Author Topic: Suspects And Confessions  (Read 1668261 times)

Offline andrade1812

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1080 on: February 26, 2016, 10:29:31 PM »
If Flo's testimony is correct, Cooper could not possibly be Sheridan Peterson! Cooper and Peterson are two totally different people, according to Flo's testimony!

Georger, could you expound on this point?


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1081 on: February 27, 2016, 12:01:23 AM »
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If Flo's testimony is correct, Cooper could not possibly be Sheridan Peterson! Cooper and Peterson are two totally different people, according to Flo's testimony!

Georger, could you expound on this point?

I think Cooper revealed his persona through his demands, the choices and decisions he made,  and his methods of execution during the hijacking. I think those traits are unique to every person and were unique to Cooper. These traits can be compared to other hijackers or suspects. It's tantamount to a social dna. People's personal traits are rather unique in my opinion and a product of their persona and their history.

For example, Cooper only asked for $200k. Some people assume he could have asked for more. He could have asked for less. McCoy asked for and got a lot more. Cooper asked for an amount that had significance to him. McCoy asked for what he thought he would need or wanted. Other hijackers asked for what was significant to them, personally. Cooper said he had a grudge, so how big a grudge and what is his grudge worth to him? He could have asked for a million dollars.  Again, if you assume human psychology is in play in hijackings, then Cooper for a figure that had meaning to him and his needs personally. Cooper asked for an amount that would have efficacy in a poor country, and he stated many times he wanted to go Mexico City. His money demand and his destination which he told Tina was "a beautiful place you would like", fit together if his frame of reference is Mexico or most other Latin countries.
The Scaffner testifies: " Schaffner said the man appeared to be of Latin descent with no distinguishing characteristics such a scars, marks, or tattoos. She said the man had no mustache or beard and spoke in a normal calm voice."

You build a profile of such personal traits based on actual performance and then ask how the profile fits with known suspects and their personal histories. I think you will find each suspect has a unique profile of personal traits and personal history.

I see significant differences between the personas of McCoy vs Cooper based on their actual performance. McCoy was caught quite easily and we assume we are still looking for Cooper. Compare the personality of McCoy with Peterson. Decisive boasting vs Indecisive passive?  Cooper vs Peterson. Decisive non-boasting vs Indecisive passive aggressive? People's personalities are wrapped up in people's histories and inevitably people play out their personal histories using social devices they have learned. These behavioral traits fit into patterns which can be compared.   


« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 03:26:37 AM by georger »

Offline nmiwrecks

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1082 on: February 27, 2016, 10:03:39 AM »
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For example, Cooper only asked for $200k.  Cooper asked for an amount that would have efficacy in a poor country, and he stated many times he wanted to go Mexico City. His money demand and his destination which he told Tina was "a beautiful place you would like", fit together if his frame of reference is Mexico or most other Latin countries.

The Scaffner testifies: " Schaffner said the man appeared to be of Latin descent with no distinguishing characteristics such a scars, marks, or tattoos. She said the man had no mustache or beard and spoke in a normal calm voice."

Could a person from the Midwest acquire subtle Latino traits by being immersed in Latino culture for a couple years?  The only person who mentioned "Latino descent" may have been the only person who interacted with Cooper that was exposed to actual Latino culture.  Maybe what Flo Schaffner picked up on was very subtle.  Just something to think about.
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Offline sailshaw

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1083 on: February 27, 2016, 10:27:37 AM »
Georger you say:
"If Flo's testimony is correct, Cooper could not possibly be Sheridan Peterson! Cooper and Peterson are two totally different people, according to Flo's testimony!  :) And the same for Weber, Christiansen, etal."

I say:  Georger you are way off and wrong again. Sheridan was not Latin but had some Greek background which gave him the "olive" complection. In Sheridan's book the main character is Grecco and probably not Latin but Greek. So George answer why Sheridan would lie about his whereabouts to the FBI with his phony alibi if he was not SB Cooper? The flaw of the his two children not born in the year of Norjak had to be that he thought by sending a copy of a birth certificate with the birth date changed would fool the FBI. And, it has for 44 years until now and the flaw has just been discovered by checking the public records.
George, your type of wrong thinking and others researching the case is why the case has gone unsolved for so many years. In particular, Tom Kaye and his leap to the wrong conclusion about Boeing not using both types of Titanium and therefore DB Cooper did not work at Boeing. The tie with all the tiny specks of materials actually pointed to one place at Boeing "the Manufacturing and Processing Lab in the 9-101 building" and just below the second floor office of Sheridan Peterson working in the Manuals and Handbooks Group. That is where he could find out all about the 727 Aft Airstairs and even talk to the designers of the Airstairs.

The $200k was an amount that I suggested to Sheridan that I would shoot for in my 401k savings account and was my way of "beating the system" but he was thinking of his way of "beating the system (his mantra when he was with me for a month)" which he never talked about. So I may have suggested the $200k and he actually used that amount for his way of "beating the system".

What type of knife would DB have taken with him?  His three years as a USFS Smoke Jumper and his certification as a skydiving instructor would have suggested a hooked knife like 377 talked about. If it had been me I would have used a lanyard to lower the loot 20 ft to take the load on landing away and also as an indication of when on the ground. However, into the trees might have changed my mind. If we believe Jo Weber that DB came out of the woods at the North end of Lake Lakama per her husband Duane, and that would indicate the plane was flying to the East of Portland and Duane might have been one of the ground team to pick-up DB. Duane had a lot of CB radio gear in his car and would have been very helpful in talking to DB on the way down and finding him when on the ground.

Bob Sailshaw
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Offline MarkBennett

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1084 on: February 27, 2016, 01:01:47 PM »
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The $200k was an amount that I suggested to Sheridan that I would shoot for in my 401k savings account and was my way of "beating the system" but he was thinking of his way of "beating the system (his mantra when he was with me for a month)" which he never talked about. So I may have suggested the $200k and he actually used that amount for his way of "beating the system".

That's interesting.  401(k) plans didn't become law until 1978, but deferred compensation plans were around well before that.  Did Boeing have an employee retirement savings plan back in 1962 when he lived with you, Bob?


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1085 on: February 27, 2016, 03:50:47 PM »
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Georger you say:
"If Flo's testimony is correct, Cooper could not possibly be Sheridan Peterson! Cooper and Peterson are two totally different people, according to Flo's testimony!  :) And the same for Weber, Christiansen, etal."

I say:  Georger you are way off and wrong again. Sheridan was not Latin but had some Greek background which gave him the "olive" complection. In Sheridan's book the main character is Grecco and probably not Latin but Greek. So George answer why Sheridan would lie about his whereabouts to the FBI with his phony alibi if he was not SB Cooper? The flaw of the his two children not born in the year of Norjak had to be that he thought by sending a copy of a birth certificate with the birth date changed would fool the FBI. And, it has for 44 years until now and the flaw has just been discovered by checking the public records.
George, your type of wrong thinking and others researching the case is why the case has gone unsolved for so many years. In particular, Tom Kaye and his leap to the wrong conclusion about Boeing not using both types of Titanium and therefore DB Cooper did not work at Boeing. The tie with all the tiny specks of materials actually pointed to one place at Boeing "the Manufacturing and Processing Lab in the 9-101 building" and just below the second floor office of Sheridan Peterson working in the Manuals and Handbooks Group. That is where he could find out all about the 727 Aft Airstairs and even talk to the designers of the Airstairs.

The $200k was an amount that I suggested to Sheridan that I would shoot for in my 401k savings account and was my way of "beating the system" but he was thinking of his way of "beating the system (his mantra when he was with me for a month)" which he never talked about. So I may have suggested the $200k and he actually used that amount for his way of "beating the system".

What type of knife would DB have taken with him?  His three years as a USFS Smoke Jumper and his certification as a skydiving instructor would have suggested a hooked knife like 377 talked about. If it had been me I would have used a lanyard to lower the loot 20 ft to take the load on landing away and also as an indication of when on the ground. However, into the trees might have changed my mind. If we believe Jo Weber that DB came out of the woods at the North end of Lake Lakama per her husband Duane, and that would indicate the plane was flying to the East of Portland and Duane might have been one of the ground team to pick-up DB. Duane had a lot of CB radio gear in his car and would have been very helpful in talking to DB on the way down and finding him when on the ground.

Bob Sailshaw
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Based on personality as demonstrated by performance, it appears Sheridan is not as invested in you as you are invested in him! Maybe you were DB Cooper! ?  :)


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1086 on: February 27, 2016, 04:27:04 PM »
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The $200k was an amount that I suggested to Sheridan that I would shoot for in my 401k savings account and was my way of "beating the system" but he was thinking of his way of "beating the system (his mantra when he was with me for a month)" which he never talked about. So I may have suggested the $200k and he actually used that amount for his way of "beating the system".

That's interesting.  401(k) plans didn't become law until 1978, but deferred compensation plans were around well before that.  Did Boeing have an employee retirement savings plan back in 1962 when he lived with you, Bob?

Sail will be telling us next that he chose Peterson's underwear for him. Sail is merely diverting the focus away from the real issue: personality profiling based on performance as a means of predicting identities and future performance. Not all people with the skills to conduct a risky parachute escape go out and hijack airplanes!  :) Not all people with a grudge against "the system" go out and exorcise their grudge by attacking innocent people!

Sail has tried to link Peterson to this through Peterson's politics, ignoring completely Peterson's actual personality and how Peterson has actually lived his life. How people live their lives 'is' a demonstration of personality and personal history. Had Peterson an actual criminal record going back of repeated physical acts against others as opposed to merely expressing himself verbally and in writing, in addition to his parachuting exploits, then there might be a basis for looking at Peterson more closely. And the same for Weber, Christiansen, and all these other wannabe-promoters. McCoy does fit the type A pattern and he did conduct a hijacking and did get shot and killed for his efforts. Being out of the mainstream socially and politically and expressing one's self is not enough by itself. Plus, Peterson cooperated and submitted genetic material and was excluded on that basis in addition to telling his detractors they are wrong and FOS*. That includes Sailshaw specifically.     
« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 04:30:01 PM by georger »


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1087 on: February 27, 2016, 08:31:23 PM »
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The $200k was an amount that I suggested to Sheridan that I would shoot for in my 401k savings account and was my way of "beating the system" but he was thinking of his way of "beating the system (his mantra when he was with me for a month)" which he never talked about. So I may have suggested the $200k and he actually used that amount for his way of "beating the system".

That's interesting.  401(k) plans didn't become law until 1978, but deferred compensation plans were around well before that.  Did Boeing have an employee retirement savings plan back in 1962 when he lived with you, Bob?

Sail will be telling us next that he chose Peterson's underwear for him. Sail is merely diverting the focus away from the real issue: personality profiling based on performance as a means of predicting identities and future performance. Not all people with the skills to conduct a risky parachute escape go out and hijack airplanes!  :) Not all people with a grudge against "the system" go out and exorcise their grudge by attacking innocent people!

Sail has tried to link Peterson to this through Peterson's politics, ignoring completely Peterson's actual personality and how Peterson has actually lived his life. How people live their lives 'is' a demonstration of personality and personal history. Had Peterson an actual criminal record going back of repeated physical acts against others as opposed to merely expressing himself verbally and in writing, in addition to his parachuting exploits, then there might be a basis for looking at Peterson more closely. And the same for Weber, Christiansen, and all these other wannabe-promoters. McCoy does fit the type A pattern and he did conduct a hijacking and did get shot and killed for his efforts. Being out of the mainstream socially and politically and expressing one's self is not enough by itself. Plus, Peterson cooperated and submitted genetic material and was excluded on that basis in addition to telling his detractors they are wrong and FOS*. That includes Sailshaw specifically.   

+ 1  :)

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1088 on: February 28, 2016, 04:51:45 AM »
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...I think Flo's testimony that Cooper was of Latin extraction carries a lot of weight, and is the one clue in this case that has been largely overlooked, especially by the public...

Okay. So, why do you think she told Geoffrey, allegedly, that Kenny C was the closest looking suspect to any of the pix she had seen? Was Kenny her kind of "Latin?"

It is predictable you would respond, of course.  :)

Because people like you and Gray etc pressured Flo into a social situation she never would have participated in  otherwise. In other words Smith:  CUT THE CRAP! No matter what objections-exceptions you try to inject into this, Flo's FBI testimony stands on its own and was given at a time when it mattered You have been a large Tina promoter/stalker for years because its convenient opportunity you have seized, while dismissing Flo because I think Flo is far less inviting and you prefer compliant people you can manipulate ...

From the little we know about the crew member's actual testimony over time, Flo and Tina agreed on the physical description of Cooper, but from there their testimony diverged. Except for "midwestern no accent" Tina really did not guess at who or what Cooper was, while Flo stated her opinion for the record.

You have pursued Mucklow while deprecating Schaffner and the basis for your journalistic mumbo-jumbo is highly questionable. It probably says more about your personal makeup looking for a easy free meals than it has anything to do with the facts of the Cooper case including the realities of Mucklow and Schaffner and Cooper as real living people you claim to know and understand.  ;) ;)


I'm glad that you answered my question so concisely, Georger. So you say that Florence gave her "most like picture" answer due to pressure from Geoffrey?  Hmmm. Interesting. I wonder how much pressure she has felt from others in the Norjak investigation. For the record, since Flo and I have never spoken nor communicated directly, I would think that any pressure she might feel from me would be minimal. I do acknowledge, though, the weight of my journalistic reputation might be such that she could possibly feel intimidated or frightened.

How about you, Georger - how does my stature as an investigative reporter influence you?

Nevertheless, G, what does Florence's sketch of DB Cooper suggest to you?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 04:59:06 AM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1089 on: February 28, 2016, 09:49:32 AM »
MarkBennett    You say: "That's interesting.  401(k) plans didn't become law until 1978, but deferred compensation plans were around well before that.  Did Boeing have an employee retirement savings plan back in 1962 when he lived with you, Bob?"

I say: 
" yes we did have a Boeing savings plan before the 401K where the company contributed an additional half of what the employee contributed and that savings became the great start of the 401k when it came into being"

Bob Sailshaw
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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1090 on: February 28, 2016, 10:06:06 AM »
Georger  You say: "Sail will be telling us next that he chose Peterson's underwear for him. Sail is merely diverting the focus away from the real issue: personality profiling based on performance as a means of predicting identities and future performance. Not all people with the skills to conduct a risky parachute escape go out and hijack airplanes!  :) Not all people with a grudge against "the system" go out and exorcise their grudge by attacking innocent people!"

I say:   "Georger you are the diverting one here without anything to say to forward the case (a real naysayer).

Also, you have not answered the question "Why else would Sheridan Peterson lie to the FBI about his whereabouts in his phony alibi with the birth dates of both his children in different years (1970 and 1972) than Norjak (1971) and in Nepal unless he is DB COOPER?"

You don't have an answer and will probably just give us more naysaying!

Bob sailshaw
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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1091 on: February 28, 2016, 10:19:28 AM »
Also, you have not answered the question "Why else would Sheridan Peterson lie to the FBI about his whereabouts in his phony alibi with the birth dates of both his children in different years (1970 and 1972) than Norjak (1971) and in Nepal unless he is DB COOPER?"

Is that the only reason this could be true?


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1092 on: February 28, 2016, 01:46:24 PM »
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Georger  You say: "Sail will be telling us next that he chose Peterson's underwear for him. Sail is merely diverting the focus away from the real issue: personality profiling based on performance as a means of predicting identities and future performance. Not all people with the skills to conduct a risky parachute escape go out and hijack airplanes!  :) Not all people with a grudge against "the system" go out and exorcise their grudge by attacking innocent people!"

I say:   "Georger you are the diverting one here without anything to say to forward the case (a real naysayer).

Also, you have not answered the question "Why else would Sheridan Peterson lie to the FBI about his whereabouts in his phony alibi with the birth dates of both his children in different years (1970 and 1972) than Norjak (1971) and in Nepal unless he is DB COOPER?"

You don't have an answer and will probably just give us more naysaying!

Bob sailshaw
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And to think we used to be friends!  :)  Sail remind me never to rent a room from you. God only knows what you will claim years later.  :o

I guess we wait and see what the future brings -
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 01:59:10 PM by georger »


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1093 on: February 28, 2016, 01:51:20 PM »
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...I think Flo's testimony that Cooper was of Latin extraction carries a lot of weight, and is the one clue in this case that has been largely overlooked, especially by the public...

Okay. So, why do you think she told Geoffrey, allegedly, that Kenny C was the closest looking suspect to any of the pix she had seen? Was Kenny her kind of "Latin?"

It is predictable you would respond, of course.  :)

Because people like you and Gray etc pressured Flo into a social situation she never would have participated in  otherwise. In other words Smith:  CUT THE CRAP! No matter what objections-exceptions you try to inject into this, Flo's FBI testimony stands on its own and was given at a time when it mattered You have been a large Tina promoter/stalker for years because its convenient opportunity you have seized, while dismissing Flo because I think Flo is far less inviting and you prefer compliant people you can manipulate ...

From the little we know about the crew member's actual testimony over time, Flo and Tina agreed on the physical description of Cooper, but from there their testimony diverged. Except for "midwestern no accent" Tina really did not guess at who or what Cooper was, while Flo stated her opinion for the record.

You have pursued Mucklow while deprecating Schaffner and the basis for your journalistic mumbo-jumbo is highly questionable. It probably says more about your personal makeup looking for a easy free meals than it has anything to do with the facts of the Cooper case including the realities of Mucklow and Schaffner and Cooper as real living people you claim to know and understand.  ;) ;)


I'm glad that you answered my question so concisely, Georger. So you say that Florence gave her "most like picture" answer due to pressure from Geoffrey?  Hmmm. Interesting. I wonder how much pressure she has felt from others in the Norjak investigation. For the record, since Flo and I have never spoken nor communicated directly, I would think that any pressure she might feel from me would be minimal. I do acknowledge, though, the weight of my journalistic reputation might be such that she could possibly feel intimidated or frightened.

How about you, Georger - how does my stature as an investigative reporter influence you?

Nevertheless, G, what does Florence's sketch of DB Cooper suggest to you?

Sure, I'm going to stick to the script because the script usually works, and part of the script reads: "There is information we just don't have". Otherwise, it's  Quote:

Schaffner said that by this time the man had begun putting on one of the back parachutes, and at some time during their conversation he put on a pair of sunglasses.

Schaffner described the hijacker as follows:
Race White. Sex Male. Age mid 40’s. Height 6’0”. Weight 170-175 lbs. Build: Average. Eyes Brown.
Hair: Black, medium length, straight, parted on the left side.
Complexion: Olive type.
Clothing: Black business suit, white shirt, thin black tie, black overcoat, black shoes. Was carrying a black business man’s type briefcase described as ordinary. Had a pair of dark framed sunglasses with dark brown lenses.

She said the man appeared to be of Latin descent with no distinguishing characteristics such a scars, marks, or tatoos. She said the man had no moustache or beard and spoke in a normal calm voice. She saw no rings or jewelry.

Schaffner furnished 13 pages of notes which she took during the course of the flight.

I guess we wait and see what the future brings -
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 03:46:06 PM by georger »


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #1094 on: February 28, 2016, 05:16:37 PM »
I probably will regret getting into this, but since Bruce has brought this up 'yes' there are differences between the 1988 Schaffner sketch of Cooper prepared by a forensic artist for Unsolved Mysteries vs. the original Mucklow-Schaffner sketch presumably reflecting some consensus between the two women back in 1971-72.

1. the hairlines are different.
2. facial proportions (bone structure) is different.
3. neck and chin fat ('secret clue' turkey neck feature) is more prominent in the 1988 sketch.
4. length of nose and nostrils are different.
5. cheeks are more sunken in the 1988 sketch.
6. Cooper's expression is totally different. Cooper looks more sad, surely, and dangerous - a criminal type.
7. there is more evidence of age and a sullen posture.

17 years has passed between these two sketches. Mucklow's and Schaffner's personalities were different in 1971 and changed differently through the years. If you can believe the Smith ideology, Mucklow became an emotional basket case, unreliable, and a virtual hermit evading the public while we know Schaffner got married and was having a solid social-emotional self-supporting life. *Going back to 1971, we know that Cooper made a critical decision early in the hijacking when he chose the more compliant Mucklow over the far more resistant Schaffner as his primary hostage, workhorse, and fictitiously empathetic go-between, which in reality Tina never was. This decision on Cooper's part was practical and relied on his personal judgement that the last thing he wanted or needed was a sharp-tongued savvy female stewardess to have to have to deal with, namely Ms. Schaffner!

In my opinion, these two sketches reflect different 'emotional memories' of (and reactions to) Cooper taken at different times. The joint sketch done in 71/72 by agreement between Schaffner and Mucklow is probably the more neutral rendering of a 'consensus Cooper'. Flo's 1988 sketch shows a criminal Cooper - someone dark, sullen, aged, and dangerous. What the program should have done (and maybe tried but failed to do) was to have met with Tina to get her 1988 memory of Cooper, 17 years after the fact.

Was Flo's memory better (more accurate) in 1988 than in 1971? I don't know.