While we're waiting for the Big Reveal, Nicky, can you tell us some little stuff?
What's it like on the Poverty Sucks? Did you go for a sail? Is Bob much of a sailor, or does someone else skipper the boat?
How does the family treat Bob? Has everybody made peace with Bob possibly killing Philip Rackstraw, or are there strong family divisions?
What kind of DB Cooper jokes does the family tell? Any? Any references to a Cooper twenty?
Doesn't necessarily answer all the questions you posted above Bruce, but the interview RWR's now deceased sister gave Colbert that Shutter referenced earlier is pretty interesting...
To me, this sounds a lot like Marla's story. A ton of intangibles with nothing definite linking the suspect to the Cooper hijacking.
But, there is one tangible fact with virtually nothing said or developed about it: The FBI did investigate Rackstraw for some reason and with all of Colbert's assets including FBI agents ... Colbert has presented almost nothing on this part of the story outside of the apparent fact 'the FBI dismissed Rackstraw as being Cooper'.
What are the particulars of the FBI's investigation of Rackstraw and why hasn't Colbert and his investigators given us the particulars? Quite obviously there are facts and particulars in the FBI side of this story. It's like an all-night dance where we don't get to dance with the girl we came to meet and dance with! And its been 40+ years since this romance started and the ole gal may die of old age soon!
In fact, these 'big rambling productions' that go nowhere and consume years and decades, seems to be the rule. Maybe it's time for something narrow and focused and simple, for a change!

In fact, time and again 'more' has proven not to be 'better' in the DB Cooper affair. And more & more & more has proven to be an even bigger better NOTHING!