pressed him, claims he's talked to no one. Maybe another of Rack's vet-partners? Stay tuned.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1520 on: October 31, 2016, 01:25:29 PM »
Remember Norton? He was mentioned by some as a DBC candidate. Photos of him were posted recently on Facebook.

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Comments said he was a nice guy and also a Hells Angels MC member.

Died on a Piper Navajo ferry flight from CA to HI. Lost an engine near HI, couldn't make it on one, never found. He and another pilot died, so chances of it being a faked death decrease.


« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 01:34:45 PM by 377 »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1521 on: October 31, 2016, 01:42:45 PM »
Please explain, 377. I can not access Facebook.

Apparently I have been caught up in a Cyber War between Bryan Woodruff and RMB. Bryan it seems has made me an administrator of the Ariel Store Facebook page, and RMB in turn has asked Facebook to strike me from making posts.

And I was just sitting here minding my own business!


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1522 on: October 31, 2016, 03:32:50 PM »
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Please explain, 377. I can not access Facebook.

Apparently I have been caught up in a Cyber War between Bryan Woodruff and RMB. Bryan it seems has made me an administrator of the Ariel Store Facebook page, and RMB in turn has asked Facebook to strike me from making posts.

And I was just sitting here minding my own business!

And you let him on your homepage forum! ?   Good move Skippy.

'the blind shall see, the lame shall walk, the lepers are cured, the deaf shall hear, and the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor and bereft of The Venom Magnet.' 

duhhhhhhhhhhh - any more dumb-ass entanglement  news?

« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 03:39:05 PM by georger »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1523 on: October 31, 2016, 03:58:45 PM »
For Bruce, a Norton photo.

Offline JustJulz

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1524 on: November 04, 2016, 09:07:29 AM »
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I think we should start with some general categories of associates. Maybe family & lovers, military, drug ring, coworkers, corrupt cops. Any others?

I found about a dozen names of crime-partners/collaborators from the HC weekend rerun, and Colbert’s book: So far I’ve located: one of trafficker Briggs’ partners in the ‘80 money-plant; a Frisco co-worker that twice hid him, and his bank-fraud money, from police and FBI; and a 70’s radical bomber, now professor (!), who Rackstraw sold some dynamite.

Then I got an unsolicited approach, regarding a military connection of Rackstraw.  I was an AF Intel Officer for 42 years and was contacted by a former AF colleague that had been contacted by this Rackstraw military connection.  Need to verify identity and story. If legit, could be very interesting. This is the reason I started this thread.  I was contacted about 3 weeks ago.  Still checking it out.

George I am pretty sure I know who you are talking about in regards to the military connection and I already spoke with him... it is a legit source that backs up that our good friend Airborne Bob conspired with other vets on norjak as a special mission. As far as briggs things did not go as planed on t-bar and RWR still has questions for him....

Nicky, where have you been?  Could use your help to review our hierarchical chart of RWR's co-conspirators, friends and family. You're the only one that actually knows him. You could keep us straight  :))

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1525 on: November 04, 2016, 01:49:30 PM »
Hey guys been having problems with my internet at the house finally got it squared away. George sent me a PM that I just replied too, he is going to send me over the chart. I like what you guys are doing would love to help!

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1526 on: November 07, 2016, 01:51:39 AM »
Update on Petey

Sheridan Peterson has been in touch with me and few people here ever since his appearance on the History Channel docu. We have emailed quite a few times, and here are some of my views:

1. I don't think Petey is DB Cooper.
2. He is still very cantankerous, opinionated, etc...
3. Petey has personal issues, and I don't want to talk about them here.
4. He is apparently leaving his current home - an assisted-living facility in Santa Rosa, CA that is briefly pictured in the HC docu - for reasons that I don't fully understand.
5. His mud hut in Nepal was actually a two-story wood frame structure that was pretty rickety. It had plenty of cow dung as a cement and thatch on the roof that had plenty of insects.
6. Petey is sending me pix of his days in Vietnam, etc.
7. I sent him a copy of DB Cooper and the FBI, and after reading the chapter I had written on him he gave it to his daughter Ginger so that she could know what we are saying about him!

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1527 on: November 07, 2016, 01:23:05 PM »
Back in 71 skydivers considered it cool to be considered as a Cooper suspect. I strongly suspect MANY lied about having been interviewed by the FBI. Sheridan was a hard core out of the box skydiver who flaunted the USPA and FAA. He was a pioneer wingsuit jumper and was kicked out of the USPA for refusing to comply with their directives. As much as he protests being a DBC candidate I'll bet the skydiver side of him kinda likes it.

I was disappointed I wasn't interviewed. The FBI visited the USPA HQ in Monterey and looked through all the membership records. I was a USPA member, jumped 100% military surplus gear, had recently traveled to Seattle and I owned a 727 flight manual. My age in 1971 was 22 though and that I am sure took me off the list.

Sheridan is an interesting guy and he looks remarkably good for his age. He is charming, wiley and smart. His eyes are piercing blue so no mistaking his true eye color. He keeps up on current events and politics and reads voraciously. His detailed recollections about sport jumping in Saigon mirror exactly what I was told by an ARVN paratrooper who jumped with the Saigon Sport Parachute  Club.

Sheridan does not live in an assisted living home. He lives in subsidized low income housing in a pretty nice place as you can see on the History Channel interview. He and I have a bet on the election: I have 20 on Hillary and he bet 20 that Trump (who he hates) will win. If he pays me with a crisp Cooper 20 I can retire early.  ;)


« Last Edit: November 07, 2016, 03:59:52 PM by 377 »
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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1528 on: November 07, 2016, 02:17:07 PM »
Well ladies and germs it looks like I have myself a new personal trainer and he is none other then the legendary Airborne Bob.  Bob thinks I am too skinny and wants to put some meat on these bones ( I weight 125 currently) anyway he has been gracious enough to volunteer his services as my personal trainer. We had our first work out this morning and boy did it kick my ass! AB was a beast though (see pic below) I was surprised at how good of shape he is in for his age...I will keep you guys updated on my progress as my goal is to gain 15 pounds of lean muscle in the next 10 weeks. I know some of you are curious about Jim Shell... he has always been of great interest to me especially his role in the t-bar money plant. 
« Last Edit: November 07, 2016, 02:28:38 PM by nickyb233 »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1529 on: November 07, 2016, 04:46:18 PM »
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... I know some of you are curious about Jim Shell... he has always been of great interest to me especially his role in the t-bar money plant.

And I have great interest in how you, or Jim, explain the thousands of shards buried at three feet down in the sand.