Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2385422 times)

Offline brbducksfan

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2130 on: August 07, 2016, 03:37:32 AM »
"Coming up on the suburbs of Portland and Vancouver...

According to the crew notes taken shortly after the hijacking, Vancouver was not mentioned.

They had not yet reached Portland proper but were definitely in the suburbs or immediate vicinity thereof

Isn't the co-pilot of the plane 'crew'?  There are so many inconsistencies with this case.  If co-pilot could see suburbs, anybody ever ask him which side of I-5 he was coming into Portland, or better yet, where did he cross it? 


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2131 on: August 07, 2016, 04:30:03 AM »
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"Coming up on the suburbs of Portland and Vancouver...

According to the crew notes taken shortly after the hijacking, Vancouver was not mentioned.

They had not yet reached Portland proper but were definitely in the suburbs or immediate vicinity thereof
Isn't the co-pilot of the plane 'crew'?  There are so many inconsistencies with this case.  If co-pilot could see suburbs, anybody ever ask him which side of I-5 he was coming into Portland, or better yet, where did he cross it?

The manager of the Troutdale airport said 305 crossed west of Portland. Exactly where he wasn't sure but definitely west of Portland.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2016, 04:35:28 AM by georger »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2132 on: August 07, 2016, 07:09:59 AM »
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In short, he has some intriguing information from a friend of a friend who was in the company of senior FBI staff recently, who said that the FBI thought Norjak was an inside job. Bobby, of course, jumps to the conclusion that this information means the FBI thinks Kenny is Cooper.

Like I said, sounds like he's over reacting again...

"Coming up on the suburbs of Portland and Vancouver...

According to the crew notes taken shortly after the hijacking, Vancouver was not mentioned.

They had not yet reached Portland proper but were definitely in the suburbs or immediate vicinity thereof
Well of course he is exaggerating if not making things up. Making a false connection again - he has made thousands of false connections and claims mixed with outright lies. It is Blevins after all!  :))  But he keeps the con going, and people keep listening and reacting. It's the worst the internet has to offer and Blevins milks it every chance he can because he has nothing else and no standing in the real world. He blew that opportunity years ago with all of his lies and personal attacks. Still people keep tuning into his channel and giving him openings. Bruce was very foolish to let him into his forum!
« Last Edit: August 07, 2016, 07:13:37 AM by georger »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2133 on: August 07, 2016, 10:03:53 AM »
A polygraph is a gray area. while we know it can't be used in court, we then try to use it for credibility, but if it's not accurate enough for court, how can we side with it to verify someone is telling the truth?

Offline Parrotheadvol

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2134 on: August 07, 2016, 11:14:48 AM »
So, here is what we "have":

Four guys, all with security clearances, are carpooling to or from Somewhere, USA and stop to eat. Sitting in a public restaurant, these four guys (all of whom has a security clearance) start talking. One of these guys, who happens to be an FBI agent, starts spilling the beans about how the FBI has solved the Cooper case but instead of letting it be known decides to bury it, since the hijacker is dead. (Never mind that a few years ago the FBI was very public about their latest suspect who they hoped to solve the case with, who was also dead). So this FBI agent has this info on Cooper, which absolutely had to be info that only those on a "need to Know basis" would have. This would not have been "all over the FBI" as Blevins has asserted. But this agent, the one with a security clearance, starts talking and gives out all of this secret info on Cooper. And here is the real of the guys at this table, by sheer coincidence, just happens to be friends with none other than Robert M Blevins. Really? It's at this point that this story goes from highly unbelievable and improbable, to complete and utter bullshit.

1. I can't emphasize enough that Blevins has pointed out that these guys all supposedly had security clearances. I've never had a security clearance, but a little over a year ago I was going through the process of getting one until I received a better opportunity and left that job, thus ending the process of obtaining a security clearance. But I did learn a thing or two about security clearances. One of the things I learned is that you simply do not talk about things that are learned from your job, especially things that are obtained on a need to know basis. Regardless how big or small they are. The act of talking about things such as this, will absolutely result in having your clearance pulled rather quickly. "If you talked about this, then what else have you talked about?". Likewise, the ability to not talk about even the smaller less important things, indicates that you can be trusted with the more secretive and important info. But yet, here we have one of the Bureau's own, giving out info, which was meant to be kept quiet. I don't buy it.

2. Why isn't Blevins posting this on his own site? Think about that one for a minute. He's been pushing Kenny for all of these years, he posts everything from Cooper to his music playlist for the BBQ on his site. But, now he has this game changing groundbreaking information on Cooper and he instead chooses to take it to The Mountain News instead? Why would he allow this news to be broke on the site ran by person that he has a very contentious relationship with who he has butted heads with for years? Damn, that's a hell of an olive branch!

3. Blevins has had his website for well over a year now. But, this earth shattering news just happens to come in a 3 or 4 day period when he just happens to be having a "spirited" conversation with Shutter. It has now changed the whole direction of that conversation...a conversation in which Mr. Blevins was getting taken to the proverbial woodshed.

4. Blevins is a known deceiver.  We all know about the lies in the KC story: Kenny's house purchased with cash, Lyle was visited by two FBI agents and gave them DNA samples.
Whether these lies were the creation of Mr. Blevins or not, he certainly pushed them and to the best of my knowledge are still contained in his book. They were left up on a youtube video for several months even though these things were known not to be true. He had no problem with these lies being in the video, they enhanced his argument. If I myself had not brought this up on the DZ, that video would still be up on youtube. He also created the infamous MikeJ, the only active poster on his forum in recent months besides Mr. Blevins, who turned to be Mr. Blevins himself.

5. Blevins is also very gullible. He falls for anything that may seem to indicate that Kenny could be Cooper, as opposed to taking an unbiased look at things. This is very visible in the evidence against KC.

One of two things are happening here. Either Blevins is trying to play everyone, or someone is playing Blevins. He's been too specific with the details about this for it to be a case of him hearing "inside job" and jumping to conclusions and really has left himself no wiggle room.

Again, this guy spilled this info to four guys that could have been friends with anyone. Why didn't he spill it to a friend of mine? Or Shutters? Or Georgers? What are the odds that any of these guys were friends of anyone who followed the Cooper case at all. But, against all the odds, he spilled the beans to a buddy of Blevins! I'll say it again: Bullshit!!

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2135 on: August 07, 2016, 11:45:54 AM »
I think someone is setting him up, who knows, perhaps Rackstraw is continuing his humor. I don't think he is making this up, you can hear him running out of breath while typing his comments.

First he claims he's not going to the FBI, and then a couple hours latter he is contacting them, and the media. he fails to give any names, but has no problem consulting the world about it, so these guys will be found quickly if true, and probably have there security clearance revoked! this is coming from a guy who claims Bruce can't keep his mouth shut. Robert shouldn't of mentioned any of this until it was completely verifiable, and all of the facts presented for all to see.

It just doesn't make sense. it all goes against everything said in the past about Cooper. the FBI clearly had trouble publicly stating they failed, so why secretly close it?

Robert, has once again proven his site is not worthy of anything of value, not that this is, but he knows the attention is there at the moment. so many myths tied into Kenny make people believe he was Cooper. as Parrot pointed out, it took him months to take bad information down about Kenny. we applied constant pressure, and that's when the "hate mongering" started.

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2136 on: August 07, 2016, 12:13:57 PM »
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So, here is what we "have":

Four guys, all with security clearances, are carpooling to or from Somewhere, USA and stop to eat. Sitting in a public restaurant, these four guys (all of whom has a security clearance) start talking. One of these guys, who happens to be an FBI agent, starts spilling the beans about how the FBI has solved the Cooper case but instead of letting it be known decides to bury it, since the hijacker is dead. (Never mind that a few years ago the FBI was very public about their latest suspect who they hoped to solve the case with, who was also dead). So this FBI agent has this info on Cooper, which absolutely had to be info that only those on a "need to Know basis" would have. This would not have been "all over the FBI" as Blevins has asserted. But this agent, the one with a security clearance, starts talking and gives out all of this secret info on Cooper. And here is the real of the guys at this table, by sheer coincidence, just happens to be friends with none other than Robert M Blevins. Really? It's at this point that this story goes from highly unbelievable and improbable, to complete and utter bullshit.

If Robert is serious about sending this to the Seattle Times and the Wall Street Journal, then we should get to the bottom of this soon enough.  Any reasonable person is going to be skeptical, but if he's willing to pass it off to an unbiased party to investigate it, let them judge it.

It seems pretty clear (to me, anyway) that L.D. Cooper was their last suspect they were considering and he still was until all of their fingerprint testing was completed this year.  If the FBI really knew it was Kenny,  they would have dropped L.D. years ago. and closed everything.

I've said this before, but when Fuentes and Jensen went through the suspects, I think their opinions were colored by what the FBI said about them. I don't think the FBI told them who was a good suspect and who wasn't, but just in conversation that could get a sense about who was a serious suspect and who wasn't.  Kenny was dismissed very quickly, while they still gave L.D. Cooper some benefit of the doubt, even though they called Marla's conspiracy theories "nutty" and "outrageous".

For Robert's story to be true, it would run counter to the case agent's view.  That would lead me to believe it's just speculation on the other agent's part.

Confirmation bias is very common.  So, I'll say to Robert, if he's reading this, please do turn it over to the media and let's see what they say.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2137 on: August 07, 2016, 12:21:19 PM »
Robert tends to try and cut people off at the pass, so I alerted several news media avenues. he likes to try at make it appear things were taken care of, so I thought I would help him in this process. these are not newspapers can't bring a story up like this without any verification, and expect it to be believable...I believe others are consulting the FBI as well.

With all of this information, why doesn't he walk into the local media station, and "spill the beans"
« Last Edit: August 07, 2016, 12:32:06 PM by Shutter »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2138 on: August 07, 2016, 01:35:33 PM »
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1. I can't emphasize enough that Blevins has pointed out that these guys all supposedly had security clearances. I've never had a security clearance, but a little over a year ago I was going through the process of getting one until I received a better opportunity and left that job, thus ending the process of obtaining a security clearance. But I did learn a thing or two about security clearances. One of the things I learned is that you simply do not talk about things that are learned from your job, especially things that are obtained on a need to know basis. Regardless how big or small they are. The act of talking about things such as this, will absolutely result in having your clearance pulled rather quickly. "If you talked about this, then what else have you talked about?". Likewise, the ability to not talk about even the smaller less important things, indicates that you can be trusted with the more secretive and important info. But yet, here we have one of the Bureau's own, giving out info, which was meant to be kept quiet. I don't buy it.

You have absolutely got it right.

For access to classified information, you must have the appropriate security clearance and a "need to know" that information.

Mishandling classified information leads to such outcomes as illustrated by the he/she/it/whatever individual now doing time at Leavenworth and things such as the Snowden matter.  To me, these cases mean that some individuals/organizations have gotten lax and developed a cavalier attitude toward handling classified information since my day.

But information does not need to have a security classification to be extremely closely held.  Some of the most closely held and protected information that I ever came into contact with did not have a security classification at all, but had "FOR XXXXXXXXX EYES ONLY" markings  and that information absolutely did NOT get circulated outside a very small group.  And there was nothing illegal going on either, everything was completely Kosher.  Full disclosure:  I can't remember what word(s) the Xs above represent and, on second though, I may be imagining the whole thing.     

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2139 on: August 07, 2016, 01:55:06 PM »
Well, these are pretty serious allegations, but lets not forget who we are dealing with. Roberts real passion is science fiction, you know, where you make up stories. then we have Ariel to look at coming up in the near future.....



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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2140 on: August 07, 2016, 02:02:19 PM »
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Well, these are pretty serious allegations, but lets not forget who we are dealing with. Roberts real passion is science fiction, you know, where you make up stories. then we have Ariel to look at coming up in the near future.....

Yes. Ariel coming up. The timing cant be coincidental. Blevins does everything for "effect".

But, there is something else going on here. The FBI just closed the case. There is nobody to correct or even comment on Blevins' story. Blevins is now free to say the "President told me..." if he wants. Who is going to contradict him or even comment officially. Nobody!

And Bruce let him on Mountain News to announce this bs to the world!

Then Blevins says, mocking, 'I wont rub it in your face'. Duhhhhhh. HE JUST DID! He rubbed it in everyone's face, bigtime! Using the Mountain News!

Who knows? Maybe Woodruff even had a hand in this. The Ariel Store now has a major story to peddle. It's name is: Robert M Blevins. Important FBI Agent says Kenny was DB Cooper.  Come one and all and join in the Festival. Screw Colbert and his case! Blevins is now the new superstar of DB Cooper Investibation-SSS!

This is frickin hilarious!  O0 :)) :)) :))

This is either the slickest con-job Ive seen pulled off in some time .... or Kenny was DB Cooper!
« Last Edit: August 07, 2016, 02:27:02 PM by georger »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2141 on: August 07, 2016, 02:14:48 PM »
Come one and all and join in the Festival.

You forgot "be there, or be square"  O0 O0 O0 O0


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2142 on: August 07, 2016, 02:29:38 PM »
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Come one and all and join in the Festival.

You forgot "be there, or be square"  O0 O0 O0 O0

Americans, red haired slapped down step children, and Wage Earner Sheeple .... wanna know! They are demanding to know!  Step aside Tom Colbert. And now the FBI is presumably forced to say something or Cooperlandt is going to have a huge panic attack and an embolism!  >:D

Take that you Cooperlandt hate mongers,


Robert M Blevins
« Last Edit: August 07, 2016, 02:32:01 PM by georger »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2143 on: August 07, 2016, 08:34:41 PM »
Isn't the co-pilot of the plane 'crew'?  There are so many inconsistencies with this case.  If co-pilot could see suburbs, anybody ever ask him which side of I-5 he was coming into Portland, or better yet, where did he cross it?

The plane didn't cross I-5 until after it crossed the Columbia. this can be noted on the FBI flight path map...

Offline brbducksfan

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2144 on: August 07, 2016, 09:17:12 PM »
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Isn't the co-pilot of the plane 'crew'?  There are so many inconsistencies with this case.  If co-pilot could see suburbs, anybody ever ask him which side of I-5 he was coming into Portland, or better yet, where did he cross it?

The plane didn't cross I-5 until after it crossed the Columbia. this can be noted on the FBI flight path map...

I should probably put this on the 'Flight path' thread....if we assume the flight path map is accurate (or even close), and the jump time is the 8:11-8:17p range (I'm giving 4 minutes to either side if 8:13p), how does the $ 'naturally' get to Tina Bar again?