I respect your opinion 377, but it isn't going to happen. Jo is not that bad, but Robert is a different story all together.
I have sympathy for Jo, but I can't ignore what she did to Vicki. Jo sent me an email several weeks ago stating she would not be sending anymore emails about anything. I haven't heard from her in a while. to me, Jo hasn't left at all. she has been playing referee through emails to me for the last 6 months telling me who is wrong on things said here. I don't mind that, but it will not work here on this forum.
As for Robert....not a chance in hell. he can't even keep people on his own forum. I've seen the offline conversations he's had with "his members"...you have every right to join a forum under any name you wish, and not worry about stating your real name. he wants to try and top everyone, be above everyone. he tells outrageous/false stories about his real life. he's argumentative to always pissing everyone off on the forum. he loves to give advice, but refuses to accept any. it goes on and on. no, you can't ignore him while he's in the room either. he just keeps pushing.
This guy posted endlessly on Dropzone about me being on a free server, and censorship etc. etc. then turns around and does the same damn thing. he gave Bruce a thumbs up on his book, then removes his review. then reichenbach starts in on Bruce, and suddenly Robert thinks the book is crap? he screams "hate mongers" and turns around allowing his Moderator to call Bruce a scumbag, and calling people low life's.
I realize you like Robert, and that's fine, but I have to look at it from a different view. I have the health of this forum to consider, it's not personal, it's business. it would be a loss more than a gain. I'm sorry, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles...