Alice Hancock, a full report:
Alice Hancock, Moriarty, Stuart Tomlinson, 9. 8. 15
I just spoke with Alice Hancock. She was polite but firm, saying she was "just not interested" in talking about the DB Cooper skyjacking.
"I've been asked so many times to talk about it. It's just too time consuming. Bye-bye."
And she hung up.
I wonder who all these people are who call her, because I have never seen an interview with her in print, nor have I ever seen any reference to her knowledge or experience of the skyjacking.
I got Alice's contact information from Moriarty last week as a “gift” for acting as an intermediary between him and Galen. Actually between a Lars Skoland, who is Moriarty's intermediary. So this was a four-way conversation. Moriarty-to-Lars-to me-to-Galen, and then the reverse.
Moriarty wanted Galen to send him the email addresses/ IP addresses/ or some such of his correspondence with Al Di (AD), so that he could determine who Al Di is.
Galen is still absolutely convinced that Curtis Eng and Al Di are one and the same person.
Galen sent me copies of many emails exchanged between him and AD in the August 2011 period, and he has asked me to only discuss snippets, or paraphrase the conversations and offer a summary.
The general gist of the Al Di-Galen conversation was an in-depth discussion of Letter #3. There were also some brief side conversations about Duane and Jo. In my book I have given a full picture of what they discussed.
However, one thing stood out. The emails that Galen sent me revealed that Stuart Tomlinson of the Oregonian had actually talked with Al Di, which shocked me. I had spoken with Tomlinson several years ago about this episode of Cooper lore, and he was vague and unrevealing! He didn't remember talking to Al Di – or he forget to mention it to me when I asked about Letter #3, Al Di and the role of the Oregonian in this event? C'mon, Stu! Yougottabekiddingme!!!!!
When we spoke, Stuart couldn't even tell me how the Oregon Today website posted Letter #3 on August 1, 2011. He figured somebody in the photography section scrounged up the letter as the Marla story was breaking, or in anticipation of the release of Geoffrey's book. But August 1 is way before all that started, so I discount Stuart's account.
But why is he zooming me?
It's stuff like this that makes me think cover-up. Alice doesn't have the time, Stuart can't remember, Al Di won't reveal himself, and Moriarty needs a go-between? WTF!