Sunday Sept 20 I will again be doing some radio jumps using a ham radio set which operates very close to the CB band and puts out 5 watts.
Here is some rudimentary estimated range data. I have done this before and its no problem communicating out to at least 60 miles and sometimes a lot further from about 10,000 feet. I've done this with very low power, down to 1 watt. When you are way up you can talk a long way with low power.
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The first chart below assumes average descent speed of 10MPH (~15 feet per second or 900 feet per minute).
The second chart assumes average descent speed of 14MPH (~20 feet per second or 1200 feet per minute).
Your actual descent speed may be variable or somewhat slower or faster than these.
The estimate is based on your canopy opening above 12,000 feet and beginning radio operation around 12,000 ft as you indicated.
Minutes starting at 12,000ft./ Altitude in feet. / Estimated 28MHz SSB radio range in miles.
[Chart: Descent Rate 15 feet per second]
0 min / 12,000 ft / 160 miles
2 min / 10,200 ft / 150 miles
4 min / 8400 ft / 135 miles
6 min / 6600 ft / 120 miles
8 min / 4800 ft / 100 miles
10 min / 3000 ft / 80 miles
11 min / 2100 ft / 65 miles
12 min / 1200 ft / 55 miles
[Chart: Descent Rate 20 feet per second]
0 min / 12,000 ft / 160 miles
2 min / 9,600 ft / 145 miles
4 min / 7200 ft / 130 miles
6 min / 4800 ft / 100 miles
8 min / 2400 ft / 70 miles
9 min / 1200 ft / 55 miles
If there are any ham radio operators reading this look for me at 28425 KHz, USB. Jump times will vary but first jump will likely be between 10 AM and 1 PM CA time. Jumping over Byron Airport in CA. Rig Yaesu FT 817. Antenna PAR end fed dipole trailing wire.
Do I think DB Cooper had radio gear? I've seen no evidence that he did.
Would a CB walkie talkie have been practical for communicating with an accomplice? Hell yes.