EU, you do know that “inconclusive” doesn’t mean “maybe”, right?
Not exactly. You have to understand what the FBI is working with. I realize it's sort of counter-intuitive.
Meaning, the FBI DNA results can only read one of two ways: Either "No Match", or "Inconclusive." It cannot read, "Match."
This is because there are multiple donors at the various locations. Therefore, it is possible that one person has DNA similar to "Subject 1" at "Location 1" while having DNA similar to "Subject 2" at "Location 2." In this case it would show that this one person matched Location 1 and Location 2 but not recognize that the match involved two separate subjects.
On the other hand, if the one person does not match one of the locations at all, then this person cannot be DB Cooper. This of course assumes that DB Cooper's DNA is one of the partial profiles in the test.
You will simply have to explain what you mean to the unwashed!
By "Subject 2" at "Location 2" I assume you are referring to genetic loci 'locations' in CODIS-13, vs the location Niagara Falls? Do you really know anything about this subject or are you just blowing more smoke? Is Tom Kaye involved in this quest with you or are you out on your own - relying on what technical background you have? These are fair questions, sir, given your prior performance on TV where your claims flopped dramatically before your eggs were even hatched.
You do realize if the FBI turns its DB Cooper genetic profile over to you - the whole world will wake up and be interested? Maybe you should trim your statements back a tad, to avoid over promising on something that the FBI may not deliver in response to your FOIA filing?
The last time I checked codis 13 used the following loci LOCATIONS: The 13 STR loci CSF1PO, FGA, TH01, TPOX, vWA, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, and D21S11 have been selected as the core loci for use in CODIS 13.