As always, it's a pleasure to be emasculated by your technical knowledge. But I would point out, even Rataczak describes his flight path as "connect the dots" (and he makes a sort of zig-zag motion with his hand) in his talk.
If you really want to be "emasculated", then maybe we can get some 14 year old boys and girls who are also pilots to join this group. But they would just explain the same thing in the same way that I have.
Yes, you can be a pilot and fly by yourself in some types of aircraft before you are old enough to get an automobile driver's license. So you will need someone, such as your mother, to drive you to the airport. For the record, I had a pilot's license before I had a driver's license.
If you are interested in learning about aircraft navigation, the FAA has a number of excellent publications that can be downloaded without charge from their web page. I highly recommend the FAA publications. And I get the impression that you could benefit from studying some of them.
As Georger has posted this evening, neither Rataczak nor the other two pilots on the hijacked airliner have discussed the flight path in any detail. After the money was found at Tina Bar, Captain Scott was reportedly "leaned on" to change the flight path further to the east in an effort to explain how the money reached that point from the originally proposed jump location.
I believe that Tom Kaye and others have demolished the Great Washougal Washdown Theory.