Its official - could see lights of Portland and specific areas. Long held propaganda DEAD!
" Contrary to our earlier belief, the crew told him that they could see the lights of Portland And other distinctive lights in that area, so given knowledge of the specific area the hijacker could very easily have made a jump to a specific location. "
See posts # 4294 on the Suspects and Confessions thread and post # 2858 on the Flight Path and Related Issues thread for additional comments on the above.
Anyone seriously interested in the above should also check the 8:00PM PST weather sequence report for Portland International Airport which shows an overcast at 5000 feet and several additional cloud layers below that. The airliner was flying at 10,000 feet at that time.
Same old same old - same thing you have been saying since 2009-10. Over 30 posts of the same old thing.
Then, finally on 12/9/19 you post something new, quote: "For large cities, Cooper may have been able to see the "glow" from the city lights but he would not be able to determine any land marks."
Thank you very much!
Now you retreat to the same old again.
And you reject something new.
Cant teach old dogs new tricks!
Georger, your claim is an outright lie! I have been consistent in what I said about the glow over the last 10 years.
You need to grow up, but based on a decade of your antics here and on DZ and other forums as well as private exchanges between us, that is not likely to happen.
Previous posts by R99 on this subject: Robt you have been consistent for years saying Cooper and the plane were locked in a black hole and could see nothing and no lights to give anyone on 305 an indication of where they were. The new 302 posted by FJ dispels that myth propagated by you for years. Now you call that 302 'hearsay'!

Here are your posts on this subject over the years.
R99 replied...Due to several cloud layers and an undercast, it is very unlikely that Cooper could have identified anything in the Lake Merwin area or that NWA 305 even passed close to that area. Bohan's flight path probably fits the Lake Merwin area better. December 21, 2010
R99 replied to Quade ..You apparently don't seem to understand that the weather in the Portland area at the time of the jump consisted of several cloud layers plus a complete overcast. Cooper could not see even the lights of Portland when he jumped. Regardless of the parachute's color, it would not be overly visible...June 5, 2011
R88 replied to Quade ...The weather information published in some of the books indicates that there was a complete overcast (total cloud cover) plus several additional broken layers of cloud . This effectively eliminates the possibility of seeing anything on the ground even by looking straight down. Sailshaw is trying to ...July 1, 2011
R99 replied to Quade ...The quote in Nuttall's book only addresses the fact that there was a dense cloud cover and overcast that prevented the airliner, flying at about 10,000 feet, from even seeing a "cloud glow" from those two cities. The ground conditions are meaningless in this case. However, the cloud layers , or...July 6, 2011
E99 replied ...all reliable weather sources indicate that there was an overcast at 5000 feet and three broken cloud layers below that. HOWEVER, I have stated that there was no storm in the Portland area and, basically, it was just routine Oregon/Washington weather that night.October 5, 2011
R99 replied ..there was a broken cloud layer at 3500 feet (which constituted the ceiling) and a complete overcast at 5000 feet. This puts Janet and Marla in the same category. I don't think the cloud layers would have stopped .. the sound, and what does that have to do with Marla? The cloud layers don't change...December 2, 2011.
Robert99 replied...the airliner was above an overcast and several cloud layers when it passed through the Portland area. The people on the airliner could not see the ground. And vice-versa, the people on the ground could not see the airliner. The Janet story, and other such claims, are nonsense.February 6, 2012
Robert99 replied...I have looked down at night time through clouds at quite a few areas of light glow, coming from various cities, over the last 50+ years. Nevertheless, the flight crew of the hijacked airliner said that the overcast and several layers of clouds below them that night were so thick that they could not see the light glow from the Portland and Vancouver areas." I have no idea where Robt99 got this statement on behalf of the whole "f...May 21, 2012
. Robert99 replied.: " the flight crew of the hijacked airliner said that the overcast and several layers of clouds below them that night were so thick that they could not see the light glow from the Portland and Vancouver areas." I have no idea where Robt99 got this statement on behalf of the whole "flight crew”. It’s ridiculous or something he made up. ...May 22, 2012
Robert99 replied...there where DEFINITE openings when Cooper could have got a casting of lights below the clouds . Witnesses just East of Heisson and North of Heisson - (four of them) said the PLANE was very low and the man claimed to see a shadow in above the cloud level. I think he could hear and was looking in th... May 15, 2013
Robert99 replied...There is mention in the weather hourly sequence reports of about three cloud layers with the top one being an overcast at 5000 feet. Such stable cloud layers support the existence of a stable
..air mass in general, that is, only minimal turbulence. The only other turbulence producing capability i... June 21, 2013
Robert99 replied...There were several cloud layers with an overcast reported at 5000 feet. Visibility at Portland was about 10 miles and there were light rain showers in the area. Himmelsbach's book states that the airliner was at 10,000 feet and in heavy rain at the time Cooper jumped. Recently, Rataczak (the c... August 15, 2013
Robert99 replied...if you think Cooper is going to locate his position by a glimpse through an overcast and two or three additional cloud layers in the middle of the night and while in the middle of nowhere, then I can only conclude that you do not have a realistic understanding of the situation that Cooper was in at...February 1, 2014
Robert99 replied...but the airliner was above several cloud layers and an overcast so that the river could not have been seen visually. In addition, the airliner was only over the river proper for a few miles (at more than three miles per minute groundspeed) so the probability of Cooper landing in water deliberately is zero... September 20, 2014
August 20, 2018, 12:19:47 PM » ..... feet and above an overcast and several additional cloud layers, it is highly unlikely that Rataczak could ............ lying when they apparently could see through the clouds and see the lights of Portland ? I’m waiting on ............ answer !
6/17/19 There is no way that Cooper could have known his location, even approximately, after the airliner took off from Seattle and climbed above the clouds into the night sky. So when Cooper did jump, he had no way of determining what was below him until he was below the lowest cloud level in a pitch black night.
$ 7/11/19 The atmosphere at Portland at the time of Cooper's jump was approximately two percent more dense than the standard atmospheric model. This is due to above standard sea level pressure and below standard temperature at both sea level and 10,000 feet.
$ 9/16/19 Georger, You posted several weeks ago that you had "experts" working on the placard problem and that they would expose EU and myself as frauds. Please hurry up and post their results. I can't hold my breath much longer waiting for the shoe to drop.
12/1/19 Once the airliner climbed out of SEATAC and got above the clouds and overcast, there is absolutely no way that Cooper could have known his geographical location within 20 or 30 miles. His obvious intent was to jump near Seattle shortly after take off but that didn't work out. So Cooper was jumping blind and had no idea of the landscape or elevation of the terrain that was under him when he jumped.
$ 12/2/19 Hell yes! Do you understand that Cooper blowing up the airliner could result in the deaths of not just the flight crew but a lot of people on the ground from the falling debris? This is probably the main reason that the flight crew would NEVER fly over the city of Portland when they could easily stay west of Portland and shorten their flight route by a few miles and a minute or two of time. Anyone who suggests that the flight path showing the airliner flying over Portland is correct doesn't understand what was happening!
$ 12/4/19 Nicky, that simply won't fly. Cooper couldn't see the ground in the first place, and you can't tell the wind direction by just dropping something out of an airplane.
$ 12/5/19 Basically, the problem with the Janet claim of flares is that they would be above an overcast and cloud layers as far as Janet was initially concerned and Cooper would not be able to see them when they went below the overcast
$ 12/7/19 This is just more silly nonsense from Georger. Anyone interested in knowing what the flight crew could see or not see from 10,000 feet should take a look at the 8:00 PM weather sequence report for Portland International Airport. Shutter has this report on this site.
Georger, here is some basic information for you. Water runs downhill. If Albert Einstein didn't say that then I did.
12/9/19 overcast at 5000 feet and two or three additional cloud layers below that. It is highly unlikely that ............ for any witness on the ground due to the multi layers of clouds in your model. You, have virtually ............ were factually expressing what they experienced, clouds and your layers-of-clouds notwithstanding ? ............ ! The "glow" is not on the ground! It is in the clouds! And water still runs downhill! For Georger's ............ " is a single word. reply>
12/9/19 …THE GLOW IN THE CLOUDS IS ATTACHED TO CITIES ON THE GROIUND ............ crew couldn't see the ground. And except for the clouds, they couldn't see the atmosphere either. This ......
12/9/19 ...
There was an overcast at 5000 feet and two or three additional cloud layers below that. It is highly unlikely that Cooper could see any land marks on the ground under those weather and night time conditions.
For large cities, Cooper may have been able to see the "glow" from the city lights but he would not be able to determine any land marks.