I have completed this magnum opus as promised. I think it provides something not available to the public for 50 years! (the Lindbergh ransom list was better circulated to the public).
I believe this is the most accurate, most publicly available full list of cooper fbi ransom serials.
In a form that can be manipulated/analyzed/searched/compared. For instance, I used it to search for all 9998 serials using google. I also have automated ebay searches for 1963A/1969 $20 bills, and eyeball those images and compare the serial using this list. I've posted histograms of the serials for understanding "random". Etc. Hopefully others may come up with other purposes.
New findings are typos in the fbi list, and apparent errors at the check six site.
I have included all ancillary information for double checking my work, including the fbi images.
Thanks to check six site for allowing me to cross-check, albeit slowly.
All serials were created by a combination of computer plus human visual work. The only starting point were the fbi file 55 ransom pages (1-34), which I call the Hoover memo.
I attached a README which describes the files and folders you get when you unzip the release.zip that's freely available to all here.
Shutter can copy the file to his site if he wishes.
I included info from FLYJACK as flyjack.csv for a list of serials that are apparently verified to have been found at tena bar. I didn't ask him for permission, but if someone believes they have control over anything posted at any cooper web forum, they should pursue that theory in court. Good luck. I believe there's a long precedent that anything posted at a cooper web forum is equivalent to yelling "Fight!" in a biker bar and has same rights.
Everyone should be able to download the zip at
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Logingoogle will show you the files inside the zip with that link. to download the link go to the top
right of that page, and click on the icon of a arrow going down into a folder
that should download release.zip probably into your browser's download directory.
You may get a popup to extract the files, click extract all.
pay attention to wherever the files got extracted. Go to that folder and you should be able to look around.
.zip files are standard, so you should be able to unzip just by clicking on it (or extract all)
for most any OS. (windows, ios, etc). even your phone
Let me know if you want the info in any other form, or if anything doesn't look correct, and I'll fix it. Hopefully I didn't forget something in release.zip...but I'm kinda tired of it right now.
ps. I included the README.txt attached as README in release.zip . If you are using windows or ios, you may need to tell it to open the file with something like Notepad/Wordpad etc as there is no suffix on the file, so the OS won't know how to read it normally. You can rename it to README.txt to get around that (actually I forget if windows knows to use Notepad/Wordpad for .txt files. It should)