If I am not mistaken, there was an ethnicity component to the DNA test conducted, what were the findings ? (Europoean/Caucasion, American Indian, Mexican/Latin American ? ? ? )
How confident is or was the FBI in the DNA evidence, derived from the tie and/or the tie clip, they used it to exclude suspects ?
Does the FBI still have the hair sample ? (Part 67 seems to imply that it was lost between Las Vegas and Seattle)
Is the FBI holding anything back whatsoever regarding what COOP said or did on the plane that the vortex does not know ?
Does the FBI believe that any of the letters are legit ?
What does the FBI think about Fly Jack's parachute analysis ? The serial numbers ? Did EC mislead or screw things up ? Did Cooper take one packing card from one back chute and stick it in the other ?
Inquiring minds want to know....