Trump will solve the case.
He will authorize torture in the name of national security and get a confession. Just pick a credible suspect and start waterboarding.
Retired FBI agent, John Douglas, I believe, uttered a powerful statement on a TV show related to the Amanda Knox story and coerced confessions:
"When I was in the FBI we had a saying: 'We can convict anyone. The innocent just take a little longer."
The Trump Presidency will unleash lots of messy stuff, I suppose, like water boarding, or anything goes if it gets you to a conviction. The real question may be: who will be elected in 2020 to clean it all up?
I attended a gathering of investigative journalists in Seattle last night, and I said to the crowd that we journalists have missed the biggest story of our times - the rise of Donald Trump. We did so, I believe, and many agreed with me, because most journalists are guys like me - liberal, well-educated white guys, and we have nothing in common with the folks who hunger for The Donald. Hence, we journalists never write stories that include the Trumpsters, nor appeal to them.
I told my crew that I think we need to change that, and start learning about the Trumpsters and explain them to our usual audience, which is other liberal white guys.