Author Topic: Suspects And Confessions  (Read 1667785 times)

Offline Shutter

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1230 on: July 15, 2016, 10:08:29 PM »
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Hag would have been 33 or 34 at the time of the hijacking and he guessed D.B. Cooper suspect to be roughly 10 years older than him. I will gladly share his name with you as long as you can reassure me the credit will go to where it belongs. By this I do not necessarily mean myself as much as to Hag (even if it is posthumously). It would probably mean a lot to his son and daughter. I promise I will share his name as soon as said reassurances are given. I am sorry for the inconvenience it is just that I made a promise to Hager and it is something that means a lot to me (I am talking about the promise).

That's not a problem what so ever. cover your bases, I like that. you can rest assure that everyone here has a goal. that goal is to research, and try to get to the bottom of things surround the Cooper case. if you are uneasy about anything you wish to publish, I would be more than happy to supply you with some sort of agreement stating that research into your suspect will be the sole purpose of our work, and credit shall be given to it's rightful owner. all I ask is that the work done here is also acknowledged. I can even take a screenshot of this post right here, it also has your post at the top.

Dave Brown
(aka Shutter)


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1231 on: July 15, 2016, 10:09:06 PM »
I want to thank Mr. Smith for his interest and encouragement as this means a lot to me personally. I have just recently visited your mountain news website and very much enjoy it. Thank you.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1232 on: July 15, 2016, 10:39:13 PM »
Hag-knew, you have my reassurances that in my commentaries I will fully accredit your story to you and Haggar. Please continue, and thanks for your kind words about the MN.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1233 on: July 15, 2016, 10:57:41 PM »
Agreed thank you very much. I believe your website is very credible and I truly believe we can help each other to achieve our similar goals. I believe I am ready to proceed, thank you.   Charles (Chuck) Dooley is the name I was given by Hager. He was not exactly sure how it was spelled but that is what it sounded like. Hager said Chuck lived about halfway up I-5 to the west in some type of rental unit. Hager said at one time there was an orchard located there that was later turned into rental units. Hager was very knowledgeable about the geography of the state of Washington. He also told me that Chuck had worked at some type of steel plant site located on the south east corner (I believe) of Mount St. Helens during this time period (1969 to 1971). It was later destroyed by the eruption. My friend's full name was Hager Don Roark.

Offline Shutter

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1234 on: July 15, 2016, 11:31:08 PM »
Was Charles ever married....middle name?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2016, 11:31:57 PM by Shutter »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1235 on: July 15, 2016, 11:44:06 PM »
Doing the math:

Okay, so we have three new suspects in play:
1. Chuck Dooley, via HaggarKnew
2. The BC GUY, from Prospector,
3. Unknown GUY, as announced by Ayn Dietrich-Williams, who is unidentified but was disqualified by the FBI as of early 2016.

Just keeping score, reducing confusion, etc.

Offline Shutter

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1236 on: July 15, 2016, 11:52:38 PM »
By the I was born in Ohio... O0

Middle name if possible...
where he died (state)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2016, 11:58:49 PM by Shutter »


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1237 on: July 16, 2016, 12:14:33 AM »
Do not believe he was married (at least during this time period). I am sorry but I do not know his middle name. I know this might sound weird but Hager thought there might be some connection to the University of Minnesota. Something about Chuck being the roommate of some 7 footer that played basketball for the university in the late 1960s. I believe they lived on campus in one of the dorms. It might actually have been earlier in the 1960s.(I am not certain). During Chucks stay in Washington I believe there was some kind of disturbance involving some bikers and the local F.B.I. that although I do not think Chuck was actually a part of, may have led to some hard feelings on Chucks part. I believe he may have been friends with them or something. This is something I think I have read about before (not sure where). Hager seemed sure the hijacking was definitely not about the money more about the grudge. This part of the story seems well documented about. Hager said he probably never spent the money. Did not really need it, already pretty well set. Hag also said he saw Chuck at least two more times during the 1970s. Both times were in the Washington area but Hag said Chuck seemed kind of distant at the time and they did not hang out. The picture of them together (with the rest of the team) after winning the pool tournament would have listed each of the teammates names. Hager said this how I could find the correct spelling of Chucks name. Hager often chuckled about how the F.B.I. was closer to solving the case than they actually realized.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1238 on: July 16, 2016, 12:21:18 AM »
Looking up death records for 2007

Results with possible names due to spelling issues...

Charles H Dooley
Born 9-29-1932 Died 8-25-2007

Charles P Duley
Born 9-7/1921 Died 8-18-2007

These were the only two found using this spelling...


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1239 on: July 16, 2016, 12:45:16 AM »
Do not really know any details concerning Chucks history after the hijacking. I do suspect he was deceased by the time Hager shared the story with me. I believe Hager may have known he was deceased and that was part of the reason he felt comfortable sharing this with me.I am pretty certain he never shared this with any one else, including his immediate family members. Hager shared some sensational stories from this time period that at first I did not believe. One story was of how he sold the shirt off of Jerry Lewis' back during one of his telethons. Once he realized I did not believe him he dug up photos and newspaper article about it.This happened somewhere in Washington during this time. He also told me he was on Mount St. Helens the day it erupted. He was bear hunting with friends. When I did not believe he produced pictures of the event. There were photographs of the trees being knocked down as they were fleeing the area. He also had pics of his truck that had the paint blistered off it and being considered totaled by the insurance company due to that and the damage occurred by knocking down trees as they fled the area. I am sure his family still has the pics. I am relating this just as a way of letting you know that yes it seems like an implausible story but the truth is I firmly believe Hager as I am sure he never lied to me. He had no reason to. Sorry if I rambled on too much but as I was saying, I really do not know what happened with Chuck after the hijacking, when or if he has since deceased. I do know he survived the jump. As far as Hager goes, He moved back to the Ohio area in the mid 1990s I believe. Remarried and lived in Port Clinton for awhile before getting divorced and moving back to his original hometown of Vanlue Ohio.before his death in 2007.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1240 on: July 16, 2016, 12:48:08 AM »
Hager died in 2007 but I have no idea of when or if Charles Dooley(aka D.B. Cooper) died.

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1241 on: July 16, 2016, 11:27:57 AM »
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Doing the math:

Okay, so we have three new suspects in play:
1. Chuck Dooley, via HaggarKnew
2. The BC GUY, from Prospector,
3. Unknown GUY, as announced by Ayn Dietrich-Williams, who is unidentified but was disqualified by the FBI as of early 2016.

Just keeping score, reducing confusion, etc.

We'll probably never find out who the unknown guy is.  She said it was someone who came to their attention in the last five years.

My first thought was Vicki's dad, Mel Wilson.

She talked to Eng in 2011.  NAMUS, which is also in the justice department, asked the FBI to compare DNA in 2015.  The FBI responded with a non-answer.

If the FBI decided to look for a domestic missing person from that time, Mel was the right age, a career conman and  criminal and went missing just two months before the hijacking.  And -- as Ole Miss Cub reported earlier -- if you're looking for a domestic missing person from that time with those characteristics, you can probably count them without taking your shoes off.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1242 on: July 16, 2016, 11:32:55 AM »
Perhaps it's this guy?


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1243 on: July 16, 2016, 02:04:48 PM »
The suspect avenue seems to have increased since the FBI stated the closing of the case I'm not talking about new suspects, but some of the old ones seems to be re-hatching new approaches, or evidence?

Duane Weber, this is a decades old suspect who has an extensive file with the FBI. Weber is still running strong in mind of the sole person trying to prove Weber as Cooper, but fails to see that nothing links him what so ever to the crime.

Kenneth Christiansen, this suspect is coming up on a decade in life as Cooper. the FBI has stated many times that Kenny is "not a viable suspect" the only thing matching the description is the fact of him being male. Kenny worked for NWO, and many agree he would of been noticed. new, and updated information has been sent to the FBI over a year ago. they did review the information, as the do all leads. when the FBI concluded "no credible leads" all reports given to them are included.

Melvin Wilson, I believe Vicki has done a superb job in trying to find out (not claim) whether or not her father could be Cooper. she has gone through the proper channels in order to try and verify things, but has run into Government red tape. I believe Melvin is a good candidate, but a lot more information is required in order to move forward.

Richard Lepsy, I'm not sure whether the FBI has any information on Lepsy, or not, but like all the other suspects, I believe he has validation in the possibility that he could be Cooper, and just as any other suspect, we have hurdles, and problems with Lepsy.

Sheridan Peterson, He seems to be a good candidate in certain area's, but I think he tends to be more of a prankster, like Cossey more than anything. the letters sent to the newspapers have never been verified as Cooper being the sender, just as no proof is found with Cooper putting his name on the ticket. this was a guy who made sure everything was retrieved linking him to the crime, so why would he risk writing on the ticket?

Most of them don't fit the profile of Cooper, some appear to have had normal lives, and makes me wonder what they would actually think about family members accusing them of this horrible crime. personally, I could never drag one of my family members through the mud like I've seen some of these people do. Vicki, and Ross are not those people I'm referring too.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2016, 02:07:42 PM by Shutter »


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1244 on: July 16, 2016, 02:52:16 PM »
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The suspect avenue seems to have increased since the FBI stated the closing of the case I'm not talking about new suspects, but some of the old ones seems to be re-hatching new approaches, or evidence?

Duane Weber, this is a decades old suspect who has an extensive file with the FBI. Weber is still running strong in mind of the sole person trying to prove Weber as Cooper, but fails to see that nothing links him what so ever to the crime.

Kenneth Christiansen, this suspect is coming up on a decade in life as Cooper. the FBI has stated many times that Kenny is "not a viable suspect" the only thing matching the description is the fact of him being male. Kenny worked for NWO, and many agree he would of been noticed. new, and updated information has been sent to the FBI over a year ago. they did review the information, as the do all leads. when the FBI concluded "no credible leads" all reports given to them are included.

Melvin Wilson, I believe Vicki has done a superb job in trying to find out (not claim) whether or not her father could be Cooper. she has gone through the proper channels in order to try and verify things, but has run into Government red tape. I believe Melvin is a good candidate, but a lot more information is required in order to move forward.

Richard Lepsy, I'm not sure whether the FBI has any information on Lepsy, or not, but like all the other suspects, I believe he has validation in the possibility that he could be Cooper, and just as any other suspect, we have hurdles, and problems with Lepsy.

Sheridan Peterson, He seems to be a good candidate in certain area's, but I think he tends to be more of a prankster, like Cossey more than anything. the letters sent to the newspapers have never been verified as Cooper being the sender, just as no proof is found with Cooper putting his name on the ticket. this was a guy who made sure everything was retrieved linking him to the crime, so why would he risk writing on the ticket?

Most of them don't fit the profile of Cooper, some appear to have had normal lives, and makes me wonder what they would actually think about family members accusing them of this horrible crime. personally, I could never drag one of my family members through the mud like I've seen some of these people do. Vicki, and Ross are not those people I'm referring too.

Vicki and her sister stand out because they have very personal reasons for wanting to get to the bottom of what happened to their father. I had a step-sister who got abandoned and it has affected her whole life, sadly. So I know where Vicki and her sister are coming from. As much as I understand and feel for Vicki personally, I still ask: does it have anything to do with Cooper. My feeling is the chances are low. And if that is true then maybe it helps Vicki. I just hope Vicki has not been lead on to think that her father was a prime suspect because I just dont see any evidence that's the case. Vicki has handled this very well in my opinion, in any event.