I started this forum back in February of 2014. the forum was started for several reasons, the main reason was to have a place to discuss the DB Cooper case. I believe that goal has been reached. we have had several members take part in television programs that have brought new light to the case. we have producers, law enforcement, media outlets such as CBS, and colleges, radio personalities etc. viewing this forum, some are members. believe it or not, we even have several people from our national security interested in this case and view the forum frequently

Each thread has a view count, and after adding them all up it appears that we will be hitting
ONE MILLION views in several weeks! now, I'm not going to sugar coat this like some do. you have to include a spam factor, and repeat viewers into the equation, but never the less it's a nice thing to see what can happen with a little effort. I give most of the credit to the members of this forum as well as the guests that keep this forum going.
Hopefully, we can continue to try and make some sense in this wild twisty turn of a case called DB Cooper..I would like to thank each and everyone of you for helping make this forum what it is today..the present goal is getting the "Operation Tbar" off the ground, but that's up to mother nature. I would hate to have to send Meyer and Kermit some scuba gear

Thank You All..