What are facts?
We seem to disagree, even though this is commonly thought as a "given."
Some facts are in a safe area:
1. The Money - okay. General agreement as to importance of this finding.
2. Placard - okay. Again, generally accepted as an importance piece of evidence.
Not so safe:
3. Actions of the FBI? not so much, according to some. Others give it credence. Is it a "fact"? Hmmmm, depends on whom you talk to, what specific actions are cited, etc.
4. Lying by principals in the investigation, lost evidence, lack of critical action-such as giving DB Cooper a head start of at least 11 hours and probably more, only sending 20 guys into the woods to look for Cooper, silence in the face of questioning/stonewalling/refusal to attend public hearings, etc., smudged fingerprint retrieval, inability of all parties in Reno to remember the clip-on tie, including Tina, etc. Again, some say this is unimportant. Others say it does have some weight. But is it a fact? Maybe, according to some.
Research Quandary:
5. Cultural goggles of researchers. Some researchers claim certain information is fact. Other researchers deny that those pieces of evidence are in fact, Facts, and mock the first set of researchers for being Drahma Queens.
So, we have reached a crossroads at the Forum. Some folks say only certain pieces of evidence are facts. Others challenge that perspective and are chided.
Further, some researchers refuse to answer specific questions directed to them at the Forum, often having to do with the FBI. As a result, we have an investigatory failure here. We don't know what facts are facts, and some fact-deniers refuse to talk about their denials.
Where do we go from here, eh?