Shutter You say: " Peterson told the FBI that if he himself hijacked the 727, he would have “insisted upon a helmet, been wearing boots, warm clothing and gloves. And a flashlight to spot my landing.” Although the FBI obviously felt Peterson was a credible suspect who may have survived the jump, both DNA and fingerprint analysis cleared him as a suspect.
I say: This sounds like the cover story that Earl Cossey gave that DB Cooper did not know what he was doing and must have died in the jump. Both stories are to lead the FBI away from Sheridan being DB Cooper. Did they cook up these stories together as they were partners in Norjak? Both stories look cooked up to help cover Sheridan as was his " delivering his own child in Nepal at the time of Norjak" but the flaw was that his two children were born in 1970 and 1972 and Norjak was in 1971, So, again why the lie to the FBI unless Sheridan actually is DB Cooper? I think we have solved the case and the note about finger prints and DNA that the FBI has is flawed by their own admission. So clearing Sheridan with the flawed Finger Prints and DNA is just poor police work. The FBI still have yet to look at the DNA they do have in the four letters sent to the newspapers following Norjak. The DNA under the flaps of the letters and the stamps on the letters when compared with Sheridans will show a match. That police work has yet to be done.
Anyway, we have finally solved the case and can wait to see is the FBI will ever stumble on to the solution. Bob Sailshaw
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