Of course, but the problem still remains with finding a free service to take over. it's ridiculous how they put a squeeze on you if you decide not to upgrade. first they put the watermark on the pics. then told me I exceeded the space allowed for free storage. I removed about 50 pics and then they turn around and blur things. what's free. blurred photo's?
I listen to Pandora in my trucks. they have a free service or a monthly fee. the first 6 months have been fine with playing what ever I ask and only get commercials on about the 6th or seventh song. now, ads run on every other song and I'm guessing it will soon be after every song until you bow to them and pay for ad free music. all this adds up paying 5 bucks here and 10 bucks there for 10 different things. the "couple bucks a month" adds up. they do the same with apps on a phone. Jack Blacks kid rang up $3,000 in one month. old Jack wasn't happy
i'll have to pay for a service the way I see it. same with Pandora.