Books on DB Cooper
Am I missing anyone or anything?
1. Ulis, Eric, SKY GHOST – The Enigma of D. B. Cooper, 2020, tba
2. Loufoque, Nat, D.B. Cooper Examined, Identified, Exposed, 2019
3. Laurin, Carl, D. B. Cooper and Me – A Criminal, A Spy, My Best Friend, 2018
4. Andrade, Marty, Finding D.B. Cooper – Chasing the Last Lead in America’s Only Unsolved Skyjacking, 2016
5. Colbert, Thomas J., and Szollosi, Tom, The Last Master Outlaw, 2016
6. Rollins, William III, The Elusive DB Cooper, 2016
7. Smith, Bruce A, DB Cooper and the FBI – A Case Study of America’s Only Unsolved Skyjacking, 1st Edition, 2015, 2nd Edition 2106, 3rd Edition, 2020, tba.
8. Collins, Bradley Scott, My Father was D.B. Cooper, 2013
9. Gray, Geoffrey, SKYJACK – The Hunt for DB Cooper, 2011
10. Nuttall, George, and Grady, Harry. DB Cooper Case Exposed – J. Edgar Hoover Cover-Up?, 2010
11. Forman, Ron and Pat, The Legend of DB Cooper – Death by Natural Causes, 2008
12. Porteous, Skipp, and Blevins, Robert M., Into the Blast, The True Story of D.B. Cooper, 2008
13. Peterson, Sheridan, The Idiot’s Frightful Laughter, 1st Edition, 2007, 2nd Edition, 2016
14. Rhodes, Bernie, and Calame, Russ, D. B. Cooper – The Real McCoy,1991
15. Tosaw, Richard, D.B. Cooper – Dead or Alive?, 1984
16. Himmelsbach, Ralph, and Worcester, Thomas, NORJAK: The Investigation of D.B. Cooper, 1986
17. Gunther, Max, D.B. Cooper – What Really Happened, 1985