I thought we had previously established that H flew north to the Woodland area to search vs. flying south chasing 305? Maybe they did both?
According to Himms in his book, the only searching that RH did was by air. He flew his fixed-wing aircraft over LZ-A on T-Day morning and remained aloft for 2.5 hours. Friday was rained-out, and general aerial surveillance resumed late Saturday. On Monday, the ground and aerial search was called off in LZ-A, and the Woodland Command center closed. On Tuesday, RH and a fleet of aircraft flew south through Oregon, over Victor 23. Ralph does not mention what he did specifically, if anything, on the case on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. He does state that FBI agents swarmed PDX immediately after the skyjacking seeking witnesses.
Himms also says that he began sending daily reports to DC, presumably over the holiday weekend. Page 64:
"By the second day of the investigation we had Norm Belfrey locked in as lead-card agent, logging all the information flowing in and out of the office...
"...I just had to kind of fly and hang loose, because as far as the office was concerned, I had to know everything, had to absorb al the information, recognize what was to be done and see that it was done. That was the responsibility of the case agent."
(1) Two witnesses (Snowmman post) say Scott informed RH at RH's retirement party (?) that 305 overflew Woodland just before Cooper bailed. (2) Likewise, the NWA-FBI Search map (black and white map) uses Woodland as the north-west plot mark which begins the primary search area. (3) The searches near Ariel beginning after 11/24/71 are just south of Woodland ?
Admittedly, Scott is supposedly telling RH that they overflew Woodland, years after 1971! However, the first NWA-FBI Search map uses Woodland as the nor-west cornerstone of the first search area south of Woodland, with searches beginning right after 11-24-71; that is documented.
I may have the rest confused. That would not be a surprise, frankly. Somewhere, is a post or an article or something which we all read that describes people in a helicopter looking for lights on the roads, campfire, or anything else unusual ... and I thought this was on the evening of 11/24/71 ? I recall that in this article or post the comment is made that due to the fog, the search was useless so they turned around eventually and came back to PDX. This sounds like a "search" as opposed to the idea of "trying to chase 305 down" which was preposterous on it's face! If I recall this article or post or whatever it was correctly, they searched not only near Woodland, they searched a route meaning they searched in several areas? But, I cannot find that document in my files or anywhere at DZ ... so maybe I dreamed this!

Maybe somebody else recalls the article Im referring to ?
It strikes me as a little odd that Scott would wait until 1980 to convey (to RH) his crucial info about "we flew over Woodland!" when in fact NWA identified Woodland almost immediately as evidenced by the fact (Solderlind) uses Woodland as the cornerstone of the first NWA-FBI Search map! Maybe Scott gave his info to NWA first in 1971 and only thought to tell RH (who was not the lead agent in the case) until1980? Who knows. The fact is, Woodland sit in a prominent position almost as the pivot-point for the first actual searches that were conducted, in 1971.
And of course the corollary to all of this is the fact that Woodland "is" west of V23. And Tina Bar and the relevant part of the Columbia River Basin one might surmise might have been involved in a deposit on Tina Bar, sits south of Woodland.
I think it is a safe assumption that the first estimate of Cooper's drop zone came fairly quickly (from NWA) the evening of 11/24/71 perhaps only minutes after the crew's report of oscillations and no further contact with Cooper in the back. Somebody at NWA used Woodland in their equation, in any event, in time to be searching near there the next day, at the very least?
Snowmman doubted for a time that RH was even on a helicopter, or that anyone in their right minds would try to intercept 305 much less chase it down when 305 was already at least 60 miles south of PDX at the very time any helo is leaving PDX! It would make a helluva lot more sense to go north and search the area people were identifying as the area Cooper likely bailed in, near Woodland. Like Snowmman, I dont buy the idea that Scott didn't have a good idea of where they were around the time they thought Cooper bailed, near Woodland. And I think Scott conveyed his info to NWA very quickly; he didn't wait until 1980!

I'm not saying RH and his pilots did not try a run south to look for 305, but it was futile on it's face, and I am very suspicious to know the total amount of time that helo was in the air because that amount of time may exceed any southern run they made, or could have made, and still returned back to PDX to be logged in at Time =

. The total time may indeed include time for being elsewhere? And was there more than one trip logged? More than one helo - were two in the air?
But, we know Woodland figured heavily in the first flight path map NWA generated, because it is there in black and white for searches beginning the next day. That can't be denied.
I know there is a document, article or post, that describes people searching at night in a helo north of Portland. The post is specific and describes searchers looking for traffic lights on roads, any suspicious lights or activity, campfires, any sign of activity or anything suspicious etc, and they could not continue because of the adverse conditions so they came back to PDX. I thought they went north and were searching in the Woodland area. ? I thought this involved FBI agents and Himmelsbach? This was posted somewhere by somebody since 2008 ?