Who coined the term "The Cooper Vortex"? Was it Tom Kaye?
If it wasn't me, then I was an early user. Maybe it was a joint creation, too.
Back in 2011, Geoffrey Gray got a lot of traction in the media for his term: "Cooper Curse," and I was a little upset. I remember feeling the "curse" was over-stated, and was a little distorted - I didn't feel the investigatory dead-ends that were arising were that big a deal. At the DropZone I commented broadly that the curse was not that potent, not anywhere close to ongoing, daily CRAZINESS at the DZ, where Blevins, Jo Weber, Twisty Butt, Georger, Galen, Snowmman, and me (and others) were whipping each other into a frenzy.
In addition, people with seemingly sane minds were joining the chat rooms and become fanatics, usually in a good way. But their lives become devoted to researching the DB Cooper case - the confounding mysteries of Norjak were just sucking everyone in, with no one escaping.
So, I said: "Who cares about GG's 'Cooper Curse?' We've got something bigger right under our noses - the Cooper Vortex." It struck a chord and we've been using the term ubiquitously ever since. Just like the use of "DB" by the FBI within hours of the mix up with Clyde Jabin.