I highly recommend perusing FBI Cooper FOIA dump #45, it's entertaining to see how much energy the FBI spent investigating a guy who apparently drowned in Aug of 1969.
Why, is it interesting? (to you) ? What does it prove? Are you saying it is an example of bad investigation, wasted, when people could have been doing better more productive things?
I was just sitting here thinking, asking myself, where in the long tired history of Cooper forums and Cooper geniuses, has anybody ever formulated an actual "proposal" for researching some aspect of the Cooper case, and then gone out and done it! Well, here is one proposal that the author made sure got press attention, then the project either got snagged, got too complicated to conduct, or died due to too many cards in the hands of a High Stakes Hold Em" dreamer. You are not allowed to view links.
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LoginProposals are key to the world we live in. Proposals for academic research, books, bank loans and businesses, going to war, ............ everything! Proposals are hatched between people in Cooperland to out and destroy other people - all done from the anonymity some people enjoy in Cooperland and use to conduct their 'business'.
Lacking concrete proposals, people stumble around for years making claims, launching attacks to eliminate the competition ... and Dropzone is full of these "bad boys and bad girls" who practice their hegemony vs simply making proposals for actual research in ... the Cooper case .... and a whole audience of people read and watch and enjoy it like some kind of religion. Maybe it is a religion for some people?
Whatever happened to Ulis' proposal that Cooper landed on Bachelor Island just off the mythical West Path ? Was any searching actually done or was this only a press event? You are not allowed to view links.
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LoginProposals are the key to action. Tom & I discussed several proposals yesterday over the phone.