Personally? I don't think Jo is a bad person either, but she will never realize, or understand that Duane wasn't Cooper. for all we know someone could of told him a story that he believed, and that could be why he said he know's who Cooper was. once a person is gone you can build him/her into anything you wish.
It's a never ending story just like the Kenny saga. the FBI has RULED both of them out, but that doesn't seem to stop either one of them from stating that they know, or think they know who Cooper was. they have both had plenty of time with the FBI, they have both given the FBI all sorts of "evidence" and much like the Marla story, it just doesn't fly.
Robert is well ahead of anyone else to take Jo's place once she is gone. Robert will continue to push Kenny down the street as long as he can type on a computer, or Cooper is actually found. it has zip to do with "not wanting the truth" or any other silly statements they come up with.
Well, 377 keeps bringing Weber and Blevins up, as if there is some magic in this when nothing has changed (and may even be worse than it was!). That is the point I don't understand. And every time 377 does this it derails the Cooper discussion. It's like some 'Dropzone tactic' 377 is employing and why is anyone's guess. Many people have noted and commented about this over the years, especially in private emails. I have never understood what 377 is trying to accomplish by constantly bringing 'members of the DB Cooper Support Group' up? We know who they are. We know what they do and in some cases we know why they do what they do. It's all "personal" and there is nothing anyone on the internet could do about it even someone wanted to; except to advise these miscreants to put their hands on their screens and pray for "a cure" ? While the rest of the world waits patiently hoping it will all go away, some how.
Let's examine the
Process. These people are engaged in an entirely different "process" than we are. We look at maps, discuss actual theory, examine history, try to cull out facts, do interviews to cull out facts, try to arrangement our thinking and arguments in a logical fashion, etc. The support group people (1) allege facts that are not true, (2) try to connect disparate events which usually have no logical or factual connection, (3) invent and assert facts which are not true, (4) make personal attacks, and (5) refuse to discuss or even entertain anything else! The process used by Cooper Support Group people leaves no room for discussion of anything. Cooper Support Group people constantly attack others personally and want their adversaries 'banned' ... or the whole discussion group shut down!
So, the very Process is different and not viable.We have heard Jo Weber's claims that Duane was a smoke jumper, master criminal, part of the Mafia, had friends in the Mafia, was released from Jefferson City Prison to go serve with Army Rangers at buDop, a phony physical vita for Duane Weber... and the like. Her nonsensical claims about Duane are endless. Her venom extreme. She tried to have FBI Agent Larry Carr fired! And 377 wants us to discuss something rationally with this woman, or give her support here? More to the point,
who is the real Jo Weber? 377's answer is: none of that matters and Jo's real background doesn't matter, and facts don't matter! Jo's attacks on people personally and her disruption of people's lives doesn't matter?
It is virtually the same story for Robert M Blevins. His contrived factual history for Kenneth Christiansen fell apart like a figment of leaves. Then he tried to divert and disguise it all by launching personal attacks which continue to this day. 377 may be comfortable in his abode in California but we are having to deal with Blevins' "shit" and his continuing jihad almost on a daily basis ... so 377 can come here comfortably and 'ask for forgiveness for Jo ? Give us a break!

Shutter has had to waste more hours and spend more time defending this website and its members from attacks by Blevins ... than Quade ever did at Dropzone! It all costs time and energy and money $$$, in case you didn't know or care! That is Mr. Blevins' "process and shtick". Our ability to have a forum and discuss DB Cooper doesn't come free, when there are active members of the DB Cooper Support group around dispensing their crap on a daily basis! Law enforcement has even had to get involved! Shutter and others have had to defend the Liberty of this Forum on a constant basis since its founding. I think some credit for Mr. Shutter is due!
But the Process between these two groups is entirely different, with a vastly different outcome.
That about covers it.