what's he saying now?
As for posting on my post. "Mi casa, su casa"! 
Mr. Blevins claims to have a document proving he is being harassed and maligned by members of this forum. Everybody is so nice here that I have a hard time believing people would be so mean. 
Once again, Mr. Blevins is screaming out for attention. he's talking about a website that was running in
2011. people went onto the site under false names blasting Kenny, and Blevins. I had just come into the Cooper saga at that time. I seen the comments, but moved on. Mr. Blevins has been running his mouth about that site for years. I have a screenshot of him stating the owner of the site told him who the IP's belong to, now he babbles on about his "techy guy" found out who they were? he puts this guy high up in the clouds for some reason? he works at Microsoft, big deal.
He made threats to release the information about who they were. Bob Knoss was one of them. who cares? if he wishes to continue to expose peoples personal information. he's going to find himself in trouble. he tried to expose Georger's IP the other day, it was way off, but he thought he had it, but took it down. (screenshot taken)
He went on for several years posting the PDF of the comments like it was a breach of national security

he now has two forums where he preaches his hatred towards this forum, and it's members. he will never get anyone on his forum's if he continue's to post crap like he's been doing since the start of his first forum. the funny thing is. he doesn't see that he goes against everything he preaches? Reichenbach tried to tell him this, but got perma-banned, then unbanned, flip flopping through as Robert always does. bottom line was he thought he was working both sides of the fence, when actually he was just trying to show Robert he was doing what he was against. copy/pasting/taking things out of context etc. etc.
He shows a lot of hatred towards Bruce lately. Bruce this, Bruce that. this guy is in his 60's, and yet he acts like the kids you see commenting on You Tube. it's very clear he is using his forum as a vehicle to get back at this site, and it's members.
I have taken action against Mr. Blevins for record purposes. I'm showing a pattern in his behavior. Proboards wants me to send each post where he violates there TOS. he's exploiting peoples names who do not wish to be public information, regardless to the name being in a book by mistake. I'm showing his harassment from the start of the forum. he even put threats on the Google link from Dropzone. I have it all.
He needs to move on like he said he was going to do in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
Below is the screenshot taken about Georger's IP....once gain against Proboards Terms Of Service