Robert99 For such a negative guy I don't know why I am answering your comments as YOU JUST DON'T KNOW and are not willing to look at anything else. I hope 377 can say something about opening the chute at the bottom of the stairs and in the slip stream and not into the full speed of the aircraft. Certainly DB would be in the faster air but moving with it some from the acceleration in the slipstream air. Good question from the real experts that are skydivers. Also, Sheridan is still alive and his false alibi shows he is DB Cooper or why else would he have a false alibi?
Bob Sailoshaw
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Mr. "Sailoshaw", or whatever you claim your name is now, here are the facts of life for you.
The air in the slipstream is much higher velocity than the ambient air (the air a few hundred feet from the aircraft), so the opening shock in the slipstream would be much greater than if Cooper was in the ambient air in a free fall.
It is the speed of the ambient air, and/or slipstream, with respect to Cooper standing on the stairs that is important. Were you ever exposed to the wit and wisdom of Isaac Newton during your training to be an electrical engineer?
Finally, I remember where I was during the Cooper hijacking (also on an airliner but east of the Mississippi River) and my still being alive doesn't mean anything with respect to the Cooper hijacking.