Ok, I asked yesterday about what some of the people would do who had a suspect in mind since the FBI is no longer in there corner. I've been monitoring Mr. Blevins site, and noticed several things. prior to the show he was ready to pack it in and call it a day. then slowly he starts picking on LMNO posting the supposed raid by the FBI trying the discredit angle. then the first part was shown, and he starts removing all the wrong information he posted by viewing the teaser clips, thinking the show was going to be all about Kenny, and believing Lyle, or Bernie Geestman was seen in the video. then he tries a hail mary approach by posting the unedited version of his report on Kenny. he was upset that they didn't mention the report on the show?
The second part is shown, and he just starts attacking the show, similar to what he tries to do to this forum, and it's members. it appears he didn't like the lineup they did with Mitchell, I didn't notice they put Kenny in with the six photo's, I'll have to look again, but he's claiming it was "deceptive" why? the lineup was not revolving around Kenny, or the possibility of him being Cooper, so I don't think it was wrong that they put Kenny in the mix at any age? the point was to see if Mitchell could ID Rackstraw, not Christiansen.
I believe the lack of air time for Christiansen was due to the following reason, and probably more..
He didn't fit the known description of Cooper.
He worked for the airline that was hijacked by Cooper. it's a known fact that Cooper explained that it wasn't Northwest airlines he had a grudge against, he just had a grudge.
No valid money trail has ever surfaced about any life style changes in Christiansen. dressing like a farmer hardly makes you a hijacker. Kenny purchased a very small home, and wasn't paid off until the mid 90's.
I'm positive that the crew has seen Kenny's photo over the years, and yet none of them have said anything other than Flo almost a decade ago. Robert seems to have a problem with Rackstraw's age, but doesn't have a problem with Kenny's description, or the possibility he wore a toupee, really?
Lyle admitted that his brother "probably wasn't the hijacker" on a radio program some years back. actually, the whole thing started with Lyle wanting to make a movie about his brother being Cooper, and took off from that point.
A lot of these points have been seen by a lot of people. Kenny just doesn't fit in the picture of Cooper. this has zip to do with "hatred" as Robert will always claim as a deterrent to avoid what was written. Kenny was probably a nice guy who, like many were not happy with there employment. if it was really that bad, why didn't change airlines?
Mr. Blevins repeats over and over to let the pubic decide? I think that has been done many times over. just by viewing his site during the program was telling. he has sent the FBI two different PDF files containing the whole Christiansen story, and nothing was ever noted about the files. no valuable evidence found.
It's not really up to the public. they can be easily mistaken when they don't have all the facts, so the public would not be a good subject for proving Kenny was DB Cooper...most who thought Kenny might be Cooper have had a second thought once the get all the facts surrounding this story...none of the people in the story claiming Kenny was Cooper have come forward to tell there story. it's all told by one person. that's way to controlling IMHO. we have seen what happens when Mr. Blevins tries to control things.
I found way to many problems, and deception in the story, so in my opinion, Kenny was just another Northwest airline employee. that's the bottom line..