Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2376804 times)


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #675 on: September 09, 2015, 04:02:59 PM »
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Please cite the passage and by who.

I believe it's Alice stating this...PDF # 5, page 5. SE-164-S1 see paragraph speaks of forgetting her purse..

Your quote is from Schaffner's interview, not Alice Hancock's. And it makes no sense. This is just one of these instances where Schaffner testimony conflicts with the testimony of another crew member, Mucklow.

Mucklow says she never paid attention or made note of Cooper's eyes until after he had dawned the sunglasses. In her physical description she says 'she was UNABLE to observe his eyes'. I believe it is Mucklow who says when she went forward with her notes for the pilot and came back she then noticed Cooper now had sunglasses on... but here is the nub of this.

Cooper had his sunglasses on BEFORE the chutes were even brought on board and before the plane even landed..... I think!

We also are told Schaffner stayed in the cockpit once she went forward (and never came back to the cabin)? If that is true Schaffner wouldnt have even been present in the cabin when the chutes were brought on board and Cooper began stripping one chute out for its lines and began putting one backpack on ???

I think there is some value to trying to construct a comparative timeline from the different people testifying here - I have started to do that but it will take some time to accomplish. For example, it would be interesting to sompare such a time line with Sluggo's timeline ... with the PI/NWA Transcript(s) timeline ??? 


« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 05:47:08 PM by georger »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #676 on: September 09, 2015, 07:01:35 PM »
Yep, I thought it was Flo, but got the part about the purse incorrect. it appears she was talking about Alice getting her purse. it's also the last PDF, and not the 5th one in the vault. oops... :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #677 on: September 09, 2015, 07:13:42 PM »
Cyber Warfare comes to the DB Cooper Forum - the Thuggery of Moriarty and Lars Skoland.

A new era of attack has been launched in Cooper World. It comes from Moriarty and his intermediary Lars Skoland. It centers on me, and involves this forum. 

Here is a copy of the complaint I am sending to the IC3, the federal agency that handles cyber crimes. My files have been hacked, and I have been threatened.

Cyber attack, Moriarty and Lars, 9. 8. 15

Today, September 9, 2015, I received the email posted below from a “Lars Skoland,” who had been corresponding with me as an intermediary between another party known as “Moriarty” (aka “Reichenbach” on the dbcooperforum) and a fourth party, Galen Cook, who is a fellow DB Cooper researcher and a friend.

This email is one of several that I have received over the past few days, and reveal an escalation in intrusiveness and cyber-thuggery. I believe that Moriarty/Lars have hacked into my DB Cooper files and email address book.

I feel that the emails are menacing and intended to threaten me, all for reasons that are unclear to me.

What follows is an analysis of the emails Lars/Moriarty sent me and their disturbing nature.

First, “BruceSmith49” is my user name at my online news magazine, The Mountain News-WA. I assume the Lars/Moriarty were able to hack into my administrative function and obtain this piece of information.

The reference, “Sky Thief,”  was the working title of my book on DB Cooper during the 2012 period. The book was published as an e-book with Amazon in 2015, titled: DB Cooper and the FBI – A Case Study of America' Only Unsolved Skyjacking.

The fact that Lars/Moriarty write: “Sky Thief, all chapters, lit, SSBS, 7. 30. 13 doc” reveals that they have hacked into my “DB Cooper” document files, as the above notation refers to a version of my manuscript that was saved on July 30, 2013 in it's entirety. Hence, “all chapters.”

It is a version that was written in literary format, ie: “lit” as opposed to the block, business correspondence format that I use in most of my freelance newspaper submissions.

The description, “SSBS” refers to “single-space, both sides” for copying instructions to a print shop.

The reference to “zero tolerance” refers to a quip that I posted on the DB Cooper Forum on September 8, 2015, that:

“I have little to zero patience for folks who stonewall me, throw up impediments, or cloak-n-dagger me into numbness. My standard policy, which I have stated numerous times here and elsewhere, and personally to Lars/Moriarty - if you clam up on me that's how you go in the book/report/story.”

Also, I have no experience of anything “going off line yesterday.” The Mountain News-WA is functioning normally, as far as I know.

The reference to “Al Di” describes a character in the DB Cooper investigation who “decoded” the famous Letter #3 that was supposedly sent by DB Cooper to the Oregonian newspaper in Portland, Oregon in December 1971. Lars/Moriarty had asked me initially to contact Galen Cook and ask him to assist them in their efforts to discover the true identity of “Al Di,” and the purpose of his decoding of Letter #3. They had asked for the email mailing addresses, server routing instructions and similar information that might be gleaned from the 60 emails that Al Di and Galen had exchanged in 2011. Galen declined their invitation to partner in a joint investigation with Lars/Moriarty, and I informed them of that decision.

As a “gift,” they sent me the contact information of Alice Hancock, the senior flight attendant aboard DB Cooper's plane, Northwest Orient Flight 305. Ms. Hancock has been reticent to discuss her experiences aboard Cooper's plane, and as far as I know has never given an interview to any media outlet. I had been unable to obtain Ms. Hancock's contact information prior to the gifting from Lars/Moriarty, and when I called her on September 8, 2015  she declined to talk with me – politely, but firmly, hanging up.

In a second email, Lars/Moriarty sent me a photograph of a town square that in a city that appears to be a small European setting. This email was sent to me on September 8, 2015. Lars/Moriarty claim that it is a photo from the home-town of a friend of mine, Guustaaf Damave. Guustaaf was born and raised in the Netherlands, so I assume that the picture is from Holland, but I don't know what city.

These intrusions from Lars/Moriarty are unwanted and illegal. I am seeking redress from the Federal government in this mater via their IC3 complaint department.

-Bruce A. Smith
September 9, 2015

Email exchange between Bruce A. Smith and Lars/Moriarty, circa September 2015.


From you know who,

"Awesome BruceSmith49,

Wtf? Seriously? Sky Thief??? .... Please.
Sky Thief, all chapters, lit, SSBS, 7. 30 13.doc

Did you notice your site went offline yesterday? We might replace it with your book.

Thanks for outing and fucking our chances with the Al Di thing.
Thanks for fucking our contact anymore with Alice Hancock.
(Luckily we got out of her what we wanted)

Zero patience?

Love ~M"


On 2015-09-09 at 13:00, Bruce Smith wrote:

I LOVE being the center of attention! Tell Moriarty and the gang - THANKS!



On 9/9/2015 1:36 AM, Lars Skoland wrote:

You, are the topic of a hot debate right now. In this case, it's not nice to know people are thinking of you.

   On 2015-09-09 at 00:59, Bruce Smith wrote:
So, Lars, what is going on?  You hacking me?  Trying to creep me out? Prove your cyber abilities by finding my friends and then discovering where they are from.
Please tell, what is Guus' hometown? I don't know! Someplace in the Netherlands, I assume.
Whatever game you're playing, I need to tell you - You Win!
BTW, could you please send me Guustaaf's current email address? I got a new computer and my address book got wiped out.
Thanks, Bruce

   On 9/8/2015 11:41 PM, Lars Skoland wrote:
Tell your friend Guustaaf Damave, Moriarty is standing in his hometown.

6.   (Lars writes:)
   M says "so much for open-source sleuthing."
   Apparently you're off his Christmas list. Hang your head in shame Bruce. =p

   On 2015-09-06 at 01:29, Bruce Smith wrote:

What's up with Moriarty? He's got an anger management problem, or has a

narcissistic personality disorder?

As for me,  I disappoint people all the time - ask my family!

Investigative reporters - we just ain't got no friends. Oh, well.

But I do thank him for the (DB Cooper) crew debriefs. Perhaps one day he will tell us how he came to them.


   On 9/6/2015 12:47 AM, Lars Skoland wrote:

Moriarty says to tell Galen he's not interested in his email or the contents. Says he's disappointed.
Thought they might be friends, especially since ~M had a brother born on Valentines Day!
(Bruce, it's not advised to disappoint ~M)

   On 2015-09-05 at 20:03, Bruce Smith wrote:
Galen has asked that I  not cut and paste anything, but to simply pass on information.
BTW, I like long stories....

   On 9/5/2015 7:09 PM, Lars Skoland wrote:
I'm not sure of the Moriarty/Reichenbach connection. Sorry Bruce, I am just the messenger. I do this as a debt to Moriarty. It's a long story.
In the mean time of your synopsis could you please provide ~M with the headers of an Al Di email? Either cut and paste or forward an email in full.

   On 2015-09-05 at 18:25, Bruce Smith wrote:
Greetings Lars,
Galen has sent me a lengthy number of his emails today that were part of the exchange between him and "Al Di" (AD).  Galen has asked me to give you a synopsis of what was included, and that will take some time to first read the emails, digest them, and then get back to you.

But in the meantime, here is the pertinent information that I gleaned from the first few emails.
Al Di uses the email address of You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, which is the email address posted on his website, I believe. I know that I attempted to communicate with Al Di via this emails address and he never responded, nor did the emails bounce back as undeliverable.

The themes and content varies. Sometimes AD asks general conversational questions, such as "What do you think of Duane Weber?" to in-depth discussions of the briefcase. I was surprised to learn that Galen says that Florence told him that she remembers the briefcase as being a Samson-like briefcase, with "metal flaps to open." AD says he found an advertisement in the 1970 Playboy issue that was the source of much of Letter #3 for an attache case from Samsonite that fits the descriptions he gathered from all the known public sources of information – cheap, black, dark vinyl-leather-looking briefcase. AD also thinks a "Hartsmann" attache case could fit the bill.

Galen is absolutely convinced that Al Di is Curtis Eng. Galen says that he confronted Curtis on this and he deferred. He also said that AD told him that the Letter #3 originated in Scappoose, Oregon, and Galen believes that information would only be known by the FBI. When Galen pushed Curtis on this issue, Curtis curtailed his email exchange with Galen, as did Al Di. I very strange and telling piece of synchronicity.

I'll report back soon with more information if this is helpful. Let me know.
BTW: Is Moriarty Reichenbach, as was discussed on the Forum today?

Lastly, I received this email today from Lars. It refers to the DB Cooper Decoded website run by Al Di. Apparently it went dark today, after having been in operation since August 2011. I assume that Lars/Moriarty shut it down. After receiving this email, my connection to Lars was severed, and my emails to him are now bouncing back to me.
12. From Lars (September 9, 2015)
   Have you been to today?
   Oh no!!

« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 07:34:55 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #678 on: September 09, 2015, 10:01:08 PM »
I believe this subject needs to be closed to the public from this point on Bruce. I understand your concerns with the issue's at hand, but believe this needs to go through the proper channels from this point on and shouldn't be discussed any further for everyone's safety until this has been investigated properly....things are being stated that can be considered sensitive material. this could cause matters to turn for the worse exposing this type of activity before everything is fully understood at this point and time.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #679 on: September 09, 2015, 10:17:41 PM »
Okay, Shut.

I just want everyone to know that I have just filed an IC3 complaint with the feds on Lars/Moriarty/Reichenbach. For those who would like more information on this issue as it develops, just email me or call.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 10:18:16 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #680 on: September 09, 2015, 10:25:55 PM »
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Okay, Shut.

I just want everyone to know that I have just filed an IC3 complaint with the feds on Lars/Moriarty/Reichenbach. For those who would like more information on this issue as it develops, just email me or call.

Understood, like I said, I do understand your concerns, but sometimes it just makes things worse. I just feel it's not something to discuss on the forum at this time. you have every right to be concerned, so I hope you understand my point of view on this.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #681 on: September 09, 2015, 11:38:07 PM »
I hope to hear more views about the recent files we now have. someone is looking into putting the files into a word format. I think that's a good idea to have them all in one we should be able to copy/paste.  8)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 08:22:35 PM by Shutter »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #682 on: September 10, 2015, 12:14:09 AM »
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Yep, I thought it was Flo, but got the part about the purse incorrect. it appears she was talking about Alice getting her purse. it's also the last PDF, and not the 5th one in the vault. oops... :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

no problem - there is much to digest and place in order with these files ...

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #683 on: September 11, 2015, 12:05:55 AM »
Just to let people know. a member has put all of the new files/transcripts into one easy file, and put all the names in place where the FOIA had them removed/'s file #7 in the vault....

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #684 on: September 11, 2015, 10:43:20 PM »
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Just to let people know. a member has put all of the new files/transcripts into one easy file, and put all the names in place where the FOIA had them removed/'s file #7 in the vault....

I greatly appreciate the effort and time it took to do this, so ya'll don't slam me......I know they were probably rushing trying to get them out but they need to be proofed.
It might not be a big deal since the originals are still there, but if we ever lost the originals...... if everyone hasn't already saved a copy...... Some of the typos are innocuous but others change the meaning of the actions and context. For example, in the second interview, in Alice's account the pronoun WE is substituted for HE as in we asked for this and we wanted that.  Not trying to be nit-picky but.........well I guess i am --it's a bad habit :)  :)
still appreciate this ..thanks to whoever did it.....I'll be glad to proof it if you want since you did the major work.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #685 on: September 11, 2015, 10:53:28 PM »
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Just to let people know. a member has put all of the new files/transcripts into one easy file, and put all the names in place where the FOIA had them removed/'s file #7 in the vault....

I greatly appreciate the effort and time it took to do this, so ya'll don't slam me......I know they were probably rushing trying to get them out but they need to be proofed.
It might not be a big deal since the originals are still there, but if we ever lost the originals...... if everyone hasn't already saved a copy...... Some of the typos are innocuous but others change the meaning of the actions and context. For example, in the second interview, in Alice's account the pronoun WE is substituted for HE as in we asked for this and we wanted that.  Not trying to be nit-picky but.........well I guess i am --it's a bad habit :)  :)
still appreciate this ..thanks to whoever did it.....I'll be glad to proof it if you want since you did the major work.

Sure, go ahead and proof it. I went through it and found some error's, but didn't catch the one's you have, or will. I can swap it out easily....


I have a lot of nightmare's on the website if you feel like a challenge  :o
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 10:55:38 PM by Shutter »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #686 on: September 11, 2015, 11:17:19 PM »
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Just to let people know. a member has put all of the new files/transcripts into one easy file, and put all the names in place where the FOIA had them removed/'s file #7 in the vault....

I greatly appreciate the effort and time it took to do this, so ya'll don't slam me......I know they were probably rushing trying to get them out but they need to be proofed.
It might not be a big deal since the originals are still there, but if we ever lost the originals...... if everyone hasn't already saved a copy...... Some of the typos are innocuous but others change the meaning of the actions and context. For example, in the second interview, in Alice's account the pronoun WE is substituted for HE as in we asked for this and we wanted that.  Not trying to be nit-picky but.........well I guess i am --it's a bad habit :)  :)
still appreciate this ..thanks to whoever did it.....I'll be glad to proof it if you want since you did the major work.

Sure, go ahead and proof it. I went through it and found some error's, but didn't catch the one's you have, or will. I can swap it out easily....


I have a lot of nightmare's on the website if you feel like a challenge  :o

99's proof of it would be welcomed!  ;) In fact I would pull it for a while until Smokin has time to proof it.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 11:18:56 PM by georger »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #687 on: September 11, 2015, 11:20:17 PM »
99's proof of it would be welcomed!

That's close to 100 proof....good stuff  :D :D :D


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #688 on: September 11, 2015, 11:57:50 PM »
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99's proof of it would be welcomed!

That's close to 100 proof....good stuff  :D :D :D

You could have no better proof reader-editor than Smokin.  8)

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #689 on: September 13, 2015, 11:11:30 PM »
Sorry guys - I got about half way through the document and then had to go out of town unexpectedly --  just got back a little while ago but I will finish going through the word document sometime this week and send it to Shutter.

It's a little more work than I thought because it's paraphrased in a lot of places to exclude a lot of g-speak redundancy -- which is a good thing but I want to avoid adding any unintentional bias, context, or meaning so I'm basically sticking to the script - but continuing the original word document owner's practice of deleting all the "she said that" at the beginning of every sentence and a couple of other redundancies.
I'm also not quite sure I agree with a couple of the redacted names - but I'm also not sure what is correct -- so I will point those out and maybe we can get a consensus of agreement. so bear with me......

Thanks, Smokin