It's hard to say about the sighting from the ship. the Marshals are starting to believe the Anglin's might of killed Morris off. they had no use for him once they were off the island.
377, don't you recall talking about the ship finding it odd they didn't have a radio on board...
Lots of people have made rafts and crossed, but some of them also failed...mythbusters made it..
An inmate supposedly received a post card with a code telling him they made it...."Gone Fishing" Clarence Carnes was the inmate.
was it an over sight they buried some of these files, or was it intensional?
I wonder how much evidence is buried in the files with Cooper? I can see more reason to cover up the escape though..
The ship would DEFINITELY have had a radio. Required by law even then. A really good raft, effective paddles and slack tide would have increased their survival chances by a lot.
You need insulation from the cold water. Even in a floating raft they could become hypothernic because the raft bottom is not insulated. Two guys aren't going to bring SF Bay up to 98.6 F. SF Bay is trying to cool them to 54 F.
54 F isn't quickly fatal, it takes time, but it quickly reduces effectiveness as you become hypothermic and exhausted.
Water Temperature Exhaustion Time Death Time
(oF) (oC) (hours) (hours)
70 - 80 21 - 27 3 - 12 3 - unlimited
60 - 70 16 - 21 2 - 7 2 - 40
50 - 60 10 - 16 1 - 2 1 - 6
40 - 50 4 - 10 0.5 - 1 1 - 3
Was it survivable? Yes. Did they survive? Maybe Same deal as Cooper.