Author Topic: Suspects And Confessions  (Read 1658391 times)


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #105 on: May 02, 2014, 11:15:42 PM »
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Bruce says:    "Sail, you've said a couple of times that the tie had two forms of titanium.  I thought it had been resolved by Tom Kaye that there was only one, pure Ti, which you said was used at Boeing as paint in the finish of the SST wings."

Sail says:    "The only thing Tom Kaye did was to make a wild and very bad guess that Boeing only used alloy titanium and the pure titanium found on the tie ruled out Boeing...."

Bruce responds:
Sail, your perspective on Tom's findings are in complete opposition to what I heard from Tom at the Portland Symposium in 2011.  Then, Tom specifically said that the titanium the CS found on the tie was  pure Ti, and that the public announcement that the tie contained titanium alloy was presented exclusively by Geoffrey and was wholly in error.

Further, Tom told me that how this happened was that the early test indications from the CS found spectrographic evidence that could have been Ti alloy, and Geoffrey "jumped the gun" with his announcement.  However, Tom told me that these false indications were most likely due to chlorine and sulfur residues left on the tie by match-cigarette particles.  The CS later proved definitively that the Ti shards were pure Ti, but the alloy angle stayed in the Cooper lore thanks to Geoffrey.

I think that's correct. Geoff made several other errors, jumping the gun. He stated there were 'two types of silver in/on the money'. There was only one type related to silver nitrate testing (for finger prints) the FBI did.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #106 on: May 03, 2014, 01:38:18 AM »
In 1971, The University of Washington, in conjunction with Pacific Northwest Laboratories at Battelle Memorial Institute, Richland, Washington received a grant for $266,000 to continue their project in developing Void Metal Composite (VMC). Used with artificial implants to help bind the implant to tissue/ bone). This project utilized pure titanium and stainless steel, among other metals. Other particles found on the tie are also accounted for in literature referencing the development of VMC. Not saying there's a connection with Cooper, just one more possibility.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #107 on: May 03, 2014, 02:45:54 AM »
Bruce says: "Further, Tom told me that how this happened was that the early test indications from the CS found spectrographic evidence that could have been Ti alloy, and Geoffrey "jumped the gun" with his announcement.  However, Tom told me that these false indications were most likely due to chlorine and sulfur residues left on the tie by match-cigarette particles.  The CS later proved definitively that the Ti shards were pure Ti, but the alloy angle stayed in the Cooper lore thanks to Geoffrey."

I say:  "When I talked with Tom Kaye at the Burke Museum there was no question that Tom was telling me that they had found both Titanium alloy and pure Titanium fragments on the tie (along with a curlycue of aluminum). Also he said that he had ruled out Boeing because he did not think Boeing was using pure Titanium and the SST was made only of alloy Titanium. When I told Tom about the use of pure Titanium at Boeing, he blew that away and did not want to talk further about it (he was obviously embarrassed). I don't know why everyone is so intent about not excepting the information I am fully knowledgable about. It dose not matter what Geoffery thought, my knowledge is totally independent of him."

Bob Sailshaw
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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #108 on: May 03, 2014, 04:35:17 AM »
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Bruce says: "Further, Tom told me that how this happened was that the early test indications from the CS found spectrographic evidence that could have been Ti alloy, and Geoffrey "jumped the gun" with his announcement.  However, Tom told me that these false indications were most likely due to chlorine and sulfur residues left on the tie by match-cigarette particles.  The CS later proved definitively that the Ti shards were pure Ti, but the alloy angle stayed in the Cooper lore thanks to Geoffrey."

I say:  "When I talked with Tom Kaye at the Burke Museum there was no question that Tom was telling me that they had found both Titanium alloy and pure Titanium fragments on the tie (along with a curlycue of aluminum). Also he said that he had ruled out Boeing because he did not think Boeing was using pure Titanium and the SST was made only of alloy Titanium. When I told Tom about the use of pure Titanium at Boeing, he blew that away and did not want to talk further about it (he was obviously embarrassed). I don't know why everyone is so intent about not excepting the information I am fully knowledgable about. It dose not matter what Geoffery thought, my knowledge is totally independent of him."

Bob Sailshaw
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Bob I understand your position completely. For one thing you worked there. This could be resolved with some
records if they are available?

Tom says on his site: '
Fact: All titanium used in aircraft is alloyed and the Cooper material was pure titanium.
Interpretation: Due to the lack of alloyed titanium, Cooper did not work in the aircraft industry.'

'Fact: Spiral chips of aluminum and other exotic metals like bismuth and stainless steel were found on the tie.'
Interpretation: Cooper worked in or had access to, an exotic metal fabrication facility that contained titanium, aluminum and other specialty metals.'

Tom shows photos of the following pieces on his website:

Fig. 5 Titanium piece with embedded stainless steel particle at top. The color coding is green for titanium and red for iron. (Length = 0.43mm)

Fig. 3 Titanium particle referred to as the 'bird bath.' (Length = 35 microns) .... particle form is rosette or splatter droplet?

Fig. 1 Microscopic bar of titanium metal found on Cooper's tie. Inset shows elemental signature via x-ray spectroscopy. (Length = 60 microns)

So three distinct forms of Ti were found if one takes these photos at face value?


Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #109 on: May 03, 2014, 06:13:43 PM »
Okay, Sail, if Tom Kaye told you directly that the tie had two forms of titanium on it - pure and alloy - I accept that.

I had originally assumed you were suffering from an episode of Cooper Vortex memory confusion.

As for what was actually on the tie, oh well.  One, two or three forms of Ti?  Gawd Almighty.  Norjak is a trip and a half.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #110 on: May 03, 2014, 11:43:14 PM »
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Okay, Sail, if Tom Kaye told you directly that the tie had two forms of titanium on it - pure and alloy - I accept that.

I had originally assumed you were suffering from an episode of Cooper Vortex memory confusion.

As for what was actually on the tie, oh well.  One, two or three forms of Ti?  Gawd Almighty.  Norjak is a trip and a half.

What may be as important as, or more important, than Ti and/or alloy of, is the "form". See Tom's photos. One looks almost machined, one looks like a splatter?, and the other ?
« Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 11:46:14 PM by georger »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #111 on: May 04, 2014, 06:30:59 PM »
What do you really make of it, Georger?  Pure, alloy and splatter?  What does Tom say?  This is really out of my league until I become an expert in metallurgy.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #112 on: May 04, 2014, 06:44:08 PM »
Jerry Thomas called me out of the blue a couple of days ago to talk about Jo Weber and Duane's alleged confession.  He told me in no-uncertain-terms that everything that Ms. Weber has said about Duane is contrived and not true.  Jerry told me that there was no confession from Duane, and that Jo has only been looking for fame and fortune since the get-go in 1995.

I had never heard Jerry speak so definitively about Jo and Duane's alleged confession; here is a short sample of my notes of our conversation:


Jerry Thomas called me today to discuss Jo Weber. Jerry told me that he knew the Duane Weber–as–DB Cooper story, as told by Jo, is a “complete fabrication.”

He said he knew this because Jo had called him in 1995 asking for help in developing her story into a book.

“She needed help in getting a book deal and organizing her story,” Jerry told me. “So, I went down there to visit with her and see what was up.”

Jerry said he visited with Jo for a period of time, and Jerry also interviewed the nurse on duty at Duane’s hospital during the time Jo says Duane admitted to being Dan Cooper. Jerry told me that the nurse did hear Duane talk about DB Cooper, but claims he only muttered that he knew who the skyjacker was.

“Jo’s story is 100% bullshit. It’s all made up, just to get a book deal or a movie deal.  That’s been her agenda since Day One,” Jerry said.

Jerry also said that he has no knowledge - nor any participation – in Galen’s alleged effort to initiate some kind of legal restraints against Jo Weber.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 06:47:02 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #113 on: May 04, 2014, 06:58:27 PM »
Those are pretty powerful allegations. I've seen Jerry in the past saying most of this on DZ (years back) how can we verify something like this?

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #114 on: May 04, 2014, 07:23:48 PM »
Yup, verifying JT's comments are the next order of business, but it jives with my increasing distrust of Ms. Weber, who has lied to me on multiple occasions. 

The most notable deception is the story line that she never had heard of DB Cooper when Duane confessed to being "Dan Cooper" in 1995.  Yet, Jo also tells the story of having a discussion with Duane in the woods north of Lake Camas in 1979, when Duane said it was where DB Cooper emerged from the forest after the skyjacking, and Jo asked him, "How do you know?"

"Maybe I was his ground man," Duane replied, according to numerous accounts Jo has given to me over the phone.

When  I challenged Jo on the dichotomy of her narrative, she backtracked artfully. Her squirming indicated to me that she was a skilled sociopath who was used to lying and talking her way out of a jam. I began to think that she wore the pants in that family, not Duane.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #115 on: May 04, 2014, 07:26:14 PM »
she has admitted to this story. she also was taken by McCoy's house as well by Duane.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #116 on: May 04, 2014, 08:30:26 PM »

Yeah, I got this from JT too.  But I already knew about it from Tosaw years earlier.   Tosaw had notified the Seattle FO way back when and told them to disregard anything Jo Weber spouted off.  Tosaw already knew she was a nutcase, and apparently told this to Ralph Himmelsbach in conversation.  This must be how Jerry Thomas eventually found out about Jo Weber being a rank liar.  Tosaw told me about Weber too, and all of her made-up crap about Duane Weber as DBC, unfortunately...........Jo had started calling me before Tosaw warned me off about her.  Jo is a real basket case, and that seems to be coming from JT, Tosaw, Himmelsbach and now,  the Seattle FO.  I guess next on the list is Mr. Blevins.  No wonder this case doesn't get solved.  It takes years just to eliminate the crackpots.  :).

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #117 on: May 04, 2014, 09:00:51 PM »
I'm not really comfortable with challenging Jo's story in this forum, when she is not allowed on here to defend herself.

Her story, as I recall it, is Jo knew who DB Cooper was.  She didn't know who Dan Coooooooper was.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #118 on: May 04, 2014, 09:28:31 PM »
Until there is any verification on any of this about Jo, or any other poster who can not respond to the allegations. it needs to cease. In Coops defense he can't respond on DZ, so it gets complicated. things are being said about him on there. I can't control that, but I can here. Coop as you can see, not everyone wants to read things like this.

If you have proof, that's one thing, but the name calling etc. is out of the guidelines of this forum. no more warnings......


Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #119 on: May 04, 2014, 11:02:10 PM »
Shut, I appreciate your concerns and I acknowledge Mark's discomfort, but it leaves us hanging.  How do we discuss the featured confession of the 922 emanating from the Cooper Vortex? Duane, "no 'w' and no 'y'" Weber is written about extensively.  Do we avoid him because his widow has a penchant for character-assassination and lengthy missives that obfuscate the discussion, causing her to be unwelcome here while several of us here are banned from the DZ for our reactive animosities?

The only confession that I'm aware of that seems to be presented in a fair and legitimate fashion is the Barb Dayton confession as described by Ron and Pat Forman.  All the others seem bogus and driven by a hunger for fame and glory, such as KC, DW, LD, etc.  I also doubt Wolfgang Gossett's family group confession because Wolfie is such a flamboyant showman and tall-tale-teller. Yes, Galen is no slouch investigator and the FBI has yet to rule out the wolfman, but....

...the whirlwinds of confessional discourse continue. Why so many?  Is there anything to be learned in their analysis? What does it say about the person who receives the confession?

I agree, name calling and provocative attributes, such as "nutcase," are excessive in my opinion, but fair commentary on the obvious is acceptable to me.

Further, I posted my note on Jerry Thomas because I was impressed by his heretofore unprecedented, in my experience, characterization of Jo's claims, and the fact that he said he had interviewed the nurse who heard Duane's comments about DB Cooper, which directly dispute Jo's claim of receiving a personal confession to the skyjacking.

As for not giving Jo a fair chance to tell her side of the story, well, that's just the way it is, just as I have to suck up her strident calls at the DZ to have me tortured and sexually mutilated.

Speaking of which, I drove past the Auburn, WA police department HQ the other day on my way home from a Gastro doc medical appointment.  I thought I'd stop in and see if my pix was posted anywhere, but I decided to skip it. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? - I'd get free meals for a few weeks, courtesy of the good people of Auburn?  That could be Chapter 27!
« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 11:03:44 PM by Bruce A. Smith »