Author Topic: Suspects And Confessions  (Read 1668241 times)


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1200 on: June 05, 2016, 12:12:48 AM »
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I agree with Bruce Smith's comment on another thread: when Cooper is unmasked it will be someone we have never heard of.  I think LD Cooper showed that if given a good suspect the FBI is still interested and will move fast.

Currently halfway through Skyjack! Read the publicly released FBI interviews.  Interesting how they differ from all the interpretations out there. 

A few things I noted about DB while reading:
1 - Didn't demonstrate any real knowledge about the 727 other than it could fly with the aft stairs down.  Either he didn't know the stairs could be lowered in flight or he had another reason to want them down, like to ensure they stayed within 10,000 feet.
2 - Comfortable working with parachutes
3 - Not a drinker
4 - Didn't seem like a loner, was comfortable around people and in social situations.  If was a career criminal then he must have been a confidence man and not the mafia or street thug type. Seemed to be somewhat educated
5 - What was in the paper bag he had with him?  Goggles?  Footwear?
6 - Why was he so insistent that the crew stay up front and not watch what he was doing?  To conceal his actual jump time?  To delay pursuit for as long as possible?
7 - Seemed like a well planned job.  The only weakness was his choice of footwear and we don't know what else he had on the plane.  The stewardess's only mentioned seeing the attache case and paper sack.  Would we know if he had other luggage with him?

Here are some comments for the indicated number:

1.  Cooper did have some unique information related to the 727.  He specified the altitude, speed, landing gear position, and flap setting for the airliner during the flight south.  Keeping the landing gear down was one means to limit the speed.  Keeping the rear bulkhead door open, and the stairs unlocked, insured that the aircraft cabin could not be pressurized and this limited the altitude.  After the argument with the copilot about taking off with the stairs down, he agreed to leave them up but reportedly told the stewardess that he knew the airliner could take off with them down.  Cooper may have wanted to jump within a few minutes of the take off from Seattle.

2.  Cooper may have had experience wearing emergency parachutes, but he did not appear to be knowledgeable about skydiving rigs.

3.  Not a heavy drinker or smoker.  Ckret wrote that Cooper had one drink and spilled most of it.  And that he smoked less than 10 cigarettes in the 5+ hours that he was under observation.

5.  Unknown contents of the small bag.

6.  Law enforcement people sometimes became part of the flight crews of hijacked airliners.  And some of those LE crew members were actually capable of flying the aircraft.  If the possibility had presented itself, I'm sure that LE would have taken Cooper into custody one way or the other.

7.  The hijacking was very poorly planned.  Cooper wasn't specific enough about wanting skydiver parachute rigs, he didn't realize that one of the reserve chutes was a dummy for training only, he didn't know how to lower the rear stairs, and had difficulty doing so even after being instructed on the matter by the stewardess.  He did not have any other luggage with him when he checked in and bought his ticket.  He could not have smuggled anything else on board from Portland.

Finally, it was mostly luck that Cooper got the money in the first place.  Cooper specified that the airliner was not to land in Seattle until the money was available and he wanted it by 5:00 PM.  Sunset in Seattle that day was about 4:45 PM.  He didn't get the money until about 7:15 PM and was fortunate that the banks hadn't already set their vaults on time locks so that they couldn't be opened until the day after Thanksgiving.

All of this meant that Cooper's jump was going to be at night over some lousy woods and mountains, unless he could jump very close to Seattle.  Say in the area of McChord AFB and Fort Lewis.

good material ... and the particles on the tie?

<sorry if this discussion belongs somewhere else - you can move if you want?? I only caught your note after I posted.>
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 12:15:02 AM by georger »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1201 on: July 03, 2016, 09:34:16 PM »

Offline andrade1812

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1202 on: July 10, 2016, 11:23:43 PM »
The DropZone Cooper Forum is down, at least for me, was Rackstraw ever discussed?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2016, 11:24:17 PM by andrade1812 »

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1203 on: July 10, 2016, 11:33:07 PM »
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The DropZone Cooper Forum is down, at least for me, was Rackstraw ever discussed?

Too many hits perhaps?

It's up for me.  I only found about three entries mentioning him, and really only in passing.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1204 on: July 10, 2016, 11:35:39 PM »
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The DropZone Cooper Forum is down, at least for me, was Rackstraw ever discussed?

Too many hits perhaps?

It's up for me.  I only found about three entries mentioning him, and really only in passing.

Yes, my quote from Jo was from the DZ...It's working on this side?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2016, 11:36:11 PM by Shutter »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1205 on: July 12, 2016, 09:20:11 AM »
Ok, I asked yesterday about what some of the people would do who had a suspect in mind since the FBI is no longer in there corner. I've been monitoring Mr. Blevins site, and noticed several things. prior to the show he was ready to pack it in and call it a day. then slowly he starts picking on LMNO posting the supposed raid by the FBI trying the discredit angle. then the first part was shown, and he starts removing all the wrong information he posted by viewing the teaser clips, thinking the show was going to be all about Kenny, and believing Lyle, or Bernie Geestman was seen in the video. then he tries a hail mary approach by posting the unedited version of his report on Kenny. he was upset that they didn't mention the report on the show?

The second part is shown, and he just starts attacking the show, similar to what he tries to do to this forum, and it's members. it appears he didn't like the lineup they did with Mitchell, I didn't notice they put Kenny in with the six photo's, I'll have to look again, but he's claiming it was "deceptive" why? the lineup was not revolving around Kenny, or the possibility of him being Cooper, so I don't think it was wrong that they put Kenny in the mix at any age? the point was to see if Mitchell could ID Rackstraw, not Christiansen.

I believe the lack of air time for Christiansen was due to the following reason, and probably more..

He didn't fit the known description of Cooper.

He worked for the airline that was hijacked by Cooper. it's a known fact that Cooper explained that it wasn't Northwest airlines he had a grudge against, he just had a grudge.

No valid money trail has ever surfaced about any life style changes in Christiansen. dressing like a farmer hardly makes you a hijacker. Kenny purchased a very small home, and wasn't paid off until the mid 90's.

I'm positive that the crew has seen Kenny's photo over the years, and yet none of them have said anything other than Flo almost a decade ago. Robert seems to have a problem with Rackstraw's age, but doesn't have a problem with Kenny's description, or the possibility he wore a toupee, really?

Lyle admitted that his brother "probably wasn't the hijacker" on a radio program some years back. actually, the whole thing started with Lyle wanting to make a movie about his brother being Cooper, and took off from that point.

A lot of these points have been seen by a lot of people. Kenny just doesn't fit in the picture of Cooper. this has zip to do with "hatred" as Robert will always claim as a deterrent to avoid what was written. Kenny was probably a nice guy who, like many were not happy with there employment. if it was really that bad, why didn't change airlines?

Mr. Blevins repeats over and over to let the pubic decide? I think that has been done many times over. just by viewing his site during the program was telling. he has sent the FBI two different PDF files containing the whole Christiansen story, and nothing was ever noted about the files. no valuable evidence found.

It's not really up to the public. they can be easily mistaken when they don't have all the facts, so the public would not be a good subject for proving Kenny was DB Cooper...most who thought Kenny might be Cooper have had a second thought once the get all the facts surrounding this story...none of the people in the story claiming Kenny was Cooper have come forward to tell there story. it's all told by one person. that's way to controlling IMHO. we have seen what happens when Mr. Blevins tries to control things.

I found way to many problems, and deception in the story, so in my opinion, Kenny was just another Northwest airline employee. that's the bottom line..

« Last Edit: July 12, 2016, 09:33:18 AM by Shutter »


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1206 on: July 12, 2016, 02:39:01 PM »
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Ok, I asked yesterday about what some of the people would do who had a suspect in mind since the FBI is no longer in there corner. I've been monitoring Mr. Blevins site, and noticed several things. prior to the show he was ready to pack it in and call it a day. then slowly he starts picking on LMNO posting the supposed raid by the FBI trying the discredit angle. then the first part was shown, and he starts removing all the wrong information he posted by viewing the teaser clips, thinking the show was going to be all about Kenny, and believing Lyle, or Bernie Geestman was seen in the video. then he tries a hail mary approach by posting the unedited version of his report on Kenny. he was upset that they didn't mention the report on the show?

The second part is shown, and he just starts attacking the show, similar to what he tries to do to this forum, and it's members. it appears he didn't like the lineup they did with Mitchell, I didn't notice they put Kenny in with the six photo's, I'll have to look again, but he's claiming it was "deceptive" why? the lineup was not revolving around Kenny, or the possibility of him being Cooper, so I don't think it was wrong that they put Kenny in the mix at any age? the point was to see if Mitchell could ID Rackstraw, not Christiansen.

I believe the lack of air time for Christiansen was due to the following reason, and probably more..

He didn't fit the known description of Cooper.

He worked for the airline that was hijacked by Cooper. it's a known fact that Cooper explained that it wasn't Northwest airlines he had a grudge against, he just had a grudge.

No valid money trail has ever surfaced about any life style changes in Christiansen. dressing like a farmer hardly makes you a hijacker. Kenny purchased a very small home, and wasn't paid off until the mid 90's.

I'm positive that the crew has seen Kenny's photo over the years, and yet none of them have said anything other than Flo almost a decade ago. Robert seems to have a problem with Rackstraw's age, but doesn't have a problem with Kenny's description, or the possibility he wore a toupee, really?

Lyle admitted that his brother "probably wasn't the hijacker" on a radio program some years back. actually, the whole thing started with Lyle wanting to make a movie about his brother being Cooper, and took off from that point.

A lot of these points have been seen by a lot of people. Kenny just doesn't fit in the picture of Cooper. this has zip to do with "hatred" as Robert will always claim as a deterrent to avoid what was written. Kenny was probably a nice guy who, like many were not happy with there employment. if it was really that bad, why didn't change airlines?

Mr. Blevins repeats over and over to let the pubic decide? I think that has been done many times over. just by viewing his site during the program was telling. he has sent the FBI two different PDF files containing the whole Christiansen story, and nothing was ever noted about the files. no valuable evidence found.

It's not really up to the public. they can be easily mistaken when they don't have all the facts, so the public would not be a good subject for proving Kenny was DB Cooper...most who thought Kenny might be Cooper have had a second thought once the get all the facts surrounding this story...none of the people in the story claiming Kenny was Cooper have come forward to tell there story. it's all told by one person. that's way to controlling IMHO. we have seen what happens when Mr. Blevins tries to control things.

I found way to many problems, and deception in the story, so in my opinion, Kenny was just another Northwest airline employee. that's the bottom line..


well,,, the lack of time for KC was because there isn't a shred of evidence KC was Cooper, and plenty of evidence he wasn't, but ... Blevins isnt in this for credibility. Blevins is int his for personal glory and attention - the whole sane world knows that! Behind the scenes producers report Jo Weber is trying to stake her own claim and causing trouble. Nothing ever changes in the DB Cooper Maldum Fornaax. The same people do the same things, endlessly.

I got a chuckle out of Curtis at the Seattle office standing-supervising the boxing of Cooper evidence to be sent to Washington ... the same place money pieces from Tina Bar were sent, but of course Tom Kaye isn't buying that either. Tom Kaye has his own blind spots and turf to protect. But if I were Curtis Ng (Eng) I would be breathing a sigh of relief that this 'monster' was finally off my back and the Seattle office can get back to business without having to spend its time explaining itself to every crackpot that's sure he knows who Cooper was. I thought Eng was very articulate in explaining why the FBI is not some 'candy store' that can hand out 'free samples' to every 'customer' that drops by! As Curtis explained, its grounded in "law" (Federal Law). But, you can count on one hand the number of 'notables' in the Cooper Vortex who have stopped to ever thank the FBI for everything it's done, in protecting the public interest! In our quieter moments of reflection I think most people understand the principles involved, and appreciate the FBI for everything it has tried to do in the public interest. Protecting and Serving the community with their talents and commitments - is what its all about.

I seem to be in the minority. I found the LMNO production intriguing and interesting. If Rackstraw was DB Cooper, then trying to nail down his activities in the weeks and days just before 11-24-71 is crucial. Were Rackstraw and 'deWinter' the same person? I doubt it frankly. Was Rackstraw/deWinter at Coravalis partying with students and sleeping on couches in the last days and hours before the hijacking ? I doubt it. I think there is other evidence during that critical period that Colbert and his colleagues failed to explore - but Im not going to go into that .. so TC please dont call me. The case is closed. There will be other opportunities and researchers and developments downstream of this "turning point"!  :)) I know that for a fact. Stay tuned.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2016, 02:45:10 PM by georger »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1207 on: July 12, 2016, 02:51:51 PM »
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I seem to be in the minority. I found the LMNO production intriguing and interesting.

Why do you consider yourself in the minority?  It seems to me most here are very impressed with who and what was presented.  Most feel it was very even handed.

Most of the complaints really boil down to "I wish they had more time to.....", but they weren't going to get an eighteen hour mini-series.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1208 on: July 12, 2016, 02:54:34 PM »
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Ok, I asked yesterday about what some of the people would do who had a suspect in mind since the FBI is no longer in there corner. I've been monitoring Mr. Blevins site, and noticed several things. prior to the show he was ready to pack it in and call it a day. then slowly he starts picking on LMNO posting the supposed raid by the FBI trying the discredit angle. then the first part was shown, and he starts removing all the wrong information he posted by viewing the teaser clips, thinking the show was going to be all about Kenny, and believing Lyle, or Bernie Geestman was seen in the video. then he tries a hail mary approach by posting the unedited version of his report on Kenny. he was upset that they didn't mention the report on the show?

The second part is shown, and he just starts attacking the show, similar to what he tries to do to this forum, and it's members. it appears he didn't like the lineup they did with Mitchell, I didn't notice they put Kenny in with the six photo's, I'll have to look again, but he's claiming it was "deceptive" why? the lineup was not revolving around Kenny, or the possibility of him being Cooper, so I don't think it was wrong that they put Kenny in the mix at any age? the point was to see if Mitchell could ID Rackstraw, not Christiansen.

I believe the lack of air time for Christiansen was due to the following reason, and probably more..

He didn't fit the known description of Cooper.

He worked for the airline that was hijacked by Cooper. it's a known fact that Cooper explained that it wasn't Northwest airlines he had a grudge against, he just had a grudge.

No valid money trail has ever surfaced about any life style changes in Christiansen. dressing like a farmer hardly makes you a hijacker. Kenny purchased a very small home, and wasn't paid off until the mid 90's.

I'm positive that the crew has seen Kenny's photo over the years, and yet none of them have said anything other than Flo almost a decade ago. Robert seems to have a problem with Rackstraw's age, but doesn't have a problem with Kenny's description, or the possibility he wore a toupee, really?

Lyle admitted that his brother "probably wasn't the hijacker" on a radio program some years back. actually, the whole thing started with Lyle wanting to make a movie about his brother being Cooper, and took off from that point.

A lot of these points have been seen by a lot of people. Kenny just doesn't fit in the picture of Cooper. this has zip to do with "hatred" as Robert will always claim as a deterrent to avoid what was written. Kenny was probably a nice guy who, like many were not happy with there employment. if it was really that bad, why didn't change airlines?

Mr. Blevins repeats over and over to let the pubic decide? I think that has been done many times over. just by viewing his site during the program was telling. he has sent the FBI two different PDF files containing the whole Christiansen story, and nothing was ever noted about the files. no valuable evidence found.

It's not really up to the public. they can be easily mistaken when they don't have all the facts, so the public would not be a good subject for proving Kenny was DB Cooper...most who thought Kenny might be Cooper have had a second thought once the get all the facts surrounding this story...none of the people in the story claiming Kenny was Cooper have come forward to tell there story. it's all told by one person. that's way to controlling IMHO. we have seen what happens when Mr. Blevins tries to control things.

I found way to many problems, and deception in the story, so in my opinion, Kenny was just another Northwest airline employee. that's the bottom line..


well,,, the lack of time for KC was because there isn't a shred of evidence KC was Cooper, and plenty of evidence he wasn't, but ... Blevins isnt in this for credibility. Blevins is int his for personal glory and attention - the whole sane world knows that! Behind the scenes producers report Jo Weber is trying to stake her own claim and causing trouble. Nothing ever changes in the DB Cooper Maldum Fornaax. The same people do the same things, endlessly.

I got a chuckle out of Curtis at the Seattle office standing-supervising the boxing of Cooper evidence to be sent to Washington ... the same place money pieces from Tina Bar were sent, but of course Tom Kaye isn't buying that either. Tom Kaye has his own blind spots and turf to protect. But if I were Curtis Ng (Eng) I would be breathing a sigh of relief that this 'monster' was finally off my back and the Seattle office can get back to business without having to spend its time explaining itself to every crackpot that's sure he knows who Cooper was. I thought Eng was very articulate in explaining why the FBI is not some 'candy store' that can hand out 'free samples' to every 'customer' that drops by! As Curtis explained, its grounded in "law" (Federal Law). But, you can count on one hand the number of 'notables' in the Cooper Vortex who have stopped to ever thank the FBI for everything it's done, in protecting the public interest! In our quieter moments of reflection I think most people understand the principles involved, and appreciate the FBI for everything it has tried to do in the public interest. Protecting and Serving the community with their talents and commitments - is what its all about.

I seem to be in the minority. I found the LMNO production intriguing and interesting. If Rackstraw was DB Cooper, then trying to nail down his activities in the weeks and days just before 11-24-71 is crucial. Were Rackstraw and 'deWinter' the same person? I doubt it frankly. Was Rackstraw/deWinter at Coravalis partying with students and sleeping on couches in the last days and hours before the hijacking ? I doubt it. I think there is other evidence during that critical period that Colbert and his colleagues failed to explore - but Im not going to go into that .. so TC please dont call me. The case is closed. There will be other opportunities and researchers and developments downstream of this "turning point"!  :)) I know that for a fact. Stay tuned.


As they were going through the evidence, I kept waiting for the cigarette butts to fall out of one of the boxes, lol.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1209 on: July 12, 2016, 03:38:10 PM »
I enjoyed the show, but when the main witness says no, where does one go from that point? video, and audio backing the decision?


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1210 on: July 12, 2016, 04:03:45 PM »
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Ok, I asked yesterday about what some of the people would do who had a suspect in mind since the FBI is no longer in there corner. I've been monitoring Mr. Blevins site, and noticed several things. prior to the show he was ready to pack it in and call it a day. then slowly he starts picking on LMNO posting the supposed raid by the FBI trying the discredit angle. then the first part was shown, and he starts removing all the wrong information he posted by viewing the teaser clips, thinking the show was going to be all about Kenny, and believing Lyle, or Bernie Geestman was seen in the video. then he tries a hail mary approach by posting the unedited version of his report on Kenny. he was upset that they didn't mention the report on the show?

The second part is shown, and he just starts attacking the show, similar to what he tries to do to this forum, and it's members. it appears he didn't like the lineup they did with Mitchell, I didn't notice they put Kenny in with the six photo's, I'll have to look again, but he's claiming it was "deceptive" why? the lineup was not revolving around Kenny, or the possibility of him being Cooper, so I don't think it was wrong that they put Kenny in the mix at any age? the point was to see if Mitchell could ID Rackstraw, not Christiansen.

I believe the lack of air time for Christiansen was due to the following reason, and probably more..

He didn't fit the known description of Cooper.

He worked for the airline that was hijacked by Cooper. it's a known fact that Cooper explained that it wasn't Northwest airlines he had a grudge against, he just had a grudge.

No valid money trail has ever surfaced about any life style changes in Christiansen. dressing like a farmer hardly makes you a hijacker. Kenny purchased a very small home, and wasn't paid off until the mid 90's.

I'm positive that the crew has seen Kenny's photo over the years, and yet none of them have said anything other than Flo almost a decade ago. Robert seems to have a problem with Rackstraw's age, but doesn't have a problem with Kenny's description, or the possibility he wore a toupee, really?

Lyle admitted that his brother "probably wasn't the hijacker" on a radio program some years back. actually, the whole thing started with Lyle wanting to make a movie about his brother being Cooper, and took off from that point.

A lot of these points have been seen by a lot of people. Kenny just doesn't fit in the picture of Cooper. this has zip to do with "hatred" as Robert will always claim as a deterrent to avoid what was written. Kenny was probably a nice guy who, like many were not happy with there employment. if it was really that bad, why didn't change airlines?

Mr. Blevins repeats over and over to let the pubic decide? I think that has been done many times over. just by viewing his site during the program was telling. he has sent the FBI two different PDF files containing the whole Christiansen story, and nothing was ever noted about the files. no valuable evidence found.

It's not really up to the public. they can be easily mistaken when they don't have all the facts, so the public would not be a good subject for proving Kenny was DB Cooper...most who thought Kenny might be Cooper have had a second thought once the get all the facts surrounding this story...none of the people in the story claiming Kenny was Cooper have come forward to tell there story. it's all told by one person. that's way to controlling IMHO. we have seen what happens when Mr. Blevins tries to control things.

I found way to many problems, and deception in the story, so in my opinion, Kenny was just another Northwest airline employee. that's the bottom line..


well,,, the lack of time for KC was because there isn't a shred of evidence KC was Cooper, and plenty of evidence he wasn't, but ... Blevins isnt in this for credibility. Blevins is int his for personal glory and attention - the whole sane world knows that! Behind the scenes producers report Jo Weber is trying to stake her own claim and causing trouble. Nothing ever changes in the DB Cooper Maldum Fornaax. The same people do the same things, endlessly.

I got a chuckle out of Curtis at the Seattle office standing-supervising the boxing of Cooper evidence to be sent to Washington ... the same place money pieces from Tina Bar were sent, but of course Tom Kaye isn't buying that either. Tom Kaye has his own blind spots and turf to protect. But if I were Curtis Ng (Eng) I would be breathing a sigh of relief that this 'monster' was finally off my back and the Seattle office can get back to business without having to spend its time explaining itself to every crackpot that's sure he knows who Cooper was. I thought Eng was very articulate in explaining why the FBI is not some 'candy store' that can hand out 'free samples' to every 'customer' that drops by! As Curtis explained, its grounded in "law" (Federal Law). But, you can count on one hand the number of 'notables' in the Cooper Vortex who have stopped to ever thank the FBI for everything it's done, in protecting the public interest! In our quieter moments of reflection I think most people understand the principles involved, and appreciate the FBI for everything it has tried to do in the public interest. Protecting and Serving the community with their talents and commitments - is what its all about.

I seem to be in the minority. I found the LMNO production intriguing and interesting. If Rackstraw was DB Cooper, then trying to nail down his activities in the weeks and days just before 11-24-71 is crucial. Were Rackstraw and 'deWinter' the same person? I doubt it frankly. Was Rackstraw/deWinter at Coravalis partying with students and sleeping on couches in the last days and hours before the hijacking ? I doubt it. I think there is other evidence during that critical period that Colbert and his colleagues failed to explore - but Im not going to go into that .. so TC please dont call me. The case is closed. There will be other opportunities and researchers and developments downstream of this "turning point"!  :)) I know that for a fact. Stay tuned.


As they were going through the evidence, I kept waiting for the cigarette butts to fall out of one of the boxes, lol.

Funny  :))   That would have been a revelation!  :))

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1211 on: July 12, 2016, 05:15:48 PM »
Interesting read:
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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1212 on: July 13, 2016, 06:39:02 PM »
If you search NAMUS, there are basically like 4 guys who went missing in the previous two years before Norjak that POSSIBLY could resemble Coop's appearance.

So here's an oddball candidate from that list.

Meet Lewis Barrett Welch. He was a 44 year old, six feet tall, San Francisco beat poet who went missing in May of 1971 about 150 miles north of San Francisco. He was apparently depressed because because his girlfriend had left him and was mad because of some recent oil spills along the West Coast. He was also angry because he couldn't make ends meet as a poet and had to work multiple jobs. He wrote "I've got a job, I'm a poet. Why should I do someone else's job too? You want me to be a carpenter? I'm a lousy carpenter. Does anybody ask a carpenter to write my poems?" His friends think he may have killed himself, but of course there's no proof of that.

He's an oddball candidate for sure, but being that there are so few people on NAMUS that fit the criteria, they all must be looked at. He had served in the Army Air Corps during WWII, so there's that. He doesn't look too much like the sketches, but he was the right age and build, had high intelligence, and was from the Pacific Northwest area.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1213 on: July 13, 2016, 06:58:39 PM »
 His friends think he may have killed himself....San Francisco.....missing.....depressed.....San Francisco bridge....

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1214 on: July 13, 2016, 07:19:01 PM »
He wrote "I've got a job, I'm a poet. Why should I do someone else's job too?"

Classic slacker line.  ;)